[💋] Stupid questions - Seungin

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INSPO :: NoEasy_3 (go and check on their one shot book cause it's freaking work of art)

Top - Jeongin
Bottom - Seungmin
(We all know how big Seungmin's hand is so imagine it's little like Felix's)

I'm starting to like this ship a lil too much...

Btw, have I told you all that I love you? If not, then I love you💓💓💓💓💓

The two boys were cuddling on the sofa, that was in their shared room, and doing something on their phones. But in a second, Jeongin put his phone aside.

"Seungie?" Jeongin looked at the boy who was resting his head on his lap. Seungmin also put his phone on the table in front of them and looked up at Jeongin with little smile.

"Yes, Innie?", Seungmin asked. Younger started driving his hand through others hair, Seungmin laned into the touch, clearly enjoying it.

"Have you ever fingered yourself?" Seungmin froze.

"W-What kind of question is that?" Seungmin asked, feeling embarrassed and shy.

"So like I know you had sex with the members and also me, but I never saw or heard you fingering yourself." Jeongin said that like it was nothing. Well, for him it wasn't.

"I-I have.."

"Were you thinking about one of the members doing it?" Younger asked again. Seungmin grabbed hem of Jeongin's shirt and pulled it to hide his face.

"I-I.. I was..." Seungmin then hide hid face completely under Jeongin's shirt, pushing his face in younger tummy.

Jeongin chuckled at the feeling but then he thought about one more question, "Was it me you were thinking about doing it?"

Tears gathered in the corners of Seungmin's eyes, but then he remembered that he once promised the younger one that he would never lie to him. Even if the truth is so fucking embarrassing. "Y-yes..."

Jeongin smirked, stroking olders side.

"Could you do one think for me, little one?"

Seungmin hummed in response, his mind full of dirty imaginations about what Jeongin wanted from him.

"Good~ But before that, you need to get out from under my shirt", Jeongin laughed when he saw Seungmin all red and shy face. "C'mon, give me a kiss and I'll tell you."

Seungmin did as he was told, pulling younger into the long loving kiss.

Jeongin, not breaking the kiss, placed Seungmin on his back, making sure his comfortable. He took of olders clothes, finally (not that they really wanted it) pulling away.

"Now, I want you to finger yourself and think about me." Jeongin handed shocked boy lube, "only about me." He added.

Seungmin grabbed small bottle and took some of the gel on his fingers, waiting a little bit for it to heat up.
Meanwhile Jeongin sat on the other side of the couch looking at the boy with hungry eyes.
When Seungmin was ready, he started to push in first finger, gasping.

He did it himself before but he honestly didn't like to do it on his own. He liked and enjoyed it more when someone (read: Jeongin) was doing for him, also his fingers weren't enough pleasurable for him and cumming when he fingered himself was a long way to go (read: he want Jeongin to finger him).

"H-huh uh~"

Pushing second finger, Seungmin started looking everywhere in the room just not on Jeongin since he knew any second he would have an eye contact with younger, he will start beg.

"M-m.. mh, gha..~"

Adding third finger, Seungmin closer his eyes and speeded pace, wanting to cum any time soon. But it didn't seem like it. His fingers were too short too reach his prostate.

"Ah, umh s-shit~ ah!"

Time passed by, almost twenty minutes. Seungmin whined, his legs were shaking a little.

Jeongin noticed his problem, now knowing the reason why he never heard or saw Seungmin fingering himself. His fingers just weren't giving him any pleasure.

He wanted tu say something but Seungmin overtook him, "I-Innie, h-hwelp me-e~!"

Jeongin smiled at the boy, hovering over him, "Move your hand away."

Seungmin obeyed, moaning loudly when he felt two of Jeongin's fingers entering him.

"Y-yes, oh god~!"

Older wrapped his hands around youngers neck, Jeongin added third finger in.

"Feeling good, baby?"

"Y-yea, s-so much!"
After few more minutes, Seungmin cummed with loud moan.

"You did so good, sunshine, let me clean you up and take care of you now." Jeongin smiled at the boy who was already almost asleep.

"Night, In-ah"

"Goodnight, angel"

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