[🍼] crying bunny - Seungmin X Skz

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We're adding new category - little space [🍼]!

Little - Seungmin

Caregiver(s) - Skz

And this is what Seungmin will be wearing(I'm in love with this so it will probably be much used):

And this is what Seungmin will be wearing(I'm in love with this so it will probably be much used):

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It was around six in the morning, stray kids member were awake, except for Seungmin.

The boy was peacefully sleeping in his bed, and would probably continue till like seven a.m, but loud noise woke him up and made him cry. Seungmin was scared of loud noises since very beginning.


"Jisung, you mother fucker!" HyunJin screamed at younger, chasing him, because the boy broke three glasses at one time, accidentally pushing them from the table.

While everything downstairs become a loud mess of laughs and screams, no one heard Seungmin crying.


Little tried to get up from bed himself, but he slipped to very young age because of fear and wasn't able to do it safely. He fell, scraping his right knee in the process. This made him cry even more and louder.


"Oh my god, my stomach hurts from laugh!" Felix giggled, looking at his tired from running around the house friends.

When everyone calmed down, Minho heard something, but was unable to say exactly what was that.

"Hey guys, do you hear something or am I crazy?" Everyone went silent.

"Isn't someone.. crying?" Changbin asked suspicious.

"But everyone's here" Felix looked around, "wait... Oh no, my baby!" Younger Lee immediately run upstairs to Seungmin's room. Minho second after.

It took others some second's to realise - Seungmin was crying. And when they finally did, they didn't wasted time and run to littles room.

When they get there, they saw Minho trying everything to calm down Seungmin and Felix who was cleaning Seungmin's scratch.

"Oh my god what happened?!" Chan fell on his knees and started watching what Felix was doing. Other joined, trying to catch littles attention from the two.

"He probably woke up from noise that Han made when he broke the glasses and we didn't heard him because of laughing. But, if you ask about this little scratch,.then I think he just fell from his bed." Felix explained everything.

Boys started to apologise to Seungmin for not hearing him and scaring him, but he barely understood them. He just gave all his attention to the paci he sucked and the little bunny mascot Minho gave him.

"We're so dumb..." HyunJin and Han looked at each other.

"You two are the dumbest beings I've ever met." Changbin said, picking up Seungmin and walking down stairs with him to make their little breakfast.

This is sooo bad I can't 😭
Btw let's hope that I'm not gonna almost (accidentally) drown myself again today :/

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