[🥀] I miss you - HyunIn

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Requested by: NanaAegi05 <3

He knew it was masochistic behavior. It was hurting him more and more everytime he was there. But he still visited the grave everytime he could, almost every day.

As he sat on bench Infront the grave of his husband, the tears uncontrollable fell down his cheeks.

"I miss you, baby... I miss you so much." He cried, felling on his knees from bench. "Everything's harder when your not around.. when I can't see your smile.. when your not by my side, hugging and telling everything will be alright..." Jeongin broke down. His hand moved to photo of his smiling husband, caressing his cheek as if it was real and not just in small picture.

Hwang HyunJin died in horrible way, leaving his husband (Hwang Jeongin) and two little kids (girl Hwang YooRa and boy Hwang Jungwoo) alone.

But how did he died?

Let me tell you real quick.

He was killed by and old women named NaMin. She gone crazy after her six kids (all were already adults) got murdered on her eyes. She watched as their beautiful little faces were torn from their bodies. She heard every scream. After that, she was completely insane, looking for her kids everywhere, even if they were dead. And one day, when she was still looking for them, she saw HyunJin. He looked like her son. Exactly like him. She runned towards him, pulled out a knife and stabbed poor boy, thinking that this way she will be able to keep him by her side forever. Then police arrived, they saw scared people screaming around women who was hugging dead body, calling hyunjin "My sweet son" or "JiYoung"(the sons name).

When Jeongin found out about it, he cried that much that he passed out. The again, again and again. In complete - five times.

But getting back to present...

"I miss our morning make outs before the kids woke up..."


Hyunjin slowly walked down the stairs wearing only underwear and Jeongin's shirt.

"My beautiful baby..." Jeongin whispered, pulling HyunJin close btw the boys waist. "We literally spend whole night together and your still look like you aren't satisfied." He chuckled.

"I will be satisfied if you kiss me.." hyunjin made pouty lips.

Jeongin giggled a little and pulled Hyunjin for a kiss.

Okay, not casual kiss, but one that was full passion, love and lust. Sloppy and needy.

After Jeongin won their tongue's fight for dominance, he picked up Hyun and sat him on table, undoing his shirt.
His lips traveled on olders bare skin, leaving red marks on his chest.

"Appa? What aw (are) ywu dwoink(doing) to papa?" Asked confused Jungwoo, watching his father's behaviour.

"You explain it to him!" Jeongin runned towards kitchen, giggling as he heard his lover screaming 'traitor'.


"I miss our little dates..."


"Come here, Innie!" HyunJin called Jeongin who slowly approached him.

"Yes, baby?"

"Look at those cute little duckies!"

It was Jeongin's and HyunJin's first date after having kids. Now, Felix was taking care of them with his boyfriend, Seungmin.

"Aren't they adorable?!"

"Not as much as you." Jeongin casually answered, kissing HyunJin's cheek. Older blushed slightly, kissing Jeongin on the lips.

"Dumb fox."

"Your dumb fox."

"Only mine..."


"I miss hanging out with our friends with you by my side..."


"Ohhhh, our married couple arrived!" Changbin cheered as his boyfriend JiSung calmed him down.

"Hi idiot's." Said Minho once our couple sat comfortable.

"Wassup, dummy?" Hyunjin immediately regretted his words once he felt tissues stuffed in his mouth.

"Minho, what did I told you about doing this to HyunJin?" Chan scolded his fiancé. "You're begin a bad kitty from the beginning? Ok, fine, no cumming for you tonight and no prep."

When Chan said this, Minho covered his face in embarrassment. Other boy's knew about how kinky those two are in bed (guess how? They heard Minho) and loved to joke about it. On the other side, Chan knew how shy Minho was talking about things like this and even more shy when Chris mentioned that he was the bottom.

In the same time, Hyunjin covered Jeongin's ears.

"Hwang HyunJin, I'm a ADULT and your HUSBAND!"

"and? Your still a baby! You cannot hear about things like this!"

"We have kids together and I did much worst things with you!"

"Oh shut up!"


"You know how bad life is without you? I even though about ending my life just so I could meet with you again in heaven... But I can't do that until our kids won't we adults and could live without my help. You can wait for me a few years more, right?" Jeongin asked with hope. "I love you... See you tomorrow, my love..."

Jeongin kissed the grave and left.

I'm sorry if it's soooo bad but I'm just bad at writing angst (and everything lol)

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