[💋] Step dad(dy) - HyunMin

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This book is so close to 60k views.. thank you all so much, I definitely don't deserve THIS MUCH, so I'm really grateful<333

(Also little info: from now I won't be adding information on who is top who's bottom before the smut)

Seungmin's dad died when he was five years old. It didn't affect him this much since he didn't have strong relationship with his father. The man was never at home, wasn't paying any attention to his son. He didn't even bothered doing anything more than repeating to Seungmin that he have to be a real man whenever he cried. Remember, he was telling that to 3/4/5 years old kid!

Years passed by and Seungmin was healthy, beautiful and smart, young eighteen years old boy. He had his group of loyal friends, six in total, that he met on first day of high school.

There was also another change in Seungmin's life, that happened when he was sixteen; his mother moved on from his father and found herself a new partner. A seven years older than Seungmin man named Hwang HyunJin. HyunJin was always treating him right - talking to him when he thought Seungmin needed it, helping him with homework, driving him to school and spoiling him literally like crazy. The only thing he didn't like about HyunJin was his age. He didn't thought it was really alright for him to date woman almost twice his age (Seungmins mother is 40 something). But he didn't want to make the older or his mom uncomfortable, so he kept his slightly disgust to himself, since in his opinion age gaps that have more that 10 years are just inappropriate.

Okay, there wasn't just one thing, even tho the age gap was the main one.

There was also HIS and HyunJin's age gap; it wasn't big enough for him to make anyone believe HyunJin is his father since HyunJin definitely doesn't look old enough to be father and never tries to hide his age. (If you're confused: Seungmin is 18, HyunJin 25).

And one last thing - Hyunjin's looks. Seungmin was thirteen when he discovered he likes boys, and HyunJin was perfect description of his type; longer blond hair, handsome face, healthy and muscular body, and GOD, those hand were killing him!

(For confused people: now we're talking about 18 years old Seungmin, his 16 years old self was mentioned just to say how old was he when him and HyunJin meet)

Seungmin knew it was even not than inappropriate. He felt disgusting about himself for doing that.

But he just couldn't help but imagine those big, veiny hands touching him in all unholy ways possible. Teasing his nipples, stroking him hard member, fingering him, choking him...

And when his mother went had to go to different city for work for a week and HyunJin told him he won't be home for the first day of her delegation, he took it as perfect opportunity to let himself deal with the tension he was hiding in for almost two years because he couldn't bring himself to touch himself when someone was in the house, and there was always someone.

"Bye, omma!" Seungmin hugged his mother tightly, the woman giggling when she was tears in her son's eyes. He was definitely mommy's boy.

"Oh, you little kid will miss omma, huh?" He laughed, patting him on head like puppy. It was family (and his friends) inside joke; calling Seungmin a puppy or petting him like one. "Don't worry, you won't even notice and I will be back! You still have HyunJin with you, too! I'm sure he won't let you feel alone."

"Of course I won't! But since I'll be gone for a whole day and night, will you be missing me, too?" HyunJin made puppy eyes. Not as cute as Seungmin's, but still the most adorable in eighteen years old boy eyes.

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