Into The Folk - Ep 4

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"I'm home Mom!" Meadow announced, closing the door behind her. She chuckled sadly to herself. Her mother had never been home to welcome her from school, not even when she was in preschool. Meadow was baffled at how alone she felt in a town of thousands of people. Despite living in a mansion, the Lnglise family had no help or servants to run errands.

The house itself was a Georgian architectural craft with bleached evergreen moss color on the outside and red capped roof. It had many rooms which Meadow had never bothered to count and several windows that was draped with tiffany blue zebra stripes. The interior design consisted of a large 'L' island kitchen, two sitting rooms on each floor that had soft and comfty gray couches, many hung paintings of abstract art and nature, crystal chandelier lights in each room and smeared colors tiled floors.

The rooms were painted a creamy white with teal foot mats at each door. Meadow climbed up the ninety steps spiral staircase to reach the second floor where her room was. She had the entire floor to herself because her parent's rooms down the long hallways of the ground floor.

Once she reached the top stair, there were two passages on both arm sides but Meadow never want either way. Her hands wrapped around the handles of the French double doors and pulled them open. Her luxurious suite welcomed her.

Unlike the sitting room downstairs, Meadow's had a fireplace connected to the chimney, a rocking chair, a polar bear fur rug and a mantelpiece holding the photos of her younger self. A shelf of important books stood tall in one corner and in the other, was a glass case of customized paintbrushes. Meadow nodded as everything was in its place.

The only couch in the room backed another pair of double doors that nested her bedroom. Meadow had a lot on her mind so she opted for dropping her school bag on the rocking chair and stepping out to the balcony.

Onyx had struck many nerves in the few words he spoke. Meadow thought over them carefully. He spoke no lies about the crimes of her parents. Two lovebirds flapped in the air miles away from the house compounding to her sorrow. Meadow leaned on the railings and sighed heavily. The hard decision weighed a ton.

                            * *

Aliss reached school the exact moment the bell rang. Being in school brought the face of the new girl into her mind. The stranger somehow triggered her lost memories. She spent little time on the speculation as Kimmy Su dragged her off to their favorite place.

Flavor Falls was the most popular ice cream parlor in the whole of Pine Ridge. For many years, it was the only place that served desserts but the fast growth of the town and the world as a whole made it less significant. Nevertheless, it had a variety of flavors that had people coming back for more.

"We need an ice cream break", Kimmy smiled so hard it looked as though her skin would crack, "what flavor do you want?" "Winter's barely gone. Are you sure you should be doing this? We both know you are weak when it's a fight against cold". Aliss quirked her eyebrows.

"Relax", Kimmy rolled her eyes, "I can handle it and even if I can't, I have a magical jewel that heals super fast".

"Don't come crying when you have a brain freeze".

"Whatever Mom! What flavor do you want?" "Plain vanilla please". Aliss left with that to pick out a table. "Boring! I'm having the bubblegum marshmallow". Kimmy turned back to the counter/display case to place their orders. The worker jotted down on his notepad and stated the price. Kimmy paid, thanked him and went to seat with Aliss who was at the far end corner.

"While we wait, fill me in on what happened. Is anyone dead?" Kimmy made sure to check for prying eyes and perked ears before bringing up the topic. "No one died, luckily but it wasn't easy". Aliss sighed. "What happened?"

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