[💋/🐾] Heat - Seunglix

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Top - Felix
Bottom - Seungmin

Written by: CooperBane <3

As you all could notice, yes, we're adding another type of one shots!
🐾 - omegaverse!

"Why isn't Seungmin coming to school?! Tell me right now!" Felix shouted at his two friends, HyunJin and Jeongin. The two omega's covered their ears in fear, but quickly calmed them self's down. They knew even if Felix is mad at them, he would never hurt any of his friends.

"We promised Minnie not to tell you!"

Hyunjin immediately confirmed Jeongin's words by saying quick, "yeah!"

Suddenly Jisung came around the corner with Minho, two best friends. When they saw their friends and boyfriends, they immediately approached them.

"Hi guys, what is going on here?" Jisung asked, kissing his boyfriend, and mate, forehead. Jeongin cuddled him, hiding himself in his alpha's strong arms.

Hyunjin hide behind Minho, who turned around with raised eyebrow, wondering what the hell was his omega doing and why is he hiding.

"Oh, how good you guys come here! Those two devils won't tell me why is my precious omega isn't attending his classes and answering my calls!"

"If you know the truth, baby, then why don't you tell Felix? You see his worried about Seungmin." JiSung asked his mate Jeongin.

"Cause Minnie told us not to!"

"Baby, if something happened to you, would you like me to know? So I wouldn't have to be sick worry about you?" Jeongin nodded. "And this is what is going on now with Seungmin and Felix. Felix is worried, he has no contact with his mate. And you obviously know something. So tell him."

"All right, I'll tell! Seungmin is in his heat, and he didn't want Felix to know, because his too embarrassed to ask Felix to fuck him." Hyunjin said.

"You could use better words to describe the situation." Minho snorted. "How did I ended up having such a naughty mate?"

"I'm learning this from you, you know?"

"You better watch out your ass." Minho warned him, looking at HyunJin who gulped.

"Wait, wait.. his in heat for like two days and he didn't tell me?!" Felix put the facts together.


"But.. i could help him.. he shouldn't be embarrassed.. I'm his mate I'd do anything for him.. " Felix says with a slight pout

"Lix, he doesn't want you to worry about him that's why he didn't tell you about his heat. He's been dealing with it himself. " says Minho shaking his head 

"I'm going home to help him. " Felix says walking away from his group of friends 

~With Seungmin~

Felix walks into the omeags apartment and doesn't hear anything but he smells a heavy scent of Cinnamon and Vanilla. He walks to the males room and finds Seungmin laying in a nest of his (Felixs) clothes and he's whining. He slowly takes off his shoes and approaches the Omega. "Min? It's Felix. Can i enter your nest? " he asks gently 

Seungmin looks up with big eyes and nods slowly. " Pup I need a verbal answer from you " Felix says stepping a little closer to the omega

"Y-yes pl-please Alpha " The omega nearly whines.

Felix pushes some things over and he sits down next to his omega taking in the scent. "Baby why didn't you tell me that you're in heat? I could have helped you " Felix asks stroking the boys hair to try and calm him down enough to answer

"Emb-barassing. " stutters the older male 

Felix chuckles and continues to stroke his hair while thinking of a simple way to ask his mate if he wants his help or if he wants him to leave him alone. " Min? Do you... Do you want my help with your heat? " Felix asks shyly

" Ple-please Alpha! Can't take it ngh- Anymore! " Whines seungmin wriggling into his alphas lap 

Felix immediately attaches his lips to seungmins and the two kiss for what feels like forever. Felix slowly makes his way down to his mates neck and noses at the spot he marked him when they found out they're mates. Seungmin lets out a high pitch whine and slightly ruts against his alpha without thinking. "Ah ah darling you need to calm down. Youre not in control here. "

Felix says his voice deep and sultry

"S-sorry Alpha j-just really ne-ed you " replies seungmin still rutting against the younger male

Felix lets out a quiet laugh and quickly flips his mate over and takes off his shirt. He kisses down the honey skin and starts to mark every part his mouth touches. The boy beneath him whines and moans and bucks up against him trying to get even the smallest amount of friction. He pins his hips down and attaches his mouth to one of the youngers nipples. Twirling and teasing the pink bud. After a minute he switches to the other one teasing his mate. "Alpha please knot me!" whines seungmin

"Are you sure that's what you want? You want your alpha to fill you with his pups? Hm?"

"PLEASE ALPHA!" Seungmin all but cries 

Felix rips off the youngers boys pants and boxers and chuckles to himself. He brings his mouth down the slick covered hole and laps at it.

Feeling his mate struggle he presses his hips down and continues to eat him out gulping down all of the slick that the older male had produced. He slowly presses one of his fingers into the younger boy and thrusts it at a slow pace allowing the boy to open up for him. Once he feels the older boy is ready he adds another finger and scissors them opening making sure that he's open enough for him. He adds another finger in for good measure and starts to thrust them in and out at a fast pace. "FUCK ALPHA!" Seungmin screams when Felix's fingers prod his prosate

With a smirk felix pulls his fingers out and presses his tip the slick covered entrance. "What's your color?"

"Gr-green please alpha " 

Felix slowly starts to push into the boy groaning at how tight he is even after being prepped. The older male wraps his legs around his mates hips as a signal to go faster.

Felix complies and goes faster than he was before, the tip of his cock ramming into the older males prostate with every thrust. "Ngh~ Alpha please! Don't hold back! " says seungmin grabbing felixs shoulders

After that Felix lets his inner wolf take over and starts slamming into his mate as hard and as fast as he can. The older male jolts with every thrust and whines because of the abuse to his precious bundle of nerves. "Gonna cum- " moans Seungmin looking up to his mate for permission. 

"Either hold it or cum more than once prince " 

Seungmin cums and then whines as his mate continues to slam into him the over sensitivity quickly taking over. Seungmin loves it though. He pulls his alpha closer and connects their lips in a kiss filled with lust. Felix pulls back and looks into seungmins eyes. "Fuck omega- gonna fill you up- make you big with my pups- yeah? " 

"Please alpha give it to me "

With that felix feels his knot swell to its full size and releases load after load inside of his mate before collapsing down on top of him. The omega squirms and pushes the older male to side and winces when the knot inside of him threatens to rip his rim " Don't move we'll just have to wait to clean up until later, once the knot subsides. For now just cuddle with me okay? You did such a good job omega. You're such a good boy for your alpha. Next time ask me to help you okay? Don't be embarassed it's my job as your alpha to help you through your heats. I love you so much Min. " Felix says pressing a kiss to his mates nose 

" I love you too Lix, thank you for helping me " the older male mumbles before falling asleep engulfed in his lovers arms

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