Into The Jungle - EP 1

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'Doctor! Someone get me a doctor!' Was the first thing the girl heard. Her head was pounding with fresh pain and the mental scars of her accident. Her fingers twitched and her eyes forced themselves to be opened. She saw the white ceilings and the white walls. Her nose was covered with an air nozzle while a needle was pierced in her wrist that was connected to a drop bag. A pegged object was connected to her thumb which read her heart beat.

The girl was confused. The last thing she remembered was a bright golden light, the loud horn and the screeching of halting tires. Suddenly, her heartbeat spiked as the trauma returned. The air nozzle refused to perform its duty as the girl held her chest for lack of air.

"Miss Patterson, can you see me?" A tiny flashlight was pointed in her eyes and a dark skinned woman in a lab coat had her lips moving. She repeated the question five times before the girl could comprehend. She nodded her head slowly. "Good", the doctor smiled warmly, "you need to breathe. Close your eyes and relax. Listen to my voice".

The girl closed her eyes but the memories of that evening flooded her mind. It had her shaking like a leaf on a chilly night. "I need anesthesia!" The doctor was alarmed at the girl's condition. The word anesthesia sounded familiar to her. She recalled the word being used in her freshman  science class. She didn't want to return to her dark sleep.

Her shaking hands wrapped around the doctor's. "The golden light...t-the light". She managed to stutter the words. "The night of the accident? You remember it?" The doctor asked. The girl shook her head because unfortunately, all she recalled was the light and the sounds.

"Miss Patterson, you are unstable. We have to inject you". The doctor showed a warmness in her eyes that was not part of her job description. The masculine voice she heard earlier came back to her. "A dad". She again tried to communicate. She was ready to do everything in her dazed state to remain awake.

The doctor stopped the nurse that had the anesthesia shot from coming closer. "I believe she is starting to familiarize with her environment", she said to the medical team behind her before facing the girl, "we will give you space to adjust to everything. Is that okay Miss Patterson?" The girl nodded frantically.

Minutes later, the girl was stable. She had accepted that she was in a hospital and the masculine voice she had heard was indeed her father. He looked haggard like one who had not showered in weeks and he eyes spelled out distraught. She and her father were escorted to the office of her main doctor.

"I am glad to see you Miss Patterson. I truly am", the doctor intertwined her fingers, "but what I am about to tell you would be a bitter pill to swallow". The girl whispered a plain 'go on' in reply. The doctor sighed, "you were in a horrible accident. We were surprised that you survived it at all but you did and over the time of your coma, all your broken bones had healed", she announced, "the bad news is that you have been in coma for a year and a small section of your cerebrum decayed during that period leaving you with a few of your memories. I am truly sorry". The girl fell out of the chair. Not only had she lost a year of her life but she had lost her memories too. What was she supposed to make of her life?

                            * * * *

"Hey! Hey! Are you okay Aliss?" Aliss snapped out of the memory to stare at her best friend. "Yeah", Aliss tucked strands of her curly brown hair behind her ears, "I was just lost in thoughts". "Not this again!" Her best friend whined, "do I need to call your Dad?" "No!" Aliss quickly shouted earning them strange looks from the other people seated in the bleachers.

Her best friend, Kimberly Su Zhou popularly known as Kimmy Su pouted her lips with crossed arms. "I'm fine, really", Aliss gave a nervous chuckle, "anytime I see bright lights that night just flashes in my head. Nothing serious". "Oh my glob! Why didn't you say something?" Kimmy whined, "no, I am the dumb bestie. I shouldn't have brought you to the game. It's also dark and that evening...ugh! I am the worst".

Aliss giggled at the conflicted girl who tucked at her pigtails like she was going to rip them out. "It's been a month", Aliss touched her shoulders calmly, "I'm not that affected. Besides, it's the last game of the season. Coach would make my life miserable if he found out that I missed it".

"Still...I shouldn't have brought you out".

"You've already done so much for me as a bestie. I mean who would be so loving to redo a whole school so that I don't feel lonely?"

"I had to", Kimmy rolled her eyes, "you cannot survive without me. And you and I both know that I was going to fail anyway". The two girls laughed as a loud whistle was blown. The crowd cheered as the football team jogged unto the pitch. Kimmy forgot all about her debate and cheered with everyone else.

Aliss smiled to herself. She was lucky to have a friend like Kimmy. It turned out that losing a school year was not awful compared to the lost memories. Aliss was welcomed to school coldly which according to Kimmy was normal since she was an absolute brat to everyone.

Aliss was shocked to hear stories of all the horrible things she had done but she kept them all in her heart. Also, the flashes from that night troubled her often almost like there was something important she should remember about her accident.

With Kimmy's loud screams beside her, Aliss found it easy to fall into the spirit of the game. She cheered whenever Kimmy did and silently booed the other team when needed too. Apparently, the game determined who won the season and the Pine Ridge Wolves were the defending champions.

Suddenly, a flock of birds took Aliss's attention off the game. The high school was close to the woods but there was something peculiar about the way the birds flew. It was as though a wild animal sent them flying. Aliss rubbed her arms and sighed. "Kimmy? I'm gonna go to the bathroom. Save my seat!" She ran off before Kimmy got the chance to reply.

Aliss raced inside the school. The noise from the bleachers was a mere background audio in the school. Aliss headed straight to the girl's bathroom. The running tap was the only sound. She splashed cold water on her face and raised her head to look at herself in the mirrors. "Get a grip, Aliss!" She mumbled, "you're fine now. There is nothing to be worried about".

The pep talk reduced the anxiety and Aliss took in a deep breath. She left the place feeling much better. The thought to call her Dad came to her but Kimmy already felt guilty for convincing her to come. She had to remain strong for her friend.

A quiet shuffle made her ears stand. Aliss turned around to see a trash can wobbling. She quirked her eyebrows and asked, "hello? Is anyone there?" Silence was the response. She face palmed herself and continued walking. She was clearly imagining things.

Aliss was ten feet from the door when pressure was applied to her back and she fell flat to the ground. Her long hair covered her face. Aliss hurried brushed it out of her face. Her heart leaped to her throat when she was what had knocked her down. The animal growled and got closer to the girl.

Aliss could hear her heart beating in her ears but she had lost all strength to scream for help. The animal raised a paw with it menacing eyes piercing into hers. The sight of its long claws made Aliss cross her arms over her face. The animal growled again and stalked off. Aliss dropped her hands and released a breath she did not know she was holding. She caught the glance of the tail as the animal went into the next hallway. What just happened?

Hey guys, It's Josy here. Welcome to my first time readers and 'how's it been?' To my loyals. This is a new story from your gal and I really want this one be the hit. A lot is riding on your support so don't fail me now (kidding lol😅) but really, Vote, Comment and Share this amazing piece.

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