[🔥/🥀/💓] Step dad(dy) - HyunMin, pt.3

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After few days, the day Seungmin's mother should come back came. Unfortunately, Seungmin nor HyunJin notice their week alone was already over, and now...

They we're having some fun.

To be exact - HyunJin was fucking Seungmin senselessly in living room (yes, again).

And maybe they could get away with everything for now, but luck definitely wasn't on their side today. TaeRa finished her work a bit early, so she could get back to her house few hours before she planned. She decided to make it a surprise for her son and boyfriend.

To her suprise, when she walked inside the house, she heard loud moans from the living room. She only took her shoes off and still holding her jacket, bag and some paper, she made her way to where she herd moans from.

Her first thought - HyunJin was cheating or Seungmin was having his first time.

But when she got closer and closer, she realised to who the moaned belonged. It was her son, and no matter of he moans, screams or talk, she will always recognise his sweet, angelic voice that sound so alike to his biological fathers.

Well, she wasn't wrong about HyunJin cheating, and she wasn't wrong about that it was Seungmin's moans.

You could guess - she will be sad. But no.

"I didn't get birth to fucking fag!" She screaming, throwing first thing she grabbed (remote)  at Seungmin.

TaeRa didn't care at all if HyunJin was cheating - for her he's just a man. But the thing she hated the most are 1. Gay people, and 2. Black people.

But yet, even if she hated HyunJin for being gay, she hated her son more for that.

For a second Seungmin was completely shocked, HyunJin the same. The older was first one to understand the situation. He pulled out of the boy, covered him with a blanket and started putting on clothes.

"You disgust pice of shit! I wish you were never born!" Seungmin sat up, the blanket fell exposing his chest and stomach. TaeRa throwed a glass at Seungmin. "Die! You ugly fag!" The glass hit Seungmin before HyunJin could react, cutting his skin in some places. "I hate you!"

"Seunminnie!" HyunJin knelt in front of the scared and hurt boy. The blood on his milky skin made him see red. "Are you fucking crazy?!" HyunJin stood up and walked over TaeRa. "His your son, you crazy old witch!" Twenty five year old slapped her face, then grabbed her wrists and pulled her into 'their' room and closed her there with key.

Few seconds later he was already beside Seungmin, cleaning the blood and trying to calm his down.


It took him about an hour to calm down Seungmin, help him get dressed and pack all of his things. Then they packed them into Hyunjin's car.

After that, HyunJin grabbed suitcases and went to get his own things.

"What the fuck, Hyun?! You choose some stupid fag over ME?!" TaeRa shouted once he started packing his things, clothes, etc.

"Don't call your own son "stupid fag" and yes, I'm choosing him! I wouldn't even look at you if that wasn't to get close to Seungmin!" HyunJin told her the truth.

"He's not my son anymore and what does he even have to offer!? You definitely have better sex with me!"

HyunJin fought the urge to facepalm.

"No, I don't. I was telling you several times to stop, and you didn't, you'd stupid old rapist!" HyunJin closed first suitcase.

"But I have more money than him!"

"No, you don't. The money you talk about is mine." TaeRa rolled her eyes, not wanting to agree even if she knew it's true.

Five minutes passed by, HyunJin was walking out of the house with his things and to the accompaniment of TaeRa's screams.

He quickly packed his suitcases in car and drove away with Seungmin.

(Seungmin is 18 so TaeRa can't force him to stay even tho she doesn't want him to)

In half way to Hyunjin's apartment,. Seungmin got a message.

Don't ever come back
I fucking hate you
Go die
Your worthless
If your dad was alive, he
would hate you too

There was more texts with every minute.

HyunJin noticed. "Block her. She isn't worth your tears." He grabbed Seungmin's hand. "I'm here, everything will be alright, I promise. You will love leaving with me, my sweet boy."

Seungmin smiled through tears.

He loved the idea of starting new life with HyunJin, but at thee same time it hurts to loose his mother...

If someone feel sorry for Seungmin's mother - go to hell :P

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