Into The Folk - Ep 5

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For a split second, color faded from her world. Her mind was spinning, not because of who almost killed her but the fact that it was intentional. She had lost a year of her life thinking the accident had ruined her only to be told otherwise. She had been lucky to have escaped with her life.

Aliss lost her balance but Kimmy caught her before she hit the ground. "Here", the other placed her on the couch, "I'll get you water". Jim slowly went to her side. "I am so sorry honey. I was the one who brought him into our lives". The guilt had been consuming him since he discovered the truth.

"Dad stop!" Aliss yelled but then held his hand, "this wasn't your fault. You didn't know. I'm not mad at you".

"I should have known. He was intense and possessive I should have seen the signs".

"Signs of what exactly?"

"Well", Jim cleared his throat, "when the police raided his house for evidence, they found a secret room with different photos of me from every possible angle. Some of them dated back to when we were in high school. It was like a shrine with candles and rose petals all on the floor and love messages written in blood. When they asked why he would target you, I explained how you both never got along and they said he felt threatened by your presence in my life which he was why he wanted you dead. I'm still wrapping my head around the whole thing".

Kimmy had returned with a glass of water. "Thanks". Aliss collected it and took a sip. "That is just messed up". Kimmy shook her head. She had heard the entire conversation. "Why did you send me to Mom?" That part of the puzzle was still unsolved. "It isn't permanent. We wanted to make sure the case was closed before letting you stay here just in case he tries to hurt you again". "I can take care of myself Dad and you need someone by your side. You're the one who got betrayed".

"Says the person who almost got killed".

"I'm tougher than I look", Aliss bragged, "I hear that I get my strength from my father". Jim chuckled and ruffled her hair, "really? And where do you get your sass?" "Maybe Mom. She is a bit of a diva". "Oh your Mom is a major diva. Homecoming queen, prom queen, ultimate fashion icon of college and the list goes on". "That would explain why she's obsessed with how you dress". Kimmy chipped in. "I guess", Aliss sighed, "maybe I should give her another chance". "That's my girl".

Jim kissed her forehead and stood up. "It's late. Why don't you girls stay the night? I'll call Tess and Eun Ye to tell them about it and I'm making dinner". "Sure thing Mr. P. Mind if Aliss and I hang out in her room till dinner's ready?" Kimmy looped her hand into Aliss's. "Not at all". Jim waved them off.

Kimmy dragged Aliss up the stairs and only let go when they were safely in the room. "What was that? Have you finally lost it?" Aliss crashed on her bed. "I know you don't know anything about this jewelry but it's starting to burn".  Kimmy yanked the pendant off her neck and cried out.

The ying-yang akan had left a circle of red blotched skin just below her neckline. "I'll get ointment from the bathroom cabinet. Sit!" Aliss dashed into the bathroom and was out in seconds with a tube. She removed the cap, squeeze the white cream on her left index finger and placed the tube on her bedside table.

"Ow!" Kimmy hissed. "Sorry" Aliss apologized, trying hard to not rub hard against the injury. "I always knew my life was a big irony. A healing charm burning me...that's classic". Kimmy said sarcastically and rolled her eyes. Pain usually brought out the worst of her personality. "There". Aliss stood up straight, "don't touch it. I'll get you a scarf. My Dad cannot see that".

"Can't you magic it away?" Kimmy whined as Aliss raided her closet.  Finding a scarf in her possession was like safely passing through the Bermuda Triangle; nearly impossible. "Magic has its limits and I don't want to use a spell on you just in case the jewelry didn't try to hurt you". Aliss answered. "Hello?! It burned my skin! What else could it be trying to do?"

"Marking you maybe. I have the symbols of the Lynxes on her arm remember? The mark tells me when they were in danger even if my chest didn't blink".

"Oh!" Kimmy scratched her head, "so much has happened since that day in school, I almost forgot". "Not your fault". Aliss turned around with a white chiffon scarf in her hands. "It's the only one I have. Can't even remember where it came from". She added. Kimmy wrapped the scarf around her neck, covering the circle.

"Girls! Dinner's ready!" Jim called in that moment. "We'll figure out what this means after we eat". Aliss said and gave her a look. "Fine!" Kimmy sighed I'm defeat. There were only a number of things they could do about it anyways.

"Hmmm", Kimmy's nose was pleased with the aroma that tickled it, "you have a skills of an Iron Chef, Mr. P. Ever thought of entering a contest?" Jim let out a laugh and said, "and share the special meals I make for my family with the world? I think I'll stick to engineering as a career".

Dinner was Chicken roulette and Grits but Jim had specially made Cauliflower Steak for Kimmy. "This looks amazing Dad. Thanks". Aliss kissed his cheek and sat down. Kimmy moaned and hummed after each bite. Aliss knew she was being extra dramatic but she agreed that her father had the makings of a great chef.

"A letter came in for you today. I didn't know you had a pen pal from Jersey". Jim placed an envelope beside her plate. "I don't". Aliss frowned. Jim was about to retrieve the envelope when Aliss saw her name in Mlinx. "I don't remember having one but I'm pretty sure I do", Aliss quickly saved herself and put the letter on her thighs, "it was probably before the accident". "Oh" Jim nodded and left the kitchen.

"That was a close one". Kimmy whispered. "You're telling me", Aliss left her food and tore open the letter, "I have a feeling it's from the angel". "We seriously need to find out who this person is and how they know when we need answers". Kimmy used a very serious tone.

A card similar to the one sent to her for the Watch Tower fell out. Aliss unfolded the paper and read, "you've been so caught up these days. I feel abandoned. Let me guess, folk problems? Well, I have a solution for you. Enter the Court and announce your presence but keep in mind that many still want you dead. And about Kimmy Su's branding, she might want to travel back home to give them proper burials. Until next time, your Guardian Angel".

Aliss's gripped on the paper tightened. She slowly raised her eyes to meet Kimmy's. Kimmy pulled off the scarf and took a photo of scar. She covered her mouth with her hand and tears gathered in her eyes. The chip had scorched itself unto her skin, branding her which meant that..."they're dead Aliss", Kimmy broke into sobs, "my brothers are dead".

What's Court? And how does this guardian angel know everything? Who is the guardian angel? All will be revealed in due time. Stick around!

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