Into The Folk - Ep 6

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Taking books out of locker was depressing. The books had nothing to do with her mood though. Aliss sighed for the fifth time since she arrived at school. The news completely ripped Kimmy's heart out. She spent the night bawling her eyes out until she fell asleep. Her Dad was confused by the mourning but he dropped her off at home without asking questions.

Kimmy refused to come to school and according to her Mom, she locked herself in her room with all the letters and postcards her brothers sent. Aliss had mixed feelings. On one hand, she found herself free from sorrow because she never knew them but on another hand, Kimmy's sadness infected her mood.

"Aliss!" Someone shouted her name. Aliss gritted her teeth and balled her hands. This was certainly the last person she needed to speak to. "Aliss" Kobe called her name again. His hair was uncombed and his eyes were sullen but Aliss could not care less. "You have some nerve!" She growled, "I don't want to ever see your face not after what your Dad did!"

"Aliss, I'm sorry that..."

"You're sorry? I lost a year of my life and half my memories! Sorry doesn't cut it".

"I know, I know and you have every right to hate me but I swear I had no idea. I never imagined that..."

"I'm done here". Aliss slammed her locker and walked off before he could say more. He had humiliated her in favorite place for a crime his Dad committed. The bell rang and Aliss made a beeline for the Art classroom.

Mrs. Rafferty wore a huge smile like a child that had been given a new toy the minute she saw Aliss. "Alissandra, so glad you could join us. I really hope you got your painting". The teacher got out of her chair, beaming, "I have a feeling you've been concocting more creativity over the holiday. I am excited to see what you come up with".

Mrs. Rafferty had bright ginger hair that curled on her head like a bird's nest. Her amber eyes were hidden behind round glasses that rested on her pointed nose. Freckles scattered on both cheeks of her face and she had a mole under her lower lip that was only obvious at close range. The teacher had a slender figure and wore bright colored regalia dresses. Her hands were filled with bead bracelets and a red wool scarf hugged her shoulders.

"About the painting", Aliss brought out the brown envelope, " I can't take this". "Don't be silly", Mrs. Rafferty refused the money, "you earned it". "But the class needs it more. Think of it like a donation to the class in my name. The easels were old anyways". Aliss argued. "Well", Mrs. Rafferty collected the money, "you are a good person, Alissandra". "Thanks ma'am"

Aliss sat in her normal seat. "Hey". The person in the next seat greeted. Aliss turned to see an unfamiliar face. She raised her head higher to see Smythe, her usual partner across the room whispering into Daly's ear. His platinum blonde hair reminded her of Meadow and he had similar green eyes. Is he her brother? Did I forget him too? Aliss wondered.

"Hi". She replied with a small smile. "I'm Onyx", he flashed his set of white teeth, "I'm new here. I hear this class is the best". "From Mrs. Rafferty, I'm sure", Aliss rolled her eyes, "but it's not bad once you get used to her extra side". "I'll take your word for it". Onyx winked. Aliss felt color creeping up her cheeks but she shook her head and faced the blank canvas.

"When Fabiano made his first portrait, everyone criticized it after all it looked like smears of paint", Mrs. Rafferty launch into her regular rant, "it took decades before Curator Antoinette Jean-Claude discovered that it was a portrait of the King Francis laughing". She laughed herself then continued.

"Why do I say this story? Art is more than the paint and the technique. It is blending the soul of the mind with the power of body. An art works comes from the heart which is why every mistake is a design. It is a chance to let go and express the compressed emotions on the inside". Mrs. Rafferty dabbed her head dramatically with the scarf. "I see what you mean about her being extra". Onyx whispered. Aliss covered her mouth to stifle her chuckle.

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