chapter 7

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In darkness, I could still see the monster I ran away from the horror of that day, I could still feel the tribulation I had been through. My life wasn't all that magic dust at all, I was somewhere between death and misery and I chose to run from him the man that wanted nothing but my death Roger, I had decided to put that life behind me and live my life on the run. It wasn't always like that, he once was a lover, a friend and now an enemy. Roger killed people for no reason he would make us do spells that dwell in black magic using innocent people in his evilness, he was pur evil with the face of an angel.
Since word has gotten out about me mated to a wolf, I knew he was coming
for me. His loved changed from being beautiful to an obsession. I wanted it all to stop, he was hurting me and made me do things that went against who I was.

The cold wind hit my skin and a slow cold shiver crawled onto my skin as I stood by the window, far away in my thoughts. Roger haunted my thoughts for days now, my heart was bitter bruised by him a warlock of Nemis Coven.

"Lina are you okay?" Lyra awoken me from my thoughts as I turned around to face her."yeah am okay." Of course, she did not believe me, who was I fooling.

"Are you still worried that he might find you?" was I so easy to read, or she just understood me?

"He has, I can feel him." He was close as he had binded me to his familiar, so he could reach me anytime he wished. Every witch had a familiar which was a demon spirit in an animal form, his was a snake.

"Did you tell Aaron?" Of course not, how do I tell him that I have a murderous ex who is looking to kill me as if this fate is not enough to bear."No and I don't want him to find out about this or my past!"

"You say it as though you have an option." Lyra sat down and looking around the room. " I don't, but I just don't want him to find out, it's still too soon." I couldn't allow Roger to ruin my life and I didn't want anybody's petty on what happened to me, so I was still getting to know Aaron and I didn't feel comfortable putting everything out there as yet as I did not know how he would react.

"Who could have thought, Lina?" Lyra, smiling at me." What?" I was all confused and Lyra really enjoyed it.

"That you were the chosen one." I couldn't believe it myself, as the prophecy had killed many witches for it to pass.

"Yeah right, I don't believe it too." Daniel walked in, "Aaron has been challenged to fight Alpha Zion of Denis pack and his asked me to escort you to safety." I need to be where my mate was i needed to support him in his fight as a lot of Alpha's would come forth to challenge his ranking as alpha king.

"I will not, I have to be with him in his fight."Daniel was staring at Lyra, as her beauty was unremarkable.

"That is an order and I will not ignore it." in the short period of time I had known Daniel I did not approve of him as he never broke the rules and I broke each one of them.

"We can protect ourselves too well, just in case you haven't noticed." Lyra spoke as if breaking whatever heat was going on between them.

"There are barriers sealing magic off here, so please follow me to safety as your power will not be of use here." Daniel is one stubborn beta.

All I needed was to be near my mate to try to protect him, the mate bond was twisting me as my mind displayed every possible scene that would go on that battlefield. Was Aaron even strong enough to fight and win the challenge?

"Linah don't think so much, let's get you to safety as this beast might teare my head off." I looked at both Lyra and Daniel as I felt how heated this room became with the two hotheads.

"Lead the way, Daniel. " At that he turned to the door, Lyra grab my hand as we walked, a motion to show that she was here with me.

I could handle the weird feeling settling in my stomach, possibly nerves eating at me or the fear of losing Aaron. I still didn't know much about him besides the fact he had a temper, but all werewolves did.

"Evelina" I didn't need to turn my back to know that it's Aaron as my body was getting warmer with each step he took towards me. I stopped and looked back at him as pulled my hand away from Lyra's replacing it with his, he grabbed my chin and placed a pek on the lips his breath caught on my lips sent little hot jolts of heat. My eyes met his, and I could see all the emotion they held for me.

"what have you done to me."I smiled brushing hand in his."Don't accept this challenge." he shook his hands as he looked at me.

"they would serve as weakness and he would start challenging my father to get to me." either way he had to accept it as I understood I nodded my head

"I will come back to you, I have to see before I do this, I really missed just that my father and uncle have so much of work trying to put more of our me to petrol our boarders as you..."

"Aaron I know, and I understand we need to be alert all times as we never know what's coming." He grabbed both my hands in his and kissed them, my heartfelt heavy I feared losing him.

"I will come back to your Evelina don't carry that face, it breaks me." I smiled, guilty of sending my sadness to him.

"Promise me you will come back." He moved my hair to the side baring my neck as he brushes his hand on a part that I did not know was so sensitive to his touch, I almost let out a moan as Daniel coughed in motion of being uncomfortable. Whenever we were together, it was as if everyone never existed but just us.

"I promise I will come back to you and place my mark here." He brushed the soft part one more time sending shivers through my entire body, I leaned against the wall for support and my legs felt weak. He moved and walked away looking at Daniel, "protect her with your life Daniel. "

"I will brother."Lyra pulled me away down a very dark hallway, and all I could see was Daniel's eyes torching the path for us.

WITCHE'S BEAST *(needs editing )Where stories live. Discover now