Into The Day - Ep 7

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Aliss had recounted all that transpired between Mother and the Daemon. Kimmy wanted to introduce Mother's face to her fists but Aliss had locked them up. She and Penn spent the five days they had left bringing down the operations of the remaining Ways. Leati related the progress of the Pride to them through Emmil who was disguised as a boys' scout. Kimmy, Eun Ye and Jim were tasked with prepping the warded healing house for the injured. With the night came the war and they all knew many would fall.


"I'll touch the Leaves when I see the Daemon and his army. We've cut off his other connections so he will lay out all his cards". Aliss and the others were drawing up strategies over the map of Pine Woods which was the name of the forest.

"And what if he has an ambush waiting for our ambush?" Penn asked, tactically.

"I thought of that", Aliss answered, "Leati and I will scout out the gates with the first squad hidden but not hidden while the second squad will be spread out far from the fields. If we get cornered, it might take time for them to reach us but it's a better risk than being surprised".

"He only has Bogeys on his side, right?" Kimmy wanted to be clear on the strength of the enemy.

"Lucian said the decoy Leaves of Night might have a spell that will make those Elven and snake woman creatures real so we're prepping for that possibility too". Aliss said.

"Did you ever find out why he made them to begin with?" Leati spoke up.

"Mother said it was because of the ancient spell of compulsion. These new creatures don't have the same blood so I can't command them". Aliss sighed. Hearing the words from her mouth made her realize how deadly these new creatures would be.

"And the plan is still to seal everyone back up?" Jim tried to be brave but he hadn't gotten a wink of sleep since Aliss concluded that it was best they all leave.

"Yes, Dad. I would never forgive myself if something like this happened again. The Creatures of the Night don't belong here".

"I know. I know. I was just checking".

"We're all clear on the plan?" Everyone nodded except Lucian who cleared his throat dramatically. "I haven't been given a role yet". He said, toying with a cocktail umbrella. "You're part of the backup. If for any reason something goes horribly wrong, you have the magic to stop it". Aliss explained.

"Just to be clear, you are more powerful than I".

"I know but we can't have all our players on the field".

"You're just making excuses because you think I am not to be trusted".

"That's not true". "It's fine. I understand", Lucian exaggerated a hurt expression, "no one should trust a Daemon against his own". "That's not what I meant!" Aliss shouted in frustration, "I don't want you getting hurt. You've done more than enough for me. And...and I want you to look after my family. Can I trust you to do that?" "Of course, Aliss", Lucian smiled. It wasn't a smirk or a grin but a genuine smile. "Okay", she exhaled, "are we ready to go?" "You bet" "Always" "Born ready".

Leati went full Lynx and Aliss rode on his back. His accelerated pace filled her hair with the wind. Aliss held onto his fur gently as they moved. Leati jumped over cars and ducked under sign post till they reached the woods. The Blind Fields was a nickname for a dearth of land that no plants grew on. Humans couldn't explain why rain and sunshine did not affect the land and they could not see the gates. Aliss deduced that the magic of the Nether World crippled the space.

Adrenaline was rushing and her blood was pumping. This will end today. Aliss thought it had to. Leati let out a loud roar as they arrived in the Blind Fields. The girl got down and looked around. They were close to the boundary that divided their town's woods with that of Breven Cove so she understood why she never stumbled on the gates during her multiple survey of the woods.

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