[🔥] Cute Maknae's - MinJeongLix

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Quick info: I'll use [🔥] also when it's just fingering (not only mentioned/not detailed smut) and [💋] when it's more detailed smut or fucking.

Minho grew more needy with every second, every time one of his maknae's touched or kissed his thighs smoothly avoiding his crotch.

The oldest from the three moaned softly when he felt Felix's small hand over his clothed member.

"Can we take it off?" Felix asked with no honorifics, tugging gently on the button on Minho's shorts.

Older Lee nodded, the blond haired boy undoing the button and unzipping the fly to quickly take it off of Minho.

"Can we taki it off, too?" Asked Jeongin, pulling the elastic from Minho's boxers.

He nodded again, lifting himself up a little bit to make it easier for the maknae to take the clothing off of him. When boxers were completely off, leaving him in shirt only, Minho spread his legs apart wide, giving the maknae's perfect view on his pink little hole.

Both of the maknae's licked their lips at the sight infront of them.

They loved their Hyung's thick milky white thighs, plump bubbly butt and tight pink hole, clenching on nothing. Minho's dick twitching when he saw both of his cutest members between his legs.

"Lino so pretty..." Felix kissed Minho's left thigh before sucking gently on the spot.

"So perfect, only for us..." I.N started marking his right thing. Minho let out soft cries from his member and hole not getting any attention from the top's.

"Lino wan' us to make him cum?" Felix asked, somehow managing to spread his legs even wider.

Minho nodded again, slipping deeper into his subspace which made him usable to answer in any other way.

"May I?" Jeongin again asked for consent to do anything more, afraid to cross his Hyung's boundaries.

Minho whinned needy, which Yang understood as yes.
Jeongin leaned in and give a few licks on Minho's hole before pushing his tongue in. Minho moaned loudly, throwing his head back.

Jeongin was eating his out so needy and passionately that it looked as he was really trying to eat Minho.

Meanwhile Felix wrapped his fingers around olders untouched cock. He changed his position a little and wrapped his lips around the tip, sucking on it gently and using his tongue.

At that moment, Jeongin exchanged his tongue to finger that he slowly pushed inside older, teasing his rim.

Minho was squirming, trying to move his hips to push his cock deeper into Felix's mouth. Felix got the message and took Minho's whole small length, that barely hit his throat.

Jeongin added second finger and started pulling them in and out faster. When he added third finger, he reached Minho's prostate.

Their actions made Minho cum into Felix's mouth. Felix pulled away from him, kissing Jeongin. Both of them moaned at sweet taste of Minho's cum.

You guys wanted threesome? There you go.

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