Into The Folk - Ep 2

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The silence after the call made Aliss remember her duties. She walked off without a word in response. She did not know the girl as far as her memories were concerned but her presence triggered something in her head.

Meadow frowned, watching Aliss's figure get lost in the crowd. "Sorry about her", Kimmy laughed nervously, "she's just busy". "I heard about her accident. It's true that she lost her memories?" Meadow lowered her voice. "Yeah", Kimmy sighed, "not all of them but the important ones". "I see"

                          * *

Aliss went into the Watch Tower. The mirror was blank. "Hello, I have some friends I need to save. Why isn't it showing their location?" She asked loudly. "A Watcher oversees Creatures of the Night", the voices replied, "we have no business interfering with the affairs of humans".

"Are you kidding me?! I just said my friends are in danger from the Creatures of the Night".

"Unless you know the creatures, you cannot portal there".

"What kind of stupid rule is that?!"

"It is not a rule. The portal works with the signature of the other creatures. You must know them to feel their vibrations. It cannot be done in another manna". Aliss groaned in frustration. She walked back to the door and floated out of the spell book.

Her thoughts were spiraling. Aliss tried to call Ingrid but the phone was switched off. "Ingrid and Cedar need your help", Aliss muttered to herself, "you have to think". Ingrid mentioned something about the attack. ...on our way to the Metro when tiny green elf things hijacked... "That's it!" Aliss beamed.

She flipped through the pages of her spell book watching out for the word 'elf'. Luck was on her side as she found it in spilt seconds. "Elfie gria tu mosporis. Relni jaqo sexve pi" she read out. The words when translated to English meant 'The Elves are all dead. Their kind no longer exists'.

Aliss's blood turned to ice. Confusion and worry weighed down her spirit. Elves had been extinct since the Creatures of the Night spread across the Earth. Aliss shook her head and left the bathroom. She had one other option. She hoped in her heart that she would find Ingrid and Cedar in time.

                           * *
"You don't need me to show you around, do you? It's only been two years". Kimmy and Meadow walked silently in the empty halls. The teachers had arrived earlier to disband the crowd. Kimmy was excused from the lot by the given assignment of assisting Meadow.

"Nah", Meadow chuckled, "it looks exactly how I left it". "Ouch! I'm sure we repainted once or twice". Kimmy joked along.

"I meant the feeling. Pine Ridge is truly home".

"So why did you leave in the first place?"

"I wanted to stay but the modeling tour was too good an offer to turn down".

"It certainly did you good. You're a celebrity now".

Meadow nodded. " are you and Aliss?" "You know me", Kimmy shrugged, "trying hard not to fail high school. I cannot live with my mother for the rest of my life". "And you haven't stopped complaining about your Mom. Classic Kimmy Su! I know why I had to be a Junior again but what about you? Aren't you supposed to be in senior year?" "I am but I chose to do it again. Even if Aliss wasn't sick, I was going to flunk math".

"You did a whole year because of her? You guys clearly got closer".

"We're best friends that means always being by the other's side".

"I see", Meadow looked sad for a minute but she quickly covered it up with a smile, "it was nice seeing you again, Kimmy. I'll head to the Principal's office to get checked in. Bye!" Kimmy found the change of mood strange but she ignored it. For all she knew, Meadow was just overwhelmed by the pressure of the first day.

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