Chapter 35

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We had missed so much that happened in a short period of time, Agatha is indeed a spy in our pack working with Alexander, a high member of the council. I knew I should have killed her when I had the chance. It wasn't clear to me why she was brought here as this has nothing to do with her, but it's They wanted, and they feared me. They feared the prophecy and doubted me, so they wanted me to be trialed in hopes I would be killed in the process and not ever returning to calm their beasts. The only reason I accepted these trials was to protect my family and pack, if I refused I knew well what was to come after and to get to me, they would attack the pack.

Daniel gave me an understanding nod as father looked surprised by the revelation made by Alexander, father trusted the witch. He knew she would betray us, but this wasn't how he thought. Mother gave a slight smile, but it was meant for father and I caught and she immediately looked away.

"please proceed Alexander."Herald uttered, and he hated my father for being mated to his cousin and still, he stood against us.

"Magic, of course, was used to cause our females to be barren, and these witches left an imprint of their magic which Agatha was able to spot." This was fucken ridiculous. Everyone knew that, but why we're they still listening to this rubbish.

"Did you find the witches responsible for this?"Henry asked, Lyra became extremely nervous, she wiped tiny sweats that had formed on her forehead and Daniel picked up on her emotions and pulled her close to him, she knew something about this.

"I don't fucked get how this involves us right now?"Eve spoke as she seems to despise Agatha' presence here, and I could tell she was clueless at what Alexander was going with this, but so did I.

"Again Aaron, please calm your mate as I will not ask again as she will be removed from the room, Alexander, please proceed." I was nodding in approval as I looked at my outraged mate, she looked away from me.

"I will let Agatha tell you all."Alexander removed the chains from Agatha, and she looked a bit relieved, the skin remained pink with bruising where the chains had been placed.

"with your permission, I would like to ask that the witch is brought forward."
Agatha asked, and she was granted permission, and I hated how everyone was ready to listen to her.

Sia was brought into the room chained in the same manner as how Agatha had been, Lyra and Eve stood up, and we all had believed she had returned with Clara back to her coven and why was she here.

"what's going on, Alexander? Was this part of your plan too ?" I spoke as anger filled me, and it was Eve's emotion I felt.

"Sit down you all and your questions will be answered soon, I promise." the bastard spoke with a devil's smile playing at the corner of his lips.

Sia looked up at us one by one, and I could see she had been tortured as her face had trails of dried tears and the smell of dried blood is all I got from her. Eve balled her first hard as she was fuming, and she wanted to wail out.

"This is the witch responsible for the spell that had made your females barren. She is Everlina's paired to coven witch." something did not feel right, and I knew Agatha was smart, this was her vengeance.

"Everlina and Rodger killed many of her kind." My wolf felt annoyed by the mention of Rodger's name, but why did Eve not tell me about this or Agatha was lying here. This was bad. My father shook his head as this wasn't what we planned, the council would have Eve removed if they felt she was a threat to werewolves and that's precisely what they wanted.

One of the witches that belonged to the Council stood up, looking at Sia.
"I would like to hear it from her if she is responsible for her crimes?" she wanted Sia to defend herself and I needed that too as I did not believe Sia could do such a thing. She was like a sharp blade wheeled wrong she could slice through you but over the months I had gotten to understand her and underneath those sharp edges she was soft and loving. There was a limit to the things she could do.

There were talk in every corner of the room as every person held their opinions, Mother was watching the council witches closely and father watched the chaos unravel.

"Silence!!!"Henry presided over.

"let her speak, there's always two sides of a story."Simon had been quiet, finally spokes.

Sia stood on weak feet, and she was in a terrible state."Fuck you all, I do not answer to any of you." She spat at the ground and this witch was stubborn, Alexander smiled, getting the reaction he wished for.

"she did not do this. I have known her since childhood, and she would never do this." Eve spoke, trying to help Sia.

"she's lying for her ." Agatha spoke looking at Simon, and it was best if Sia spoke her truth.

"Sia you belong with Eve and Lyra, clear your name as they will suffer the consequence of your actions if you don't speak." I asked, but she gave me a guilty look and I knew she had done it, I sat down defeated as we were losing here.

"Am sorry Eve!" Sia looked at Eve with so much guilt and pain.

"Don't Sia I know you..."Sia interrupted Eve as a stray of tear rolled down her cheek.

"They came in darkness, and I was just fifteen my magic just born. I did not know what I was capable of, they killed my parents while we slept in the next room."she touched her neck as tears fell on her face and mixed with dirt on her cheeks.

"I fucken saw their claws so big slicing through my sister's neck and then the beasts reform into man in front of me." everyone listening to her story and Eve thought she knew Sia but she knew a shadow of her. And guilt ate at her.

"These fucken beasts took me to Eve and for months they tortured me until one day I found a spell that could stop them from being born, and I did it, but it wasn't supposed to work as I had nothing to sacrifice." she spat blood on the ground.

"the pain the pain they caused you was sacrificial enough that the moon granted your spell." it was Eve who spoke the last words as finally understood why it worked, she rushed over to her, but Lyra called out to her,"Eve don't touch her."

Eve was confused as she froze at Lyra.
" Since my pain is the sacrifice, the magic of the spell follows me cursing every wolf I come across."Sia's truth had fucked us all and maybe if we knew earlier on many things could have been done differently, but her actions were pure as she had suffered a lot and her hate was justified.

My father stood up in shock, and I could sense his worry and anger now.
"you mean to tell me that my pack is cursed?" father asked Sia but it was her response that further infuriated him.

"oops!"Sia smiled a bit and she looked half insane. I could not believe that as Eve was already pregnant with my pups.

"This is undoubtedly what I wanted you to all witness as Gideon allowed witches in his pack and have risked us all, and they cannot control their magic, and should not be allowed here." Alexander got exactly what he wanted, and Agatha was more than happy by his side.

I suddenly to Eve by my side as I was aware of the chaos that would now break here

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