chapter 5

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Kalinda was the most powerful oracle who relayed a prophecy that a werewolf would be born, and he wouldn't just be any wolf but a true Alpha king, he would be mated to a witch. The two were meant to bring back order and undo the curse our ancestors had pledged upon us. I had thought it was a mere tale, but my grandmother believed it and she always spoke to me trying to make me understand my history, which I rarely bothered about.

She probably knew I might be that witch in the prophecy, but all this was rather too dangerous for me, and I was truly thankful for each day I was alive. My mother never spoke of my father, and I would rather not force her to, as I had seen the emotions of pain when I asked about him. My mother went missing ten years ago, leaving me with Arieyanda, my grandmother.

I sat up and looked up as the moon graced the sky with its lights, closing the window I heard the bedroom door open and Aaron stood in the door frame. He looked as though he were debating to actually walk in or remain at his position.

“A knock would've been more appropriate, but please come in.” He walked straight up to me, looking as though fighting a battle within himself.

“How have you been, Evelina?” We hadn't seen each other the entire day, but I truly missed him, I couldn't be under how this bond would make you love someone you don't know. It had me here almost jumping on him by just a look.

“I am okay.” I looked at him and I could tell this whole bond thing took it's tall on him, and he was tired.

“I need you accept me as your mate and allow me to protect you.” He stated as he held my hands in his, playing with the strings of my heart. I did not know what to do or what to say, I had been here before and the memories brought pain to my heart. He wanted me to accept him which meant I needed to trust him but I did not know him.

"I don't do this Aaron, this bond is something I never expected and I have been hurt by many claiming my heart and trust, it will take more than words for me to accept you." I believed in actions as words meant nothing to me.

"I understand but give me time please don't try and run away until you really get to know me." there was a pleading tone to his voice but I still would run when given a chance pretty men like him were capable of nothing but breaking your heart and this one would have my head for dinner.

“A couple of witches were spotted on the borders of our land trying to break free of the barrier that sealed magic.” Surprised I stood up pacing back and forth, the thought of them finding out my new revelation had me paled.

“That's probably my coven, most likely traced me here and if words get out that am your mate they will kill me.” A growl came from him as he pulled me back to him.

“ They would dare not when you are with me.” He grabbed my face and kissed me hungrily, and I kissed him back feeling his muscles twitching by my touch, he grabbed my ass as his hands started squeezing it the fire burning through me as he tore my shirt revealing my chest and kissing my breast and cupping one of my breast in his hand had a moan escaped my throat causing him to push me up the vanity table. He looked at my face, holding my chin and staring deep within my soul.

“Your beautiful Evelina.”My heart beating so fast in my chest had me gasping for air as this room felt so hot, and I couldn't think straight.

“I don't know what I want the bond filters in my mind and now parts of my heart and this feeling scares me” With words, I saw his beast looking at me through his eyes, and I wasn't afraid anymore, I found him beautiful too.

“Your eyes Eve!” I looked at him confused as I peaked at the mirror, and they were an ember color tainted with gold, a fire ignited within them and I felt that Aaron had awakened something within  me and suddenly felt my sexual desires pulling stronger, and I knew Aaron could smell me very well as I did him.

Eric pulled the door open as he walked straight up, “we have the witches and alpha want to meet you two in the pack house.” Aaron remained covering me, my face was so red as I knew Eric could smell us and the sexual tension hung strongly in the air.

“Fuck sake what are doors for Eric…?” And that was his Que to leave as Eric stormed out in anger, banging the door shut on his ways out.

“He still wants my head.” I teased as I took one of his t-shirt to wear, which was colossal on me. He pulled me by the waist holding me to him, did Aaron even know what he was doing to me?

“His upset he'll come around, I know it's hard on them, but they have no say in this.” Pulling him down to me, I kissed him once more lightly, and he returned it with slightly bitting down on my bottom lip, causing my body to shiver with need once more.

“We need to go, I think the sooner we seal the mate bond the easier things will be as I can't seem to think straight around you.” this man could not hide his emotion he wanted nothing but to be together.

"I will give us sometime I don't know much about you and maybe you are right we should take things slow get to know one another but if there is one am sure about now more than ever is Goddess doesn't make mistakes we are together for a reason." I knew his words were true but I wasn't certain if I would risk my life to be with him.

It affected him as it did me, and I wanted him. I nodded as we headed towards the door with my hand in his, and I could feel how happy he was with me and my heart fluttered at all the little gestures he did for me.

I was afraid of going to face my coven of witches and revealing all this to them as I already knew so many witches didn't agree with the prophecy as they would go to the highest length to prevent it even if it meant killing one of their own. Furthermore, I needed to learn magic fast to protect us.

WITCHE'S BEAST *(needs editing )Where stories live. Discover now