[💋/💓] No way - 2min

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Alternative end from one shot "No way back"!
Please, read the previous one shot to know the plot.

One day, when Minho come back from work, he saw Seungmin crying in living room, drinking some fancy wine.

"What the fuck, Seungmin?" Older 'asked', walking closer to younger. "Your drinking? And crying? AGAIN?"


"No 'maybe'! What are you doing with yourself?!"

"Okey, What do you want?! Do you want me to apologise? Or why should I do in your opinion?!"

"I don't want a fucking apologies, Seungmin, I want to know the reason!"

"Alright! I'll tell you the reason! It's because of you and JiSung! Because of that stupid Minsung ship and that stupid series! I'm tired of all of this ship! The ship, the series and this.. this dumb Han!"

"Don't you dare fucking call him dumb, you idiot!" Minho slapped Seungmin in face. That hard that it leaved red hand mark. "Your just a stupid fucking slut that would ment nothing without me and your calling someone really important for me dumb?! You and your useless appearance couldn't be anything in this world if not me!"

The silent went through the room.

"Is that what you really think?" Seungmin sobbed, running towards their room, almost falling on stairs.

The reality hit Minho. He NEVER ment to say this. He DON'T think like this. He DON'T wanted to hurt his baby. It just.. came out of his mouth.

Minho rushed to their room, seeing Seungmin packing his stuff, holding on his stomach that hurted from crying.

"No, baby, don't leave me, I'm beginning, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to! I'll do anything, just please give me the second chance!" Minho fell on his knees, begging.

"I love you Minho, but please let me go. I'm tired, and I don't think I can do this anymore. You even forgot our anniversary... I was patiently waiting for you to choose me over Jisung, but you never did. I have to leave, or else we could hurt ourselves." Seungmin kneeled in front of older, pulling him into last, passionate, long, full of all the emotions, sloppy kiss. It lasted a few minutes during which they both lost themselves even more in each other. Seungmin knew he need to and this and run, if he don't want to feel for older once again, harder.

But he couldn't stop. Minho's lisp were so addictive.

Seungmin kissed harder, his fingers traveled to olders hair, playing with them.
Minho's hand's make their way under Seungmin's shirt, pulling him closer.
Minho wrapped his arms around youngers thin waist, scared that he could loose him.

Seungmin let out a little moan when their crotches accidentally rubbed against each other, heating already hot atmosphere in the room.
There's no way Seungmin could run away. Now he knows that. He's too addicted of Minho to leave him, no matter what.

"I love you, Minnie." Seungmin smiled when he heard Minho calling him his favourite name.

"I love you to." Younger answered. Minho picked him up, placing him on the bed that was actually right beside them.

After just few minutes, both of them were naked, making out. Minho's lips traveled from Seungmin's lips to his cheeks, jawline, neck, chest and stomach, covering him with hickey's and love bites.

"My" kiss "pretty" kiss "perfect" kiss "smart" kiss "sweet" kiss "baby" Minho said in the middle of kissing youngers thighs, making Seungmin smile again. He loved when Minho was just like that.

Minho took lube, that was in night stand, and spread some on his fingers, pushing one in Seungmin's needy hole. Moving his finger faster and easier, he added another one. The third was exactly the easiest one to go all way in and all way out without Seungmin's whines.

"F-Faster, Min, I want you already..!" Seungmin whispered cutely, squirming on bed.

"Are you sure your ready, pup?"


"Alright, but hold my hand, baby. I want you to be as close and touchy with me as possible right now." Seungmin hummed, looking at older with puppy eyes.

Minho slowly entered him, showering his face with kisses to make him distracted.

"S-So big.." Seungmin moaned.

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