Into The Jungle - Ep 7

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Aliss was fixated to her spot. She was trying to hold a good stance in case the Lynx pounced. "I can't see anything, Aliss", Kimmy whispered, "are they moving?" "No. Not yet anyway". Aliss answered.

The eyes glowed brightly and figures emerged from the shadows. Aliss dropped her hands to her sides. They were all in human form. They were of different age and sizes but they had some constant features; tufts ears, long claws on both hands and feet and black inked markings on their skins.

"It's okay, Kimmy", Aliss held her best friend's arm, "they're not going to hurt us". Kimmy raised her second hand and waved, "hi! I'm Kimmy Su Zhou. I may not be able to see or hear you but it's good to be polite". She greeted. Aliss rolled her eyes, convinced that her friend was loony.

The Lynxes had a frigid reaction to her. "You brought a human into our lands". A growling voice said from behind two women. It was the same man from the museum. Aliss's soft expression hardened quickly, "turns out that I didn't like our deal", she crossed her arms, "you may have gotten a cheap shot at me but Kimmy knows tai chi and taekwondo. She can handle herself". The man took a step but an even older wrinkled skinned man placed a hand on his chest.

"Forgive my son, child", the old man smiled, exposing four sharp fangs Aliss had suspected laid beneath, "I am Valar, the king of this Pride and you are?" "Alissandra Patterson but everyone calls me Aliss". "Pleased to meet you Aliss and you as well Kimmy". Aliss faced Kimmy and related the message, "his name is Valar. He is the king of the Pride. He says hi". Kimmy smiled and nodded.

"We're sorry we came into your territory", Aliss moved closer, "but something happened to me today and I figured it was because your son tried to kill me". "I did not try to kill you!" The man said in his defense. "Oh yeah? Then what do you call slashing a person's throat with your claws?!" "I was trying to turn you!" He lashes out.

Aliss stumbled in her steps from shock. "What do you mean 'turn me'?" She asked, allowing the rage to roll off her back. "Listen dear child", Valar spoke up, "we are an ancient tribe that have lived amongst human kind but human advancement in what they call 'technology' began to kill our form. Many fell ill and died. We resorted to preserve our nature by merging our DNA with a human; creating a halfbreed".

The revelation was a lump of coal in Aliss's mouth. "Did it work?" Was all her speech could produce. "It did not", Valar's shoulders fell in sadness, "in truth, it killed the humans. The Watchers discovered our actions and punished us for it. We would forever be unable to take our beastly form. But when it seemed as though all hope was lost, a seer from the Watchers brought to us a prophecy of a faceless girl who would save our tribe".

"We waited for years and endured our loses hoping to find the girl of the prophecy. And then, we found you", Valar stretched out his left arm and a boy of about nine years came forward, "this is my grandson, Emmil. He was the one whom you encountered in your school. He has an adventurous spirit and always wanders off to explore the human world. He was on his way to watching the game when your energy sparked. He immediately transformed". "It's true!" The boy cut in, "mommy said I would never but I did. I'm sorry if I almost attacked you. It was pure instincts".

Aliss smiled warmly at the boy and everyone else. "I am glad that you were able to transform but I don't think I'm your faceless girl", her tone was a solemn but sorrowful one, "I'm sorry to disappoint". She turned to Kimmy who had her headphones on the whole time. "Are we leaving? What did they say?" Kimmy asked ecstatic to dabble in the affairs of supernatural creatures. "They need real help", Aliss whispered to her friend, "I can't even control what is happening to me. I can't give them hope only to tear it down. Let's just go".

Kimmy pushed past Aliss and stood in front of Valar. "I don't know how bad things are for you guys but would be okay if Aliss had time to think about it?" She asked, "she's been through a lot and we have no clue what we're doing. I promise that if she's the one, I'll get her to help you". "Thank you Kimmy Su Zhou", Valar bowed, "you are indeed as fierce as the wind". Kimmy's eyes widened and she gasped. "I heard what you said", she was in awe, "I heard him, Aliss!"

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