Into The Folk - Ep 8

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Tension was an understatement for what the two best friends shared through out the ride. The driver whistled awkwardly till he reached their destination. After Kimmy Su payed him, he drove as fast as he could mumbling about how scary teenagers can be.

"Kimmy wait", Aliss pulled her arm, "you know better than anyone what duty means but you're not thinking straight and I need you here. Please". "Aliss, YOU know I love you more than anything in the world. I'd give up my life for you", Kimmy licked her lips and sighed, "but I have to go. My brothers...they need me to bury them. I feel nothing but a burning passion to get back to our family's soil".

"And what if you die? I wanted to help Ingrid and Cedar and if I didn't get help from Leati, they might have died. What if a Creature of the Night attacks you? The tower won't get me there fast enough".

"You have too many problems, Aliss. The Watchers made our family swear for a reason. This is my way of helping you. For once, I have to do this my way. I wanted you to come before but now, I see that you can't".

"But I can, Kimmy! I choose you, okay? I would never forgive myself if anything were to happen". Kimmy rubbed her thumb over Aliss's hand, "you aren't gonna lose me. Not today and not ever", she said smiling, "but I can't let you come with me. Pine Ridge is too important and I need the Watcher to watch over my parents till I get back". "Oh Kimmy..." "Promise me, Aliss, that you'll focus on school and your duties to the Creatures of the Night. This isn't goodbye". "I promise". Kimmy pulled her into a long hug and kissed her hair. This isn't goodbye. It can't be.

                           * * * *

"There was nothing I could do to stop her, Mrs. Zhou", Aliss said over the phone, "but I trust Kimmy. She'll be safe and she'll be back with answers". "I wished you girls would listen to us adults for once". Eun Ye sighed over the phone, massaging her forehead. "In the past months that we've been exposed to 'wonders' of the unseen world", the girl looked around to make sure no one was eavesdropping, "I've come to know that when the time comes, the little girls you know always find a way of surviving. Kimmy has your strength and Mr. Zhou's brains. I know she'll be fine and she swore to send an SOS the moment anything happened". "I'll take your word for it then. Be safe, okay?" "I will".

She hung up and raised her head admiring the house she was in front of. It was the Lnglise's. Meadow seemed oblivious to the fact that Aliss had magic so she was here on an undercover mission to find out what Onyx had against her. At least, that was her main goal.

Aliss rung the door bell. She only had to wait seconds before a woman opened the door. Her skin was just as white as Meadows and her hair, a similar silver color. Aliss knew the woman had to be Meadow's mother. "Good evening ma'am. My name's Alissandra Patterson", she greeted, stretching out her hand for a shake, "Meadow and I are partners for a History assignment and she said I could come over to get started".

The woman eyed Aliss carefully before smiling and taking her hand. "Caspia Lnglise", she said in a heavy accent Aliss couldn't determine, "Meadow mentioned it a minute ago. Do come in". Those three words pushed Aliss into a memory. She was standing at the door with her bag slung over her shoulders. From her balled fists, one could tell she was raging mad. "My daughter has nothing to do with the likes of you", Caspia said harshly, "These feelings you talk about are merely dust, with time they will blow away. Meadow shares my thoughts. I decided to come out and tell you to soften the blow but if you wish to have your little heart all means, do come in".

"Are you alright, dear?" The woman snapped Aliss back to reality. "Yeah", she shook her head, "I zone out a lot these days". Caspia moved out of the way for her to enter. Aliss wanted to admire the house but the sickening sight of pink walls reminded her of her Mom's mansion and she despised the place. "She's on the second floor just push the double doors!" Caspia shouted as Aliss went up the spiral staircase.

Aliss caught the white haired girl staring out the window, lost in thoughts. "Hey, your Mom let me in". Meadow jumped in fright on hearing the voice. "Sorry", Aliss apologized, "the doors were opened so I just entered". "No need to apologize", the other girl regain composure, "come in! Come in!"

"Nice house", Aliss dropped her bag and sat down in an armchair, "and I never got the chance to apologize for yesterday. You must have heard about my accident by now. A lot of things are still missing from my mind and for whatever I might have..." "Aliss, stop", Meadow interrupted her, "Kimmy helped me understand that the past is the past. Apologizing for something you don't know makes it pointless so let's move on from it". "Glad to know we're on the same page".

The two studied and jotted down important points they wanted to add to the report. "Not to intrude but do you know a new guy in school called Onyx?" Aliss finally decided to begin her investigation. Meadow froze up for a few minutes but shook her head, "no, not really. We spoke for a minute or two but that's it. I don't know him".

"I was just asking because he sat beside me in Art today and he asked a ton of questions about you". If she was going to lie to cover up the truth, I'm gonna do the same to bring it out.

"What kind of questions?" Aliss could see Meadow gulp nervously. "You were here before you moved. He wanted to know about that time of your life. If you ask me, I'd say he was digging up dirt on you but what do I know?" "Onyx is an obsessed idiot!" The white haired mistakenly blurted. "You don't have to tell me why", Aliss raised her hands, "I heard you're like a celebrity now. Fans and haters can be extreme". Meadow was about to say something when her Mom walked in.

"Sorry to disturb girls but you've been studying for a while", Caspia came in with a tray of cookies and two glasses of orange juice, "I know how hard moving was for Meadow. Seeing a possible friend of hers just got me excited". "Mom, what are you doing?" Meadow pulled her mother aside for a chat. Aliss wanted to ignore them but her eyes caught sight of something that made her frown. The milk cookies had a sparking pink powder on it. It might have only been for a while for Aliss recognized it as pixie dust.

"Where's your bathroom? I really need to go". Aliss called the attention of the mother-daughter duo. "It's on your right". Meadow said. "Thanks". She turned and went through the right door. She didn't close it entirely to hear their conversation.

"How can you be so sure she has anything to do with the new Watcher?" She heard Meadow whisper.

"I'm telling you, child. She is radiating with a power I have never seen in all my years. Something has changed since the accident. You don't want to see us punished, do you? Exactly! I have to get her on our side before the Court is gathered". Court? Aliss wondered, the guardian angel said something about Court.

"Your dust got us into this mess in the first place. No! I'll talk to her. I'll see what she knows".

"And how can I trust that you won't let 'feelings' cloud your judgment this time?"

"Well, mother, I will always have you to put me in line, won't I?" Meadow's voice was laced with spite and sadness. "We'll try your way today and mine tomorrow". Caspia walked out after that. Aliss quickly unchained her spell book and tried to find anything about Pixies. "Pixio ge wka io. Mel vus hae ma byn. Li, apas not chu fee opis gaz tu", she read silently, "pixies have dust. It has many purposes. The first is for mind control... You've got to be kidding me".

Aliss fumbled with some toilet paper and flushed out the bowl. "Sorry about my Mom barging in like that", Meadow smiled sweetly, "she can be a bit much". "I don't care about your mother, Meadow", the brown haired girl was done with the pretense, "but if you don't give me a good explanation for why she was trying to brainwash me, Onyx would be the least of your worries".

"How did you...?"

"How did I what? Know that the icing on the cookies was pixie dust? Let's just say I've been dealing with far too many members of the Folk to keep my guard down".

Meadow shivered on her spot, "you're not close to the Watcher", she muttered, "you are the Watcher". "And you're under an ancient oath to tell me the truth", Aliss crossed her arms, "I suggest you start talking".

Whoa! I like it when Aliss goes all 'Commando Watcher' on people. It's like the most badass thing ever.

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