[💋] Bad puppy - ot8

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Ot8 one shot ! Seungmin center

❗ Warnings - puppy kink, daddy's kink and other very weird stuff.....

[Skz are in relationship all with each other]

Most of the time Seungmin is really patient, kind and just good person. His respectful to others, never doing anything that could make someone uncomfortable.

But.. today he was complete opposite; ignoring his boyfriends, making rude and mean comments towards them. Just begin a completely brat.

But one moment...


Seungmin was rubbing against Changbin's member, doing sexy face expressions towards Hyunjin and moaning a little, making the other two, and Jeongin with Felix who also was there, completely hard.

And then just got up giggling, making a few steps to doors.

"Where do you think your going?" Felix asked in his deep voice. You could say he's horny and pissed just by the tone he used.

"My room, I get bored." Seungmin casually answered. He smiled cutely and leave the room.


...Stray kids member's had enough.

He was teasing them, leaving and then ignoring them for all day long, and now all they wanted is to make him regret his attitude.

Four boys made their way to Chan (who was always there for them if they didn't know what to do) and ask him to call Minsung duo and punish Seungmin. Older, of course, agreed and in next few minutes all seven boys went to find Seungmin.


"Seungmin, Seungmin, Seungmin... You know how you pissed off all of us today?" Minho asked as he entered the room first, other's just after him surrounding the bed and Seungmin who was sitting on it.

"I know~! It was so fun seeing all of you that horny and then just leave!" Seungmin laughed.

"Yeah! So fucking funny! Ha ha!" JiSung faked a laugh.

Felix and Jeongin grabbed Seungmin's hoodie, taking it off of him. One minute after; Seungmin was all naked, feeling VERY shy begin the only one wearing nothing as everyone staring at him.

Chan and Changbin pinned his ankles and wrists to the bed frame, completely exposing youngers body.

Then, Seungmin felt something hard and wet against his hole. He gasped shocked, looking down there. Minho pushed little egg-shaped pink vibrator inside him.

"W-Wait! What about pre- AGH!" He screamed as toy started vibrating on the highest level, then on the lowest and again and again.

This was making him going CRAZY and so needy. He didn't want some stupid toy now, he wanted a real dick inside him; No matter which of his partners.


After like five minutes, he couldn't take it anymore.

"I-I'm begging, please! Innie, Lixie, J-Jinnuie, Sungie... Lino~!?" He was screaming and moaning, almost unable to breathe. "Channie... Binnie...?"

"Don't beg just now, puppy, we're just started. Wait for real fun..." Felix said in the deepest and sexier voice he could.

Seungmin went completely weak and numb. All he wanted is their touch, but he knew he deserves that punishment.

"Also, it's just little vibrator.. you can't handle just that? You're a very bad puppy."

Younger whined at Jeongin's word's, squirming on bed even harder, wanting to however reach his orgasm.

"Let's use those pretty toys~"

Han, no one knew why, loved buying new sex toys or some other sexy stuff for their only sub. He was VERY excited to use them and see Seungmin's reaction to them Infront of everyone.

JiSung grab something that Seungmin didn't saw because of tears in his eyes. JiSung and the others knew exactly what those items were and how to use them.

3racha'a maknae put a cockring on Seungmin's hard and painfully twitching member, blindfold on his eyes, and exchanged the vibrator for a bigger one.

Seungmin was total mess. He could think, say any long sentence or even just normally breath.

"I-I'm begging! Please! Daddy's! Please, please, please, please!" Seungmin screamed. In pain and pleasure.

"Please what? What do you want, baby?" Changbin asked, admiring Seungmin.

"You! Any of you! Touch! Please!"

"You want us to touch you? Sure." Minho grabbed his hand. "I'm touching."

Other boys laugh, but some started to feel sorry for Seungmin. They loved their baby and wanted to give him all the pleasure in the world.

"I-It st-st-..ah~ mgh~!"

"Minho, turnt vibrator on lowest level, his training to say something." Chan ordered, afraid Seungmin was trying to tell them something important, but he can't.

Minho did as he was told, Seungmin calm his breath a little.

"I-It's s-starting to h-hurts..." Seungmin cried.

"I think you learned your lesson, right pup?" Seungmin nodded. "C'mon guys, let's uncuff him." HyunJin said. Everyone agreeded, doing what he said.

Felix took Seungmin's blindfold off to, same with vibrator and cockring. Second maknae immediately hugged first person he could, with was Felix, cause he was the closest.

"Aw, my baby, did we hurt you?' Chan asked, hugging Seungmin from back, helping him calm down.


"Oh, how good! For moment I really thought we did something to you that hurt you! I couldn't forgive myself if we did that." Minho said.

"I-I'm okey, b-but... Can you guys help me..? It's still hard.. down there.. and it hurts a little..."

"Of course, love. Just lay down and don't do nothing. Hyung's will take care of everything."

Seungmin layed down as he felt warm, two big hands on his things and one on his member pumping him. Everyone was touching him everywhere as he wanted... But he wanted more.

"C-Can we go further...?"

"Are you sure, pup? Aren't you tired?"

"I-I'm but I really... Want... Um.. any of you, please, just wanna feel it, no matter with one of you is that..."

"Be more specific.." Yeah, Minho just loved to torture him. "..what EXACTLY do you want?"

"Ugh! I want one... No! I want two of you to fuck me till I can't walk! Is that satisfying you?!" He screamed as others in room laughed.

"Yes, I'm satisfied, our little needy boy~"

"I think he's prepared enough form vibrators."


"But baby, why don't you tell us who do you exactly want to fuck you?"

"You guys are devils..."

"awh, just tell us!"

'HyunJinnie and Channie..."

"Dumbest always have a luck." JiSung chuckled.

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