Chapter 40

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I was surrounded by trees and the winds of this place hit differently, the ground smelt like coal and mud, it lacked the scent of earth, the grass was green and rich, so were the plants. here everything looked too good and almost everything was poisonous. When I first came here I could not even remember who I was or why I was here, I just kept going and everything confused me until I came across a little FAE.

She was rather too friendly instinctively I chose not to trust her at first and this little creature warmed its way to my heart somehow, we were here both stuck in a world that we did not belong. She constantly helped me here for me to protect her.

I had been here for months, and she was here for years, abandoned here since birth, and she was looking for the one who did this to her. My wolf was barely here with me as his spirit was left behind in my pack lands, and I was able to use his strength and I wanted to shift, but I just couldn't do it here.

I've missed my Eve so much, I missed her scent, I dreamed of her a lot, and I was missing out on so much with my pups growing inside of her. I worry I will get back too late when she already had my pups.

The bond is one of the things that disappeared when I arrived here and bits of my memories came back to me, but it all came back at once when I ran into Rodger. He was ready to kill me and my new FAE friend, but turns out this little FAE possesses a great deal of magic.

“what's on your mind, you look serious.” she threw a small rock at me, I had completely forgotten she was here beside me.

“Do you think she got my message?” I was referring to Sia who I hope understood my message and Even had to ask her mother to locate the realm and only Sia would open it as it was her parent's bones that sealed the gates of the beyond worlds and her magic I recognize it and the FAE explained it to me. Sia had no idea how powerful she is.

“She part of your pack, so I know she got your message.”She moved to the woods and let the coal burn as she placed the rabbit she had killed, and skinned.
“she's not part of my pack, but she's like a pair to witch of my mate.”she looked at me with a raised eyebrow, and she looked foolish.

“Yeah more reason she's part of your pack” I was tired, and this place was getting dark as night was upon us.

This place was dangerous at night, we had to fight all sorts of varmints. There were no laws here, it's either you kill or get killed.”So it's another night in this hell.”she simply smiled as she made the fire, the FAE was here for too long. I wonder if she would ever be able to live in our world.

“I enjoy killing these bloodthirsty creatures.” I knew too well that she enjoyed the killing, and it was becoming a bit of a concerning.

Rodger was badly injured and hiding from us, and I ought to find him and kill him. I couldn't have him showing up again in front of me or Eve.

“tell me about your mate?” she was curious about Eve and I did not share much about her.”what's more to tell Reyna?" she giggled as she started to blush.

"my name sounds really different when you say it."she confused me, she was the first FAE I met, and she was insane.
She handed me the meat as we both shared the rabbit. This FAE has never been with a man and I could tell as she blushed foolishly all the time.

“so all these years in here you made no friends?”I wanted to change the subject,
“I told you before this place isn't the best place to make friends as you could end up in someone's pot.” she stood up to fix her tent and she got in.

“sleep well Aro."shit this meant I stay up all night and watch while she slept.
"sleep well."I dared not to say her name once more. My thoughts travelled to Eve and how I missed those full lips of hers on my, I missed just laying next to her. I closed my eyes for a moment and images of my mate filled me, and it made my soul ache that we were so far from her and I have returned to her as I promised her I would.

I had fallen into sleep as I head some weird sounds and snapping my eyes I came face to face with two giants beasts and one of them was struggling with Reyna. She kicked and bit the beast trying to break free from its old, but she was too small and her attempts were in vain. The beast in front of me let out a roaring sound, probably to scare me, but I did not feared anything, especially a beast as I too bear a beast within. With that, I let out a growl, of my beast showing me he was present in this fight too, I threw a punch at him, but he caught on it as he swerved just in time and kicked me in my abdomen.

I crouched down as I felt the air knocked out of me, and almost every night went through this shit. I got up and punched it twice on it face and jabbed his abdomen with my elbow.
He was now pissed as jumped on me and I moved out of his position on time, and he landed on his ass. The other beast decided to start running with Reyna, and this night just got to be very long.

“Aro save me…" This is Helium the World of monsters. And that little FAE had to be one too.

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