[🥀] Help me - 2min

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Depression sets in suddenly. You don't have to go through God knows what kind of suffering to get it. That's why it's so terrifying and mysterious. Even from simple lazing, you can turn into a suicidal person, which is a common phenomenon these days.

One of the many victims of this deadly disease is Kim Seungmin.

Seungmin is a young, beautiful man. He has a huge talent for singing and a cute face, thanks to which he made his debut in the band Stray kids. Fans and band members brought him a lot of joy, and awards, fame and money only made him happier. Unfortunately - being an idol also has a dark side. As a celebrity, your life will not always be a bed full of roses. Then there are the haters - dirty whores who, even if you're perfect, will pick on the way you breathe. Kim has done nothing wrong. He did not disturb others, respected everyone, sang well and, if necessary, moved into the shadows. He wasn't ugly either, in fact he was actually quite handsome. He didn't "squeak", he really sang wonderfully.

However, according to the haters, his smile was ugly and scary, which is not true at all. They started insulting him, hitting him with the biggest stupidities in the world. And Seungmin is a really sensitive person. He took every criticism personally, trying to be perfect, even for the haters. He tried too hard, and his actions, emotions, behavior, and most of all, his thoughts began to come full circle.

Because to those who offend him, he will never be too good.

What if his band mates think his getting them down?

What if everyone thinks like this?

These questions he asked himself every day, killing his psyche for Amen.

Then Lee Minho came into his life. It is true - he knew him for many years, even before his debut, but when Lee began to leave permanent marks in his head and heart, everything changed. The depression was terrible, but then there was Minho.

His Minho.


Seungmin, along with Lee, "argued" with the band for a long time about changing rooms. They wanted a room together. And when they did, everything was even better. Seungmin could wake up in Minho's warm arms without fear of someone else doing it. He could wear his clothes all the time and smell his scent - as the only one. Minho made him feel loved, pushing bad thoughts aside.

And then everything seemed to fall apart.

Minho had to go on hiatus to care of his sick mother. He moved in with her for treatment, and the Stray kids dorm wasn't the same anymore. Seungmin wasn't the same anymore. He couldn't smile and cried loudly every night, worrying the band, and worrying the fans with his dark circles under eyes, red eyes and sad expression.

Minho, although he didn't have time, tried to talk to him on the phone, but it wasn't enough. Kim needed his presence, his sweet voice, his pleasant hugs, the smell of his perfume. He wanted his love, and when he couldn't get it, he wanted nothing else. But he wasn't like a spoiled child who roars if he doesn't get what he wants.


Seungmin was crying like hell, blood slowly flowing from his wrists and thighs. He cut himself - the first and probably the last time. He didn't like it. The pain was not pleasant. And yet he continued, starting to cut the skin close to the veins. He didn't want to die - death wasn't his goal. He wanted to escape the mental pain by replacing it with physical pain.

And here you have to admit that he was damn lucky. Minho's mom recovered and Lee went back to the dorm.

The young man greeted the band, but when they told him about what happened with Kim in his absence, he immediately ran to their shared bedroom.

“Seungie, are you here?” he asked, looking around the room.

"Save me, Minnie..." He heard a soft, beautiful and melodious voice coming from behind the half-open bathroom door. Seungmin needed him right now, and he wasn't afraid to ask him for help.

Minho slowly entered the bathroom, looking at his love. His legs buckled under him and he fell to his knees. He crawled to the younger one and snuggled his, practically naked (Minnie has only boxers on), body into his. He didn't care about the blood on his clothes - after all, they can be washed, and in the worst case, thrown away. And no one can replace Seungmin.

"I'm here, baby, don't cry..." He kissed the top of his head. He'd never done it before - he was afraid. But there is no room for fear in this situation. He loved young Seungmin too much not to show it now. "I'm right next to you, sunshine..."

"M-Minnie..." He cried in his arms.

"There, there, shh... We will wash the blood away, we're disinfecting the wounds, and I will hugging you for all the times, okay, baby?" Kim nodded in response."Don't scare me like that ever again. I love you too much to lose you..."

There it is...
And guys, remember that my dm's are always open. You can test me any time with any problem, even if you don't want me to respond. I can always dete the conversation later, just to make you feel comfortable.

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