Into The Onion - Ep 3

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The flames died out and Aliss fainted. Before she could hit the ground, Penn caught her. "Where are we?" Yoon frowned at the unfamiliar room. "I had a feeling Alissandra would be inviting guests", a man in black suit with a champagne flute in hand walked in, "please, make yourselves at home". "Who are you?" Kimmy asked. "Ah! Kimmy Su, ever eager to protect your friend", he smiled coyily, "If she had the time, she would have introduced me. Nevertheless, call me Lucian or the guardian angel".

"We have to prepare, sisters".
"If we had restrained her from the beginning, we would not have to prepare".
"This day was always meant to come. If not ... , another would rise".
"This is not the time for blames but the time for action. Come, sisters, let us join hands".
"Asio nipat ul mazae ya ricca zul". "Lomba fara nuse bles". "Tami nada ife hisna passhia". "Oli a mues me forta gastu". "Asio nipat ul mazae ya ricca zul!" "Lomba, lomba, lomba, LOMBA!"

Aliss jerked from her sleep. "Hey, hey, you're okay. We're safe". Aliss saw that Kimmy was rubbing her palm just as she did several times when she collapsed. "Are you fine?" She asked. "Physical, not fully", Kimmy shrugged with her response, "emotionally, not at all but it'll be okay. You came for me even when I had no way of calling for help. I got myself in that mess and just like always, you save me. I can't..."

"Breathe, Kimmy!" Aliss smiled, "Lucian told me there was no magic in the world more powerful than love. I thought he was kidding but on the first night, I hadn't heard from you and after the mysterious deaths of your brothers, all I could think about was how much I loved your stupid, impatient, immature self. I couldn't do this or anything without you. That night and the next, I heard your cries in my dream. It broke my heart. Promise me something".


"When I say we'll figure something out together, don't go your own way. Promise me that you'll listen and you'll wait for me".

"I promise, Aliss. No more running off to get kidnapped by evil snake ladies. I don't know about the others though". Aliss smacked her face with a pillow. "Ow!" Kimmy laughed, "and speaking about Lucian, are guardian angels supposed to be so good looking?" "Ew! Kimmy Su, ew". "I'm just kidding. He's asking for you though".

A clean gray sweatshirt had been placed on the bed for her to change to seeing as her old shirt was soaked in blood. "How long was I out?" Aliss asked as they walked out of the bedroom. "An hour and half. That hasn't happened since the first time you learned about your powers. What kind of spell was that?" Kimmy said. "I don't know", she shrugged, "Lucian gave it to me. He - erm - knows a lot about magic". "Aliss, is there something about our mystery man that you want to tell me?" "No, I don't think so. Have you heard anything?"

Kimmy wanted to say more but they had arrived in living room. "Only an hour and half? I'd celebrate with a toast but you're under aged". Lucian said with a wide smirk. "I'm sure you've all met Lucian", Aliss crossed her arm, "whatever story he was telling you is total bull. Ignore every word. He just thinks he's very funny". "Don't be such a prig. I can swear on my life that I took a piss on the ground that the Eiffel Tower now stands. That was the good o'l days".

"The only thing we want to know is what that woman is and why she was able to do magic? There is nothing in my spell book about creatures like her".

"That's because there are no creatures like her", Lucian took out a handkerchief from his front jacket pocket and slapped the bound woman, "she is what the Watchers would call an abomination". The woman woke up with a loud scream. Her slit pupils had changed to normal human ones and the color was a bloodshot red. "Oh my gosh!" Kimmy jumped back.

The others in the room gathered round to see. The woman had bent her head and started mumbling incoherently. "Why would she be called that? Or be the only one of her kind?" Aliss found it to be very confusing. "Asides controlling the natural urge to maim and kill, Watchers were very keen on monitoring the love affairs of the Creatures of the Night", Lucian explained, "they are Seers amongst them and from a scoop I heard, a mixed breed was fated to cause the end of the world".

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