Into The Jungle - Ep 3

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Cries of those fallen, smell of burning flesh and the cracking of the earth. The dearth was surrounded by chaos but she ignored it all. There was one thing who called for her attention. Slowly, she made her way to the broken gate. A  woman robed in a silk toga with the sun in hair was carved on the stone. It had split into two. A golden light rose from within and blinded her with its power.

Aliss woke up gasping. She checked her surrounding. She was not in a dearth and there was no broken gate. She was in her room. Aliss ran fingers through her hair and sighed in relief. "Glad to see that you're awake". Kimmy came to sit at the bed side. Her eyes were red and puffy signifying that she had been crying.

Aliss rubbed her fingers together. Everything had happened so fast that the friends were at loss of words. Unconsciously, her hand went to the claw marks but to her shock, she felt nothing. "It healed once I got you into your bed", Kimmy said as if she had been reading the other's mind, "is there something you want to tell me Aliss? Any secrets that you have to keep to protect me and those you love kind of thing?" "No! Of course not! We're beat friends. I can't keep a secret from you".

"Then explain what I saw".

"I can't", Aliss hated the disappointed look in Kimmy's eyes but it was the truth, "I can't explain because I don't know what is going on". "You were about to tell me what happened last night". "Right. A weird tiger cat animal was in the hallways. I thought it was going to kill me but it just went off".

"That makes no sense!"

"I know. I panicked in the museum because I saw the same statue of the creature and because I translated a language I had never heard before".

"How does that have to do with the marks and why it healed itself? I didn't see any creature around".

"It was a man that did it. He had the same eyes as the creature". Aliss's sharp blue eyes met Kimmy's brown ones. "I didn't see any man around", the other girl shook her head, "we were talking suddenly you stopped, looked at your left side even though nothing was there then you fainted".

The confusion made Aliss's head hurt. "There was a man there. I don't know why you couldn't see him". She shrugged. "I believe you silly", Kimmy nudged her arm playfully, "I'm just worried about the whole someone trying to kill you thing. Something has been different about you since the accident. Your Dad think it's a crazy theory but I think the accident wasn't even an accident at all".

Not an accident at all? That was a harsh reality that Aliss was not yet ready to accept. "We need to find out what this creature is first and what it's deal is with me". She suggested. Kimmy nodded but quipped, "after you have enough rest. Last night and now, this morning...we can't take anymore chances". "Okay Mom" Aliss laughed at her own joke.

"My Dad!" Alias gasped, "did he see me like this?" "Relax!" Kimmy patted her back, "he stepped out. He said he was going to be back in the evening and we could help ourselves with anything in the kitchen". "Phew! That's a relief. He worries about me enough. He doesn't need this on his plate".

The girls sat in silence. The gravity of the issue and its reality began to set in. "I'm not normal and this is not normal", Aliss's voice was so low that Kimmy almost did not hear the words, "and you may be right about someone trying to kill me. I don't know what to do". "Aliss, you don't have to do this on your own", the other girl smiled widely, "I'm here and I'll always be here. Sure it'll be dangerous but the truth is more important. With great power comes great responsibilities even when we're not ready for them".

Aliss jumped into Kimmy's arms. Tears fell from her eyes. Kimmy gladly hugged her back. She knew Aliss was trying hard to be composed despite everything that happened to her. Hearing that one had lost a whole year with half of one's life memories and the tragedy of watching your former mates being ahead of one was not an easy news to contain yet Aliss tried to downplay all her grief.

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