Chapter 42

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We all prepare the items to cast the spell that would open the gates of Helium. Nora hasn't spoken to me ever since last night. I caught her in the nursery room playing with the twins, but she left immediately when I came.
I just wanted the truth from her. At least I deserved that much from her, I would choose if it was worth the pain and despair not her.

“so there is a possibility we might fuck this up and start a war, one we should be ending." Sia laughed as she set the candles on the ground.

“we got this Sia and please try not think like that.” I placed the bowl of water from a nearby stream, this was one of the things Nora requested. I wanted this work, and I needed everyone to do the same.

Nora came to the grounds where we would perform the ritual, she placed the three stones next to the bowl of water, she was awfully quiet and it irritated me not knowing what she was up to. Lyra and Daniel we're arguing about something while Eric and Sia kept teasing one another, Clara gave a glance at me. "this won't end well, you should speak to her.” I knew this thing between them was a fling and a thing like that really ended with tears, but nobody could protect someone from a heart break, but I would at least warn her.

“Sia get over here!” she brushed her hand on Eric's, and he pulled it to his lips, kissing it.

“shitcake….” Everyone hated that name who calls the person they are into like that, she was really weird at times.
“what Lina?”She stood there looking at me as though she knew exactly what I would say.

“what's going on between you two?”She played with her feet like a young girl, she took a glance at him.”we are screwing each other Lina, is that what you want to hear?”she was damn loud as everyone looked at us.

“you know you will get hurt, right? He has a mate out there and any day he could run into her and what happens to you, huh.”she needed to understand the truth of the situation she was in.

“I don't know Lina, you tell me since you are a mate to someone, but you want to fuck Mason too, so yeah shit hurts." she was totally out of line.

“what are you talking about, Sia?"Mason came to us, anger evident in his eyes.
“ You need to learn to think before you speak shit." he was angry and sia was trying to change the subject by using me.

“you can't even hide it, why are you so red right now.” she walked away all angry, and she was not supposed to be the angry one here. Mason and I looked at each other, feeling weird.

“Everything is ready now, Sia come.”Norra called her, and we all gathered there, We all held hands except for the werewolves.

“Sia repeat after me.” Nora said the spell and Sia repeated three times, magic swirled around us, and it was warm. The power did not belong here as it shook our circle trying to break that which bound us to earth.
Sia started saying a spell we did not know, and she kept saying it non-stop.

“please don't let go, no matter what you see or hear.”Nora warned us, and we tightened the hold as the force of the magic was getting stronger.

I suddenly felt the mate bond and Aaron was right there sleeping, and his eyes opened as he felt the pull of the bond. He moved, but there was a witch beside him and my happiness short-lived.”Aaron come on move.” he rushed over pulling the witch with him and this was not going to be a happy reunion.

I felt a mixture of jealousy and anger, but I held it down, Aaron came to me smiling and happy. He pulled me into his arms and kissed me and I kissed him back.”how much I missed you Eve.” I smelt his scent, and now I realized how much I missed it. He looked at me and touched my belly as he searched my eyes for answers, "They are safe at home.” He was overjoyed as he picked me up and kissed me once more.

“I need help.”Sia asked, and I was distracted. I rushed over, but the red head witch took my place and held Sia's hand and her magic guided Sia as she sealed the realm. The brothers were hugging as we all returned home, we were all happy.”I want you all to meet Reyna she's a FAE and has been helpful in Helium so please treat her well, she's a friend.” He was fond of her.

She was starting at me the entire time, which I despised,”Son you have returned!”Gideon hugged Aaron as Larissa came to carry the twins. Aaron Kissed her cheeks before taking the babies. He looked at me and back at them, I saw it and I finally felt it happiness as a tear fell from my eye.
“they are beautiful.”He sat there playing with them, and they recognized their father as a connection was built.

Nora stood up, looking at me.”I should leave now that you found your happiness, everything worked out.”she smiled at me and I stood up as I wanted to thank her, that's the least I could do right now. I almost tripped and Reyna held my hand. That's when the magnetic field of magic happened, pulling magic from the nine witches present here with us, it was ten times strong, and it was my magic matching Reyna's magic but hers was dark, and it fed from the soul. Nora broke the field of magic and guilt was written all over her. This was her big secret, Reyna is my twin sister just like my son. She's bares dark magic and Nora knew I had figured it out.
“Everliner Starrock Se Sestra!" those were Renya's word which touched my soul and I found the missing piece of my power, it was Reyna.


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