Into The Onion - Ep 2

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"You can kill yourselves after we save my best friend!" Aliss's words broke the staring match between Penn and Leati. "Trust you to be late to your own arrangement". Penn smirked. "Since magic is so easy, I'd like to see you have a go at it". She raised an eyebrow. "No thanks". "That's what I thought".

"No offense, 'Watcher'", Onyx crossed his arms and said, "but I don't see why I'm here". "I hate to agree with him but he's right, Aliss", Meadow agreed, "this is a rescue mission. You need more people like them". The 'them' referred to Leati and Penn. "You asked me to show mercy to your parents. Well, mercy doesn't come free to criminals", Aliss replied, "and you, Onyx, are here because you tried to blackmail Meadow which doesn't exactly write 'saint' as one of your glorified qualities. Anyone else got a question? Hm? I didn't think so".

Aliss looked at the drawing on the paper given by Lucian. "Mesuna", the first word made a black arc appear on the ground, "kayete", another arc drew her itself, "pogrito", an equilateral triangle took shape in the middle of the arc, "wikami", two small circles formed at the two base tips of the triangle, "ofisog", a longer arc joined the other two to close the circle, "dashka verta!" Two lines cut from the top tip of the triangle down to the larger arc in parallel but straight form.

The whole image glowed then caught fire; a deep dark hue of blood red flames. "The fire won't burn", she told them, "stand inside and I'll complete the spell". Meadow was first to comply. Aliss wondered if her parents had done something else that made her desperate to protect them at all costs. Penn joined then Leati and finally, Onyx. She got in herself and added the final words, "ilumikanti pokule darkba ashan zaec ri soo!" The flames increased and consumed them all.


"Rise and shine, Kimmy". Kimmy gasped out of her dream. "Shh, Shh", the woman stroked her hair, "it'll all be over soon". "What are?" The girl was panting hard, "what are you gonna do to me?" "It seems your brothers are stronger than I was told", she answered, "if I had a sister, I wouldn't stand for the mere thought of her being tortured but they watched you all night. Ouch! Anyways, it's clear they won't say anything so I'll kill you and make them live out the added days of their lives in utter regret".

"What could they possible have that you want?"

"Now, Kimmy, if I told you, it'd ruin the surprise".

Suddenly, Kimmy remembered what Aliss had said in her dream. Whether or not Aliss was truly coming to rescue her, she needed to find a way out and the perfect idea formed in her head. "That is exactly what my brothers want you to do". "Excuse me?" The woman asked. "They want you to kill me so that the secret dies with me. That's right. They don't have the seal, I do".

The woman pushed Kimmy's hair and saw the mark of the pendant below her neck. "How did I not notice this?" She questioned herself. "You might be evil but your brains need work", Kimmy shrugged, "you see, I can lead you to it but you have to let me go. I'm not talking release me so that your pets can finish me off, I'm talking never bother me again and a formal apology for my wounds". "Of course", the woman waved her hands and all the ropes binding the girl cut, "but know that if this is a trick, death would be the least of your problems". "No need to tell me twice".

The two of them walked to where her brothers were struggling with their shackles. "Good news boys, you'll be cold and rotten in your graves soon enough", the woman cackled, "young Kimmy here has finally come to realize that your stupid oath is not worth dying for". "Kimmy Su, what are you doing?" Yoon asked, looking deep into his sister's eyes. "I'm going to give her what she wants. I can't take this anymore".

"You don't know what you're doing".

"Maybe I don't! Maybe I didn't know what I was doing when I traveled half across the world to bury brothers I haven't seen in fifteen years! But I have a life in Pine Ridge; a life that I'm not ready to give up. Eomma, Appa...they don't deserve to have their children taken away from them. You two are already dead. I'm sorry but I can't die too".

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