Into The Jungle - Ep 8

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"Aliss! Alissandra! Breakfast!" Aliss hugged her pillow. She was still in her pajamas with wide eyes that were outlined with dark rings. Her body was faced to the open window but her mind was far away.

The previous night replayed in her head like a broken record. The creatures tore at each other in the most barbaric manner yet all she did was quiver in fear and flee. Blaming it on hallucinations was out of the options in the denial state because the heat of the green flames drew sweat from her skin. The talking wild cats, the green lady and the slimy monsters were real and somehow, she was in the center of all the chaos.

"Aliss, you asleep kiddo?" Jim knocked on the door before entering. Seeing his daughter curled up on the bed sent his happy mood packing. He sighed and sat on the bed. "Is everything alright?" He asked slowly.


He touched her shoulder to comfort her but Aliss flinched, turning around in panic. "Are you okay? Did something happen?" The worry in his voice broke her heart. She wanted to reply 'yes, Dad. Everything is wrong! I am a freak who belongs in a world that only I can see and that world is burning down' but instead she said, "I think I caught a stomach bug. I don't wanna go to school".

Jim let out a breath of relief, "I'm glad it's nothing dangerous", he said, "but I did get a call from your principal yesterday saying you fainted. I can't believe you didn't say anything when you got home". "We talk about my problems all the time. Yesterday was your turn". Her brain produced a cover up easily. "Hey! None of that! I'm the Dad and you're the kid. You don't worry about me...I worry about you". "We only have each other. Isn't that unfair?"

Jim kissed her forehead and stood up. "Don't move a muscle. I'll call in and tell them I'll be a bit late", he went to the door, "I'm gonna make sure you're comfortable and you are gonna do nothing but be grateful". "You're the Dad and I'm the kid. I got it". Aliss nodded with a fake salute.

Once her Dad left, she sighed and got out of bed. Her phone rang from the bedstand. Kimmy's name flashed on the device. "Hello, Patterson residence. Unfortunately, Aliss is not available to answer the phone right now but leave a message". "Aliss, I know it's you", Kimmy played with her hair, "I'm sorry about last night. It was my idea to go into the woods. Turns out, my Mom was awake the whole night and she grounded me for a century. We're Asians! We live longer than that".

Aliss giggled and her mood lightened, "it's fine, Kimmy", she said, "at least, I met with the Lynxes and I found some gems that might tell me what I am". "That's awesome! Maybe almost dying was worth it", Kimmy let out a loud sneeze, "sorry about that. I may or may not have caught a cold. Mom is making me drink a traditional tea with herbs and roots. Oh Aliss it is horrible!"

"I had a feeling you called to make me feel better. You're not very good at it".

"I am so sorry. My Mom is seriously after my life".

"You do realize that she gave you life, right?"

Silence engulfed the two for a few minutes. "We can go back to being normal teens if you want", Kimmy was the first to speak, "it's a safe option. We have nothing to lose but you have to be sure that the truth doesn't matter. Our lives might be better but you owe yourself a chance to figure things out". "I'm not worried about myself", Aliss rubbed her head, "this accident is a second chance for me to do things right. I don't wanna mess it up".

"Honey, is that Kimmy on the phone?" Jim called out from behind the door, "can I come in?" "Yes Dad, come in!" Aliss replied, "I'll call you back, Kimmy. And enjoy your tea". "That is not funny Ali..." Aliss hung up with a smile on her face. Kimmy was going to spend her sick day plotting revenge.

"You didn't have to end your call". Jim had a tray of the most delicious looking cuban sandwichs and a tall glass of orange juice. "You know what Dad? I want to have breakfast with you", Aliss stood up, "see? I'm a bit better". "Are you sure?" Aliss pushed her Dad out of the room and said, "trust me, I'm sure".

The pair went to the kitchen. They had a dining table in the room but both preferred the stools around the counter. "I would be back from work early today", Jim took a sip of his apple juice, "I might pop into the grocery store. Want anything?" "If you could buy me a normal life, that would be great". She murmured. "What did you say? I didn't get it". Aliss faked a smiled and lied, "I said if you could buy me a Norma Slide, that'd be great. It's a new candy bar". "Won't lie. That name is hard to remember but I'll look around".

A short ding from the door saved Aliss from further interrogation. "Eat up". Jim ordered and went to the door. Aliss forced herself to take the final bite. "Weird things have been happening lately", her father scratched the back of his head, "first, I find my car keys on the couch and now, the doorbell rang but no one was there".

Something compelled Aliss to turn around. The two individuals in her living room made her spit the juice out of her mouth. "Oh my gosh! You okay kiddo?" Her dad ran to her aid. "I'm fine Dad", she cleared her throat, "I might need an aspirin. It's in my cabinet".

Jim bolted out of the room. "What are you doing here?!" Aliss whispered yelled at Valar's son and the woman who stood beside him. "Did you take anything from the Sprite yesterday?" The man asked impatiently. "What Sprite? And again, what are you doing here?" The last thing she needed was for her Dad to see her talking to thin air.

"We're sorry to intrude. I'm Callisa, Emmil's mother", the woman spoke with a depressed expression, "this is my brother, Leati. The creature that attacked you last night was a Sprite and the other two were Goblins. Emmil ran from our father's care because he felt you were in danger which led us to your ambush. The Sprite captured Emmil and demanded that we returned what was stolen from her. Do you have any idea what she means?"

Aliss's heart was heavy. Emmil was just a child and any scratch on his body would be her fault. "Yeah yeah", she rubbed her arms, "she showed me three gemstones. Apparently, it was going to determine what magic I had before she killed me". "A witchlight, a fairystone and a daemon ember I assume". Leati said with his regular scowl. "Yes, that's what she called it. I have it in my room".

"Honey, who are you talking to?" Her Dad's voice made her freeze like a deer in headlights. "Erm no one Dad", Aliss let out a nervous laugh, "I was just rehearsing for a play that I was thinking of auditioning for. Remember you said, I should make the most of high school".

Jim frowned. He was not buying the excuse. Aliss saw this look and her panic increased. "I could stun him with a single scratch", Leati pushed out his claws, "it'd save you all the lies". "You are not touching my Dad!" She gritted her Dad. "Alissandra, is there something you want to tell me?" Jim crossed his arms. "Yeah, Alissandra. Why don't you tell him what happened?" Leati teased.  "Yes! I mean No! I don't know!" She was frustrated and the pressure was making her head hurt.

Jim came closer and touched her forehead. "You are burning up again", his frown deepened, "that's it! I'm calling Dr. Foster". "I don't need a doctor. I would appreciate if everyone just left me alone!" She turned around and glared at Leati. Unfortunately, her Dad assumed the statement was directed at him. "If that's what you want. Take care honey". With those words, Jim left the house.

Aliss groaned and sat on the couch. "What did you do that for?" Her anger was directed at the man. Leati shrugged and said, "we wouldn't be here if you hadn't gotten yourself in trouble. Emmil being taken is all your fault". "Leati stop! The child has been through enough", Callisa reprimanded him, "I only asked you to accompany me because I might need an extra muscle. If you are going to be rude then return to the Pride".

Leati went silent and Aliss got space to breathe. She left the two to retrieve the gemstones. "I wanna help", she gave them to Callisa, "I know it's my fault". "Focus on helping yourself first and try to stay out of trouble. We are not your babysitters". Leati spat the venomous words at her and stormed out of the house. Callisa gave her an apologetic look before hurrying after her brother.

Aliss sighed heavily. So much for a day of rest

So does everyone lowkey hate Leati😒? He is such an ass! Love Callisa though. What about you?

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