Into The Onion - Ep 6

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Grief can be defined as emotional pain generally arising from misfortune, significant personal loss or misconduct of oneself or others. When grief consumed a person, they could go to lengths many called impossible of their nature. There was not a single person dressed in black that was untouched by the hands of grief. Even the clouds felt the sorrow as they cried heavily.

None of them said anything as they looked at the tombstone. The rain muddied the surface of the grave but the single black rose placed on it remained. The name carved in stone sealed their throats. None of them dared to speak because all they could think about was her. Her death was too fresh to begin saying her name.

Eun Ye wiped her eyes with a black handkerchief. "Rest well, dear". In the span of two days, she had lost her two sons and a daughter. The sorrow in her heart was so great, tears refused to fall from her eyes. The others around mimicked her action. She looked to the girl on her side and said, "it's time".

Hugging the small vase filled with ash, the best friend closed her eyes to take a deep breath. Dropping the ash meant her friend and sister was truly gone. With shaky hands, she walked to the gravestone. She dropped the vase beside the rose and whispered, "I'm so sorry".

She returned back to her place in the circle. "I would like a moment alone, please". Jim's broken voice said. "Of course". Eun Ye hugged him and took Kimmy's hand. Kimmy wished she had the right words to say but there was nothing anyone could say or do that would console them of the loss they suffered. "Come Kimmy Su". Her mother dragged her away and her father followed closely.

Meadow and Onyx were permitted to attend the funeral because they had helped save Kimmy. "I know this is not the right time but now, you really have to come to Court". Onyx whispered. Meadow dabbed her cheeks and put on a stoned expression. "I told my parents about today and they didn't care", she said, "they don't deserve my sympathy nor my loyalty. Tell Mother that I'll see him soon". Onyx nodded and the two left.

Callisa carried a passed out Emmil over her shoulders. The boy had cried himself to sleep. "Take your time", she said to Leati before kissing his cheek and leaving for the woods. Leati couldn't bare to remove his eyes from her grave. He kept thinking 'if only I had been a second faster'. In actuality, what was bound to happen would have happened regardless of his interference.

"Hey", Penn touched his shoulder causing him to look back, "let's go grab a bite. Jim needs his space". Leati casted one last look at the gravestone and sighed. He put his hands in his coat pocket and joined Penn under his umbrella. Both of them said nothing as they left the grieving father in peace.

Immediately Kimmy entered her room, she ran to the bathroom. She opened the sink and let the water flow. Kimmy scrubbed her hands with a sponge, trying to wipe away the memory of the blood on her hands. Images flashed in her mind as she cried. "Aliss! Aliss, stay with me!" Kimmy weakly held on to a seizing Aliss. Aliss's eyes were panicked. She opened her mouth to talk but blood poured out. The red liquid scared Kimmy who had lost her ability to speak or think.

"Kimmy! Kimmy!" Her mother snatched the sponge from her hand. The girl's bloodshot eyes looked at the sink, the sponge and her mother. She had injured herself in her paranoia. "She's gone", Kimmy sobbed loudly, "she's gone!" "Don't cry, honey. Please". Eun Ye was clueless as to what to do. She had never seen her daughter so broken.

Meanwhile, Penn had taken Leati to a burger joint. He had no appetite but the place was always lively. The noise could drag out the internal pain they both felt. "You wanna order anything?" Penn asked. "No". Leati shook his head. The scar on his back had gone numb. When Aliss was alive, he could feel her magic like a heartbeat but now, it was still. He had also been forced out of his full Lynx form at the time of her murder giving Lucian the perfect chance to escape.

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