Into The Onion - Ep 1

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Aliss, please help me. Aliss, help. Help me! HELP ME!

Aliss jerked up from the bed once again covered in sweat. She checked her alarm clock. It was 6AM. The day would make it the third in a row that she had woken up with the same cries in her head. The voice sounded awfully like Kimmy's and with her number switched off, Aliss's worry was sky high.

"Same dream?" Jim asked the minute Aliss came down for breakfast in her pajamas. "I don't know if I can call it a dream but it was Kimmy. I can't shake the feeling that she's in danger", the girl sighed and sat down, "I just wish I knew what was going on". "Jeng and Eun Ye are getting ready to go. They said their flight leaves this evening. They'll find her and bring her home". Jim kissed his daughter's head and went to his room.

"It's a trap. You're a smart girl Aliss. You know I'm right", a voice said, "someone wants the remaining line of Zhou wiped out. Whatever task the Watchers bestowed on them must be of greater importance that I once thought". "What are you doing here, Lucian?" Aliss rolled her eyes and dumped her food in the trash. She had no appetite.

"Funny how you were more trusting when you had no idea who I was. Besides, I'm not really here. My subconscious is just being projected in a physical form". The man smiled. "If I knew my guardian angel was a Daemon, I would have never listened. I've read about your kind and all you care about is darkness. How do I know you're not the one leading me into a trap?"

"If I were not on your side, why would I give you the one tool you need to take back control of the Watch Tower?"

"To gain my trust so that I'd favor you?"

"I'm a eight hundred years old. There is nothing I do not want in this life that I have not already had. You do not have the luxury of time to be in disagreement with me. You must stop Jeng and his wife from leaving".

"Even if I wanted to", Aliss's breathing became heavier, "they wouldn't listen and I don't blame them. I've wasted three questions trying to find Kimmy. I can't use the last two knowing that I still haven't saved the Folk and stopped whatever sinister plan is at work. She needs help and I can't save her".

"If you weren't so quick to jump off, you would have brought Kimmy Su home by now", Lucian removed a piece of paper from his suit pocket, "there is a way to get to her but you need to know her exact location and you need your Coven. For all we know, someone might be using her as bait to reel you in. I can't let that happen". Aliss collected the paper and it fully materialized.

"It's called Gracara Imovnum. It's an ancient spell used by the Watchers to transport Creatures of the Night to safe locations during an uprising that threatened our secret. I won it in a game of cards. I thought I could use it to still explore the world of man but the spell is too powerful for a common Daemon like me especially since we're not in the Nether World".

"If you are really on my side, why not come with me? Huh?"

"Whomever took young Josephine's wings could harvest my magic and cause far greater damage. I can't let that happen and if push comes to shove, you must do everything possible to prevent it even if it means killing me".

"I'm not killing you or anybody. I just need to find Kimmy", she sighed and said, "thank you for this. And you were right. We do have a lot to discuss". Lucian saluted the girl and faded away.

                          * * * *

The first thing Aliss made up her mind about after waking up from the coma was doing well in school. She had no idea what she wanted to be in life but she knew she had to pass high school. At that time, keeping her head down and studying hard seemed like all the world was about.

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