[💋] This is also riding - Minsung

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Lee Minho is a horse rider. He has been with horses from an early age, because his parents run stables. He stayed with them even as a baby, and although he does not remember it, he has photos in the album. For example, on one he is only a few months old. His mother held him in her arms, as he stroked the horse's mane with his tiny hand, looking with wide eyes at his actions. There are also photos of Minho laughing, with his mom in the background apologizing to a crying girl after little Lee scared her so much. The photo is not of outstanding quality, because Minho's father, laughing at the whole situation, could not keep the camera in one place. The future is also connected with these majestic animals. He already has a few "fans" who often come to his competitions to cheer him on.

Among these "fans" is Han Jisung. He's at every single one of his competitions, loudly chanting his name when he wins. Sometimes he even gives him homemade cookies, which are always accompanied by a love note in which Han writes down all the emotions, heart palpitations, blushing cheeks as he watches Minho. Lee always reads them carefully, hiding each in a safe place, and when he has a bad day, he opens them, re-reading the contents.

Oh, what he wouldn't give to get to know the "mysterious" Han Jisung...


Lee Minho has just finished his very successful run around the track. He was walking from his horse - Leebit - giving him treats as was flooded with a wave of kisses. Leebit is his best friend, he would never trade him for any other horse.

When after x time the judges announced that they had the results, he stood stressed, clutching the reins in his hand.

"... And most important,
first place goes to..." The man stopped talking for a moment, building tension. "Invincible Lee Minho! Congratulations!"

The assembled audience started cheering and chanting his name. Lee cuddled up to the horse, but after a while he stopped, catching one voice in the audience - male, yet gentle and so pleasant to the ear. He looked around at the people and spotted a young-looking boy. He had brown hair, chocolate eyes, pale skin. He was slim, and his cheeks were like those squirrels. He screamed his name. Lee Minho, like NEVER, blushed, making eye contact with the boy. He gently tugged the horse, which followed him without resistance towards the people. They stopped focusing on him, but only on his parents, who received a reward for him. They've always done that because Minho hated being the center of attention, except for his rides.

Minho walked over to the railing. The boy was standing right next to her to get a good view of his idol/crush, if you prefer.

"Don't you have a note for me today and those outstanding cookies?" He chatted, watching the boy's reaction.

"I-I.. I have, I have! Of course I have! I couldn't forget. I wouldn't forgive myself if I forgot. I'm sorry... I'm talking too much? I definitely talk too much. Sorry!" He was in a hurry. He grabbed a packet of cookies in his hands, shoving them out in front of him. Additionally, ashamed, he bowed. Don't know why or what.

"Hey, Hey. Don't bow to me." He chuckled. "I'm not some god or something... As for your talkativeness... I like it. I like listening. Would you like to go to the dressing room with me? I'd love to hear what you have to say." He smiled pleasantly.

"Oh my God! Really?!" Min nodded, smiling. "Sure it is!"


Once in Min's locker room, Jisung couldn't be happier. He was with his idol, alone. He could talk to him, and he wanted to listen.

"I really love cookies from you." Minho said with his mouth full. He had crumbs all over his chin and mouth.

"I'm really glad! The ones you're eating now, I baked this morning at five o'clock." He chuckled. "You're covered in crumbs!" Han frowned as he stepped closer to Lee. He ran his thumb over the older man's soft, raspberry lips. He watched with fascination as the crumbs disappeared from the boy's mouth, collecting on his thumb. With great satisfaction, he put the aforementioned finger to his lips, licking the crumbs. During this moment, he looked deep into the older man's eyes, and he seemed to be in another world: dreamy eyes, slightly pink cheeks, parted lips, hair blown in every direction.

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