Into The Jungle - Ep 2

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Aliss hit the stop button on her alarm clock. Her hair was scattered on her pillow as she stared at the ceiling. Her eyes may have been wide open but Aliss was barely awake. She had spent her night tossing from one side of the bed to the other. Last night haunted her dreams.

After Aliss survived the animal attacked, she left the school. She sat on the road pavement for ten minutes before she finally had the guts to call her Dad. He rushed to her aid and brought her home. Aliss did not call and when Kimmy called, she ignored it.

She was worried about her state of mind. She was unsure what was real and what was not. The animal she had seen was not a cat nor a tiger yet it had black and crimson stripes and it had fierce cat eyes. Stories of wild animals that lurked in the forest were imprinted in her mind but she had never seen an animal like the big cat. The way it looked at her spoke millions and she was also confused as to why it did not attack her.

The young girl groaned and got out of bed. She inspected her body in the full length mirror. Her body was still a pear shape and she was still a horrible 4ft10 in height. There were no marks on her body except from the places she got stitched.

"Alissandra? You awake?" Her Dad called from downstairs. "Yeah Dad! Be down in a sec!" She groaned when it dawned on her that it was a Saturday. She would not escape his questions about last night; questions that she could not answer because she had no idea what she witnessed.

She managed to brush her teeth and used her slim fingers to untangle her hair. The smell of waffles and fresh raspberry jam filled their small detached house. "Good morning". Her Dad greeted. Aliss kissed his cheek and replied, "morning Dad". "You look like you didn't sleep", he continued talking while plating her meal, "should I be worried?" "Even if I say no, you'd still worry". Aliss rolled her eyes.

Her Dad, Jim Patterson felt dejected. He worked from Monday to Friday as the supervisor of the management and supplies team of a hotel. He occasionally got calls to be at the office during weekends but he always tried to be there for his daughter. He got divorced to Aliss's mom when she was eight. He lost custody of her after the case but her Mom abandoned her on his doorstep when she was 13. He was born with a beautiful blonde hair which he combed neatly to the side and sharp blue eyes that made every female swoon but all that beauty had faded overtime due to the stress that over took his figure.

Aliss and Jim were best friends when she was a kid but they lost that connection. When Aliss came back, she made everyone's lives miserable and she was less opened about her feelings. Jim tried to make her comfortable despite everything. Her accident tore him in half. The wait for her to wake up made him miserable and to crown it all, her Mom never visited her in the hospital.

Their family was a mess yet Jim took it upon himself to bear all the worries and treat his girl with all his love. Aliss frowned once she saw the down casted look on his face. "I just had a flashback of that night", she told a half truth, "the lights of the field and the was too much".

Jim did a happy dance on the inside, grateful that she shared the information with him. "I know it's hard but you'll be just fine", he rubbed her hands with his thumb, "I'm glad nothing truly horrible happened". "Me too". Aliss faked a smile and dug into her breakfast. Her Dad brought up small talk about his work and her studies that kept the atmosphere from being tensed.

"Hey Mr Patterson", a cheery voice joined their conversation, "I totally forgot that you told me to call you Jim. Sorry Jim!" Aliss stopped eating. She considered hiding under that table till Kimmy was gone but that would make things worse. "Hi Aliss", Kimmy gave a big smile, "happy weekend. Mom gave me some vanilla ice cream since winter would be here soon and we need to get rid of it. I told her your Dad was lactose intolerant so she gave me a slice of her special key lime pie".

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