Into The Day - Ep 1

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"We have to prepare sisters". A woman dressed in a white toga with a long silver veil covering her face said, "We have to prepare". There were similarly dressed women in a circle around the fountain that dwelled in the Watch Tower. They were six in number.

"If we had restrained her from the beginning, we would not have to prepare". The woman on the left of the one who spoke first, disagreed.

"This day was always meant to come", the others replied, "If not ... , another would rise". A name was said but the faintness of the memory blurred it out.

"This is not the time for blames but the time for action", the first speaker who one could guess was the leader called their attention, "Come, sisters, let us join hands".

As their hands joined, the water in the fountain glowed. Loud sounds of crumbling could be heard on the outside but no one them shook. Their mission was far too important for any of them to be distracted.

"Asio nipat ul mazae ya ricca zul". The chanting of the spell began. "Lomba fara nuse bles". "Tami nada ife hisna passhia". "Oli a mues me forta gastu". "Asio nipat ul mazae ya ricca zul!" "Lomba, lomba, lomba, LOMBA!"

Aliss woke up with a gasp. She tried to sit up but she only hit her head on something wooden. "What the hell?" She hit the box, "hello? Is anyone there?" Her banging proved futile. Aliss was confused as to why she was in a box until she remembered. I died! Her eyes grew large how am I alive? She sighed and checked her arms. The mark connecting her to the Lynxes was redrawing itself. Nothing was making sense.

Luckily, her fingers felt something when she returned it to her side. She brought it to her face and saw that it was a spell book. It looked like her old one but it had a black metallic cover. Squeezing her body to a side, she managed to open the book. The keycard to the Watch Tower was in between the pages of the doors. "Let's find out what's going on". She said, slotting the card in.

She transported into the Watch Tower. Aliss marched to the fountain where the water had reached the level she saw in her dream. It was back to its normal flow. "I know who you are!" She yelled, "you've been in my dreams. How am I still alive?" The most unexpected thing happened next. White dots of light sprang from the water, forming the witches in her dream.

"Who are you?" She asked desperately. Aliss had a calm outlook but her insides were in knots. Ever since the night she was named, she thought she knew all about being a Watcher. Now, she was back to being clueless.

"We are the Sisters of Life", the leader answered, "we knew the time to make things clear would come. Ask your questions, child before we are called". "Who is a Sister of Life?" "A Sister of Life is a being chosen to maintain order in the flow of life for the realm of the Nether World".

"Chosen by whom?"

"By The One; an all-powerful celestial being who created the universe".

"You mean God?"

"Humans call The One many names. We do not like to take such approach".

"So are you Watchers? Because I saw you casting a spell in Mlinx".

"A spell in Tabino, you mean. Humans are the ones who called our language Mlinx. We are witches but we are not Watchers".

Aliss looked around, her mind relaxing. "If you aren't Watchers, why were you helping me? Why appear in my dreams?" The girl questioned. "Because our magic lives in you", the leader waved her hands over the fountain, "see how". Aliss walked to the water and watched the images come to life.

The spell casting from her dream played out. "This was on the night of the assassination of all the Watchers. It occured fifteen years ago. We knew that the balance would be broken and evil would prevail so we acted fast". Aliss noticed something that she didn't see in her dream. Their magic was flowing from their hearts into the water causing it to glow.

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