[💋] Only yours - Changjin

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Top - HyunJin

Bottom - Changbin

Changbin had been gearing up for his movie marathon for two days now.  He preferred watching movies or TV shows alone, so when all the Stray kids members, except for the reluctant Hyunjin, went to the party, he stayed. He sat on the couch in a comfortable position and covered himself with a blanket. He grabbed the remote, open up Netflix, and started looking for a movie to start his movie night. When he found the perfect candidate, he remembered he hadn't taken any snacks - and what's a movie marathon without crisps or other unhealthy treats?

With that in mind, he got up lazily, muttering something unintelligible under his breath. He trudged into the kitchen, opening and closing each cupboard one by one, looking for something tasty. Then he came across his beloved gummies, and right next to them lay chips in his favorite flavor. Unfortunately, there was one catch - they were on the top shelf. Changbin started to jump up and stick out his hand as much as he could, but still couldn't catch them. Ugh, stupid Chan who forbade him from climbing the cupboard!

As he tried to grab the snacks again, gently lying down on the counter and stretching out, he felt someone behind him. A hand rested on his hip and another grabbed a bag of chips. Changbin instinctively turned around in surprise, even though there was only one other person in the house.

And that was a mistake.

He saw Hyunjin. The taller man had hazy eyes, slightly pink cheeks. His chest was rising extremely fast, and his warm breath was quickly blowing over Seo's face. The shorter gulped, and his heart, for reasons unknown to him, sped up.

"H-Hyunjin..." He whispered the boy's name in front of him, mentally cursing himself for stuttering. "Thank you..." He took the package from his hand, forgetting about the jelly beans that were still on the shelf. He was about to leave and ignore his burning cheeks, but Hyunjin wouldn't let him.

“Where are you going?” Hwang asked. He had a very masculine voice, deep and at the same time so calm, which now seemed to Changbin like the most beautiful music.

"T-To the living room.. I wanted to watch a movie..." He replied, looking away. Or rather - wanting to look away. Hyunjin held his chin, preventing him from doing so.

"I don't think so, baby boy." After these words, Hyunjin just snatched the chips from him, throwing them somewhere on the counter, and then kissed Changbin without any qualms.

For the shorter, the world seems to have stopped. Hyunjin's lips has been a dream for him for a good two months now. They were just like the ones he'd dreamed of - soft, warm, strawberry flavored like the lipstick his secret crush used to use.

When he felt the boy want to pull away (because Changbin didn't return the kiss) Changbin threaded his fingers into HyunJin's hair, deepening the kiss. The butterflies in his stomach had a dance party, tickling him gently.
A moment later, he was even more ashamed when Hwang grabbed him under the thighs and sat him on the counter.
Unfortunately - the oxygen in their lungs ran out, ending the kiss. They pulled away reluctantly, gasping for air.

"I really want you... I've wanted you for a long time." Hyunjin confessed, his lips starting to explore and explore every nook and cranny of Seo's neck.

"F-For a long time...?"

- Mmm. Your body ... I'm very attracted to it." The taller one placed his hands on his thighs, immediately moving them to his hips, ending the journey with a sculpted belly. "Recently, I accidentally caught you playing with yourself... Why didn't you come to me? I would help.” Changbin was silent. It was damn embarrassing. "Are you silent? So you're naughty, huh?" Seo shook his head vigorously. "A good boy should answer his daddy nicely..."

Changbin inhaled greedily, and his dick began to ache and throb more.

"Hyunjin has a Daddykink?" - He thought. - "Damn, it shouldn't excite me so much..." - Hyunjin snapped him out of his thoughts, placing a strong slap on his ass.

"Answer me, darling. You don't want to upset your daddy…" Hyunjin murmured directly into his ear.

"I-I was ashamed..." He told the truth. Changbin, that day, for a moment really considered going to Hyunjin, but he was afraid that he would laugh at him and thus destroy their relationship.

"There was nothing to be ashamed of, honey... I'd love to help you." Hwang bit his earlobe, moving his hand to his crotch."So, if you're a good boy, you know what you should call me?" Changbin only nodded shyly in response. "Call me that, baby... I want to hear it from you."

"D-Daddy…" the boy whispered. We can only guess what shade of red his cheeks were. "Please, Daddy..."

"What are you asking for, baby boy?"

"Take me. Ruin me and mark me... Let everyone know I'm yours..." Seo whispered. Hyunjin was out of breath.

"We're going to my bedroom."


With a noticeable dose of delicacy, Hyunjin placed Changbin on his bed. He hovered over it, looking at it as if it were the most precious treasure. And that's how Changbin felt - like the most important person in the world. Only Hyunjin could make him feel this way.

"Get undressed and bend over for daddy." He ordered, and Changbin immediately began to obey.

At the same time, Hyunjin got rid of his clothes and found some strawberry lube. When he looked at Changbin, he lost his breath again.

"Remember, darling, only I can see you like this. Only I can touch you. Only I can make you cum. No one else. Understood?"

"Y-Yes, Daddy.."

"You're mine," he said, and a moment later Changbin's scream echoed around the room. Hyunjin entered him in one motion - no stretching and no protection, only lube on his dick. "Shit, you're so tight.."

"J-Jinnie...!" shouted the boy. "S-Slow down..."

“What you should call me?” he asked, ignoring the request.


"My good boy..." Hyunjin whispered, starting to kiss his chiseled back. "Only mine..."

"O-Only yours..."

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