[💓] Sick - Jeongmin

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Requested by: Emma99128 <3

Since Seungmin woke up, he wasn't feeling well. He had headache, stomachache and he barely stood up from bed because of back pain.

I can do it, it's just some stupid cold, right? He told himself in mind, then bit his lips in pain, stopping only after he felt blood in his mouth. Shit. What a bad day.

Seungmin quickly put on some comfortable clothes, which I mean are: Comfortable short sweatpants (to knee) and brown hoodie with something fur-like on it and puppy ears on hood.

After he took first-best painkillers and drank some water, he went to Minho's car and waited for other members to go to the practice.

"Hi baby~" Greeted him his boyfriend, Jeongin, by kissing his forehead, cheek and then lips for a little longer.

"Ew, get a room lovebirds!"HyunJin fake cringed, but stopped when he felt Minho slapping his thigh really hard and giving him death stare.


Once they arrived to the practice, Seungmin felt a little bit worse. And Jeongin of course noticed how his lover become more weak, tired and pale.

"Baby, what's wrong?" Younger asked Seungmin and pulled him into a hug by weist.

"Nothing, innie, I'm fine." Seungmin forced himself to smile lightly, then kissed his boyfriend's lips and pulled away to get into position to dance.


Thee practice was really hard for Seungmin today. He was getting more and more (stan TWICE) distracted from dance do to his pain.

But after he fell while spinning, one of staff members had enough.

"Oh my god, Seungmin, what is wrong with you?! Can't you do a simple spin? Ur useless!" She shouted at him, making him want to cry.

BangChan, Minho and Changbin started to defend Seungmin and argue with a woman, HyunJin was holding Felix and JiSung, who wanted to... Hurt the lady.

But Seungmin? He felt like he was dying. He could get up because of his back pain, tears were running down his cheeks as he fainted, gaining everyone's attention. Especially Jeongin's.

"Minnie!" Jeongin immediately appeared by his side, kneeling down beside him. "Minnie, baby, don't fool around, wake up! Chan! Chan his not waking up!" Maknae begin to panic as Chris checked Seungmin's temperature.

"Oh fuck, he has really high fever (Stan Enhypen)." Leader mumbled. "Jeongin, please, take him to dorm while we.. kindly explain this lady her place. We will talk to manager, then buy some medicine, something to eat and then we will be back at dorm, ok?"

Jeongin nodded, picking his boyfriend up.


Seungmin woke up on the neck day and noticed that Jeongin was sleeping while sitting on chair beside his bed, still lightly holding his hand.

"Innie.. Innie, wake up and come sleep on bed~" Seungmin whispered softly.

Jeongin woke up and pulled him into a hug, making him whine from pain.

"Oh god, you have no idea how worried I was!"

"After seeing you sleep by my side whole night on chair? I think I can imagine." Seungmin chuckled, his headache got better.

"C'mon, let's get some sleep." Seungmin tapped space by his side and Jeongin quickly got there, hugging Seungmin.

Wow this is shit.

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