Into The Tower - Ep 2

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Fur grew on Leati's skin until his clothes ripped and he was in his Lynx form. He roared and jumped on a red cloak knocking them to the ground. "Get out of here!" He growled at her and slapped another red cloak with his paws.

The night in school revisited her mind. Her cluelessness got Emmil kidnapped. She was not going to run away again. "I can help!" She told Leati. "You'll only make things worse!" He countered, not sparing her a glance.

Aliss quickly unchained her spell book. In the panic of the moment, none of the words made sense to her. Meanwhile, Leati was finding it very difficult to hold off the red cloaks on his own. While he was busying biting the arm of one, another slashed his back with the sword. Leati roared in pain and fell to the ground.

His wound made the marks on her arms sting. Aliss acted on impulse and stretched her hands towards the group. The sparks surrounded them, levitating their bodies. Aliss shifted her arms to the left and released her hold. The red cloaked people screamed in terror as they fell into the water.

Dizziness set into Aliss's head. She leaned against the railings but refused to black out. Her breaths came out in heavy heaps. She screwed her head to see Leati and he was still moaning in pain on the ground. His fur began to shrink. In seconds, the animal was gone and a naked Leati replaced it. Aliss could not focus on the nakedness because there was large burn cut across his back.

Aliss let strength return to her body then she went over to him. She touched an unwounded part but Leati flinched like she had burned him. "Leave me", he said weakly,  "it'll heal". "Of course it would", she rolled her eyes, "in a million years. I left a really great class to save your butt. The least you can do is act like you don't totally despise me".

The spell book floated to her. Some words highlighted and she nodded. "Iy cantum hella posmi nador". She recited perfectly. The words meant 'heal that which will'. The metaphor behind it was a mystery but she lacked the time to solve it. The opening at his neck closed and Leati growled. The other parts of the injury did not heal. "Hmmm", Aliss tapped her chin, "I think I'm supposed to repeat the chant till you're all fixed".

Leati wanted to protest but Aliss quickly went back to the spell. "Iy cantum hella posmi nador". The words were said several times and its effects were beginning to be visible. "You'd think that after being horrible to me, I would enjoy seeing you in pain. I just feel sorry you really". Aliss shrugged and smiled. She may have enjoyed seeing him in pain but admitting it meant she was just as much of a jerk as he was.

Minutes passed till the wound was closed. A long scar did remain on his feature. Heal that which will she thought it probably means that magic has its limits. It can't solve everything.  Aliss stood up, "you're welcome", she said sarcastically, "unfortunately, I can't make you clothes. I'm still bad at this so I'll get going". "Thank you" it was so hushed that Aliss barely heard it but she did. She nodded without looking at him and left.

                          * * * *

"That is badass! I wish I was there to see it!" Kimmy squealed like a fan girl. Aliss choked on her juice box. Kimmy hurriedly put napkins in her face. "I'm fine", Aliss pushed her hand away, "I can't say the same for you. Why would you be so happy about people trying to kill me?" "Technically, they were trying to kill Leati who has always been rude to you and what I find awesome is the way you ended them. And hey! You didn't pass out. That's a totally win today!"

"I guess when you put it like that...I was kinda awesome. It was scary though".

"What do you mean?"

"Those red cloaks. They're faces weren't showing and six of them were attacking just Leati. I don't like the guy but one slash of that sword made him pale. They would have killed him if I didn't get there on time".

"But you did!" Kimmy tried to raise her spirits, "it's okay to be scared. You're a kid. It's what we do. You were strong enough to make things work even when you were scared and I'm super proud of you". "Thanks". Aliss felt lucky to have Kimmy by her side.

"Enough of the dark side", Aliss changed the topic, "let's talk about what regular teenagers talk about. I heard the party was a costume party". "Yeah", Kimmy ate a part of her meal, "I'm gonna wear my snow fairy dress from Halloween". "You've never worn a snow fairy costume before". "Of course, I have. I wore it last year and you..." Kimmy slapped her mouth, "sorry. I forgot".

"It's okay", Aliss shrugged, "it's not like my accident didn't happen. You can talk about it".

"I know. I just feel so bad when I do. Life wasn't the same without you especially for your Dad. Speaking of your Dad, how is he?"

"Why don't you come find out? I know your Mom grounded you but she loves me. I'm sure she wouldn't mind".

"She loves you which is why you're still allowed in my house. She has this crazy idea that I'll use your place as an excuse to run off to some party. That woman is nuts". "The apple doesn't fall far the tree I've been told". Aliss teased her. Kimmy stuck out her tongue.

They finished their food and walked out of the cafeteria. "I'm staying behind to write the test. You sure you don't wanna wait?" Kimmy asked for the tenth time. "I've told you. I'm fine", Aliss answered, "I'll call you the moment I'm on the bus and the second I enter the house". "You better!" "Sure thing, Mom". They hugged and parted ways.

Aliss put on her headphones. She tucked her hands in her jacket pockets. Too bad, Lynxes don't use phones. She wanted to confirm that Leati made it back to the Pride unharmed.

The sidewalk was filled with students her age. A dark pit grew in her guts. They were so carefree. They chatted about the latest models or artistes. A few of them showed off their skateboard tricks while the spectators placed bets on the most rad kid.

Aliss had never focused on hobbies. She was a straight A's student which was how she bumped up a grade. She was seventeen; a common age for junior year students. Since she refused to pick up an extracurricular, magic filled that void. Aliss was mesmerized by the extent of her powers yet the loneliness attached was equally her burden. What happened to all the other witches? She caught herself wondering a few times.

The exhaust of gas from the bus break brought her out of her head. Aliss called Kimmy as promised. "If you see a man with tatts, stay away", Kimmy was giving her several obnoxious warnings, "people with tatts are normally dangerous". "I have tattoos on my arm", Aliss whispered, "aren't you being a bit biased?"

"You're a good girl. It's a totally different thing. Again, if you see an old lady with three bags of grocery, stay away. She is a con artist. Everyone knows that old ladies can only carry two bags".

"Okay! You're clearly on steroids. I'm gonna hang up now".

"Aliss, wait!"

"What now?!" Aliss groaned. "Do not pet a stray dog. Everyone knows that dogs don't like buses because they can't stick their tongue out the window..." "Bye! Love you!" Aliss hung up and shook her head. She really needed to consider some of her life choices.

The bus ride was enjoyable. At first, it was quiet then three dudes turned on a boom box. Aliss was not a big fan of Latin America music but it was worth seeing two elderlies do the tango. The other passengers clapped in excitement and the dudes received heavy tips.

Aliss texted Kimmy saying she just got off the bus and she was on her way home. She was about to wear her headphones again when she felt a chill. Her eyes surveyed the area. Her neighborhood was empty because of the snow. Aliss had never been worried about the trek home before but her gut feeling said something bad was on its way.

Light footsteps began to follow her. Be cool Aliss. She cautioned herself. She increased her pace slightly and maintained her relaxed physique. The stranger increased their pace as well. The steps sounded very close so Aliss panicked and broke into a sprint.

Suddenly, a figure rammed her side. Aliss fell to the ground. He loose hair scattered across her face. The figure bent over her body. Aliss gasped. Red cloaks. However, she was not given a chance to scream for help as a piece of cloth clamped on her nose and mouth. It was chloroform.

Way to get yourself kidnapped, Aliss. I personally liked this chapter. You?

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Peace ✌

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