Into The Tower - Ep 10

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The hospital raiding was all over the news the next morning. Jim had just dished his breakfast when the news was announced on the TV. He grabbed his phone and called Dr. Foster. "Jim, good morning. I hope you got some rest like I prescribed". Dr. Foster greeted. "I did but have you seen the news?"

"Ah yes! There was a black out in every hospital in town and many reported seeing wild animals. I would not bother myself with such news if I were you".

"Is Aliss okay? That's all I need to know!"

"Yes, she is. She wants to see you and she said to bring a tub of ice-cream but as a medical professional, I'd say you should bring a flask of hot cocoa". Jim hung up, overjoyed. Aliss was unhurt from the raid and she was awake. His day became brighter in matter of minutes.

Jim quickly made hot cocoa and dressed to combat the cold weather. "My keys!" He gasped and dashed into his room. He could never think straight with Aliss on his mind. Jim double checked himself. Once he was sure nothing was amiss, he went to the front door.

He pulled the knob just as someone was about to ring the doorbell. Jim's face turned white like he had seen a ghost. "Hi Jim!" The woman greeted with a sickening smile, "heading out so early?" Jim balled his hands into fists. The blondish brown haired woman was none other than Tess McCardy; his ex wife and Aliss's mother.

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"It's just weird. He's always on time". Aliss grumbled in the hospital bed. "Chill out! I can bet he's just stuck in the snow", Kimmy reassured her, "it's heavier these days". "If you say so but I still don't have a good feeling about it". "Have some gummy bears. It'll calm you down". Kimmy poured the gummy bears from the pack into a bowl.

"What are gummy bears?" Ingrid scratched the top of her head. Currently, there were six people in the room including Aliss. "You're kidding, right?" Kimmy felt like ripping her hair out, "she is kidding, right?!" "I'm not", Ingrid tucked her hands in her jacket pocket, "Wayfarers aren't exactly in tune with the rest of the world".

"But everyone knows gummy bears. They are like the best things in the world. How could a person survive without it? It just doesn't make sense".

"You making this a bigger deal than it is, Kimmy". Aliss cut it.

"I have to make it a big deal. Next thing she's gonna say is she doesn't know who Makaela King is". "Who?" Ingrid blurted. Kimmy opened her mouth to speak but Aliss closed it. The girl's face was so red that everyone thought she would explode.

Kimmy exhaled and nodded for Aliss to remove her hand. "Makaela King is only the biggest fashion icon in fashion icon history", Kimmy whipped out her phone and showed Ingrid some photos of the woman, "everything her hands touch gets sold out or becomes a limited edition". "She's pretty", Ingrid had another question in mind, "but how can she fit in this tiny machine and what is this tiny machine?"

It was Aliss's turn to be surprised. "You don't know what a phone is? How did you send messages around?" Aliss found herself asking. "Pigeon, of course. They're very popular and move in flocks so messages are passed unspotted". Ingrid answered confidently. "Pigeons?! Excuse me but I have to walk this one of", Kimmy sprung from the bed, "if you need me, I'll be attacking the vending machine".

"What's her problem?" Penn looked at Aliss. "That's just Kimmy. You'll grow to love her for it", Aliss replied, "but seriously, do you guys not know anything about the human world?" "We know that they receive education, work and die just like we do". Ingrid gave a sharp response. "There's more to being human than that".

"Like what?"

"Like walking your dog to the park, riding on a rollercoaster, throwing up from eating too much junk food, window shopping at the mall and many other crazy stuff".

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