Into The Jungle - Ep 9

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"Aliss, don't be so hard on yourself", Kimmy gave her a lopsided smile, "that Leati guy is a big jerk". The guilt ate into Aliss's chest so she came to Kimmy to blow off some steam. "I really hope they get Emmil back. He's such a sweet kid". She bit her lip. "They will". Kimmy assured her.

"I have a great idea!" Kimmy suddenly pitched. Her eyes were so wide that Aliss thought it was going to pop. "No! No! No!" She shook her head, "I am not going". "Come on! I've been saving wigs and sunglasses for a day like this". The other whined and pouted. That was Kimmy's bribery face. Aliss wanted to ignore it but she needed a break and a distraction and nothing said teenage girls like sneaking off to the mall. "Fine! I'm in but make me wear a horrible outfit and it's gonna take a forensics team to identify your body". "No pressure then". Kimmy chuckled.

The closet was raided and clothes were everywhere. Kimmy decided on a Lummel tennis skirt and black top with many ruffles while Aliss picked out a cobalt blue overall and a denim jacket. Kimmy wore a strawberry blonde wig and Aliss wore a ginger colored one. Kimmy took one too many selfies before they headed out.

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"Smell that, Aliss", Kimmy took in a deep breath, "that's the smell of normalcy and freedom". "It smells like grease from the food court". Aliss rolled her eyes. "Don't be a buzzkill. Let's go".

The two walked around several stores. After getting kicked out of a Serafim clothes store, using all the free samples of a Lily Ora fragrance and breaking the wheel of a cart, Aliss was starting to lighten up. "I'm still surprised that no one has called security to have us thrown out". Aliss laughed. "I think it has something to do with that little girl telling me I look like Chila from Pinklets", Kimmy stroke a pose and asked, "do I really look like her?" "Not in the slightest".

The two went to the closest food court. "I gotta hand it to you, Kimmy", Aliss spoke, "this is your first bad idea that didn't backfire". "Awww! I am so touched". Kimmy placed both hands on her chest and shook her head.

Out of the blue, Aliss felt something hard hitting her head. "Ow! What the hell was that?" She massaged the affected spot and look around for the perp. Everyone went about their conversations like no one heard her exclamation. "You okay?" Kimmy wore a worry look. "Yeah", she answered, "but I'll be a whole lot better if people weren't trying to kill me every time. So much this plan not backfiring".

Her eyes landed on a item under her seat. It was book. The cover was hard and had a rough texture. It was an oak color with no title or writings on it. "What is that?" Kimmy noticed the object in her hands. "I don't know but it would explain what hit my head". "There's a note behind it".

Indeed, there was a note attached to it.

Had fun yesterday, didn't you? Well, you get to have more today. Some believe the mall is the best place to make a grand example. Use the spells and try not to die. It'll make my work much more difficult. 
                     Your guardian Angel

A chill ran down her spine. "Don't leave me hanging! What does it say?" Aliss ignored Kimmy's words and pulled her arm. "We have to get out of here!" Kimmy had a dozen questions but she trusted her best friend so she complied. There were almost at the entrance when the top floor collapsed, blocking the way.

The dust made the girl cough loudly. "Kimmy!" "I'm fine!" The other replied. The other shoppers got alarmed and they ran. Kimmy and Aliss were pushed from all side by the scrambling crowd.

"Leaving so soon? But we haven't even said hello yet!" The Sprite laughed loudly. Aliss looked up and saw her floating around in a cheery mood. "You took Emmil!" She yelled. "Big whoop!" The Sprite scoffed, "the boy mostly cried on our way back". "Leati and Callisa brought you the gemstones so why are you here?"

"I have no use for the stones. What I wanted was you. They were foolish to not have brought you. Don't worry though; they're 'hanging' out with my friends".

"You won't get away with this!"

"And whose gonna stop me? The old man who calls himself king or the confused emotional teenager?" The Sprite twirled her staff and a plasma ball charged from them. "Duck!" Aliss alerted Kimmy. The two bent beside the rubble. "I'll try to keep her talking while you call the cops". Aliss instructed her friend. Kimmy wanted to protest but she could not help Aliss in anyway.

"You want me? You're going to have to catch me!" Aliss ran to the stairwell. "Two can certainly play that game". The lady smirked. Aliss ran up the stairs, hoping to get to the roof. The farther she was away from people, the higher chances of their safety.

A plasma ball whooshed past her eyes and burned the wall in front of her. Aliss yelped but continued climbing. Adrenaline pumped through her veins as her legs moved quicker. Aliss could hear her heart pounding in her ears but she didn't stop.

Another plasma ball missed her backside by an inch. "I grow tire of these games, girl". The Sprite said in a sing song tone. Aliss put her hands on her knees, catching her breath. She opened the book in hopes of finding something to stop the evil Sprite. Frustration overtook her features as the writings in the book were encrypted.

Her distracted mind gave the villain an opening. The plasma blast destroyed the bottom stairs. Aliss lost her balance and fell backwards. Her body made a collision with the mess and it washed her skin with cuts and bruises. Aliss groaned in total agony.

"Ready to give up?" The Sprite mocked her. Aliss struggled to find her footing and she did. She picked up the book and continued moving upwards. "I must say your determination is unbeatable", the Sprite faked her sincerity, "as for your needs work".

"Aliss! Help!" Kimmy's shout of desperation made Aliss angry and sad. She used a door out of the stairwell to the open area of the floor she was on. The Sprite used one hand to hold Kimmy in midair. Kimmy was squirming in her grasp. "Try to run again and the girl flies!" "Let her go! I give up! Just let her go!" "Aliss no you..."

The Sprite aimed her staff at Aliss and shot green sparks at the girl. The spark turned into a net. Aliss cried out from the pain, falling to her knees. "On second thoughts, you gave me quiet the trouble and I hate being told that I was late for a job", she released her hold on Kimmy, "say bye bye". "NO!"

Time slowed down in Aliss's eyes. Something powerful burned within her. The spell book floated to her eye length. Wild wind blew her hair in several direction. The net faded into dust and Aliss stood up. Her left hands shot blue sparks at the falling Kimmy who was just a minute away from making hard impact.

"Impossible!" The Sprite screeched, shooting plasma balls at the girl. "Aevet ik qum!" The words parted from her lips. The same blue sparks struck the Sprite. The creature turned whitish blue as she froze. Her body fell out of the air and smashed into a million pieces as it hit the ground.

The adrenaline rush left Aliss and dizziness set in. She staggered backwards in fatigue. Aliss searched for strength to stand but she was drained. Her body gave out and she fell down, allowing the darkness to consume her.

What a chapter! Am I right? Don't forget to Vote, Comment and Share!

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