Into The Day - Ep 8

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Aliss was still taking in her surroundings when she heard a groan from the gates. The Leaves of Night flew into her left arm and she had the right hand pointed at the hole, waiting for her foe. As expected, the Daemon came through the hole laughing maniacally. His laughter was cut short when he looked around.

"Don't even think about moving". Aliss said in a stern voice. "Ah, the little Watcher", the Daemon slowly turned around with a smirk on his face, "what are you going to do? Blast me into oblivion?" "Don't push me", Aliss warned, "I'm not that innocent". "I'm shaking in my boots". Aliss wanted to wipe that smirk off his face so she mumbled a light hex. Her powers, however, malfunctioned and sent a fireball to his right shoulder.

The Daemon groaned and Aliss panicked. She checked her hand and the Leaves of Night. "You'll pay for that!" The Daemon seethed, using his own powers. His intention was to burn the flesh off her bones but instead, Aliss was knocked down by an invisible force. The Daemon attacked again and Aliss shifted back. "Stop!" She shouted. But the Daemon kept going. "I said stop!" Aliss raised on hand, "I don't wanna hurt you". "Like you could hurt me". The Daemon snarled. Aliss knew that something was wrong and the only way to think was to restrain her assailant.

"Docti maeters!" The ground rumbled and two clay hands grabbed the heels of the Daemon. He struggled against their hold and four more hands shot out from the earth. They should have held him in place but the wonky spell was making them drag him into the soil. Aliss stood up, dusted her tank top and jeans and tucked stray hair behind her ears. She walked closer to the Daemon, "I will release but only if we call a truce", she said, "deal?" The Daemon scoffed and three more hands held on to his metal shirt. "Deal" he reluctantly agreed.

Aliss waved her hands and said, "thanks guys". The clay hand released him and the Daemon sprang to his feet. "This is not how I remembered our realm", he adjusted himself, "I certainly shouldn't have any problems disintegrating you". "And I clearly am not a psychotic lunatic", she shot back, "we need to find out what happened".

"I know where to find my kind. There aren't many leagues from here".

"You really expect me to follow you to your cave? Where the numbers would be against me?"

"Currently, only your magic seems to be functioning. Several dozens of Daemons should be target practice besides we already struck a bargain. I, at least, deserve the benefit of the doubt". Aliss definitely did not believe him for a second but she was out of options. "Fine", she grumbled, "let's find your buddies".

The two walked through the forest reveling in how cold and lonely the realm was. There were no flowers or torches of light like Leati had earlier described. "So", Aliss spoke up, feeling suffocated with the silence, "were you born a monster or you grew into one?" "I will like absolute silence if that is not too hard". The Daemon snapped.

"It's an important question. Why else would you be sooo determined to kill a person you'd never met?"

"I may not have known you but I knew your predecessors. You are all the same except that you are weak at heart. A true Watcher would destroy her enemies the first chance they get".

"And that's why I'm in this mess. I think everyone should have a chance to explain their actions and killing has never solved any problems".

"Then you are a fool! The dead cannot fight".

"And when the whole world stands against you and you've killed everyone, what then? The dead cannot fight but they certainly can't nurse your massive ego".

The Daemon kept quiet for a minute as if pondering her words. "Since you've engaged me, I have a question for you", he said, "how does a normal human become my most fierce opponent?" "I'm flattered that you know I'll kick your butt", Aliss said, crossing over a pile of dead vines, "but I can't say. That'd be telling".

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