Chapter 30

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There was something wrong with Eve and I could tell she was scared, and I had to protect my mate, Agatha tested me and She would soon realize her fault in this, Daniel and Eric had been so ready to take her down for betraying my people. We were circling Agatha and her witches, waiting for her attack, so I could kill her, she sent a flame of hell fire on my way. Clara put it off immediately they were attacking each other with magic. I knew this wasn't a werewolves fight, but Agatha would learn a lesson for her action. I pulled on her leg and a bit down blood oozing from her leg and she let out a cry as she fell to the ground. She had been saying a spell trying to attack me, but it wasn't working and seemed confused.

The Cynthia had fainted from using too much magic, while Cibrian fled the scene as it was too scared of using magic. Eve ran to protect Eric from Agatha as she tried siphoning his energy but when even made contact with the magic it drew back, and she was now siphoning Agatha's magic. She passed out as she was too weak. Annebelle and Gabriel tried to flee, but Daniel got to them faster.”You too are not going anywhere.” he pulled them and got them to sit on the table. I shifted back to my human form.

“Are you all okay?” I checked if everyone was fine, “yes, everyone seemed to be okay.” I took Eve in my arms I held her for a moment, “when were you going to tell us Everlina huh does he even know?" Lyra was extremely upset but what was even hiding now I looked to her waiting for her to respond, but she shook her head “No I was going to tell you all I promise.” Eve looked worried, but I needed to know the truth, and it was disappointing how she was hiding stuff from me.

“I asked you earlier on, and you lied to me.” Clara spoke, she seemed a bit betrayed by her. Eve could sense their emotions as I felt her guilt, “You could have gotten hurt and…" Eve's eyes filled with tears. She wasn't an emotional and I knew that too well and right now all I could do is comfort her. It didn't matter if she lied, I would rather not see her cry.

“Am so sorry I should have told you guys about the spell I did behind your backs with Agatha, but when she betrayed me, I was ashamed to tell you. She stole my magic along with Kalidah's magic.” There was silence from the other witches, and they were worried this is what she was hiding.” next time don't ever feel ashamed to tell me I would never criticize you, okay.” She nodded and I kissed her forehead.

“I don't understand how did you survive without magic?” she looked at me and I could feel her anxious as she looked down.” There was still magic in me from our babies.” she looked at me and my heart started racing, Lyra clasped her hand over her mouth while everyone had their mouths hanging in disbelief."say that again Eve?” she took my hand and placed it on her belly,” I am to carrying your babies Aaron." I could feel their movements my wolf jumping in my head, I picked her up kissed.

"congratulations you two will be parents.”Daniel smiled, I was going to be a dad and I needed to keep her safe at all times”yeah thank you" I was too excited to even think.

Rodger was escorted by enforcers to tiberus, he was upset but still vulnerable as the enforcers took him.
"this is not over, you hear me.”he spoke through gritted teeth, and we watched him disappear.

We found the portal Sia did the spell, and we were exported to our pack lands. I felt my wolf turn under my skin and I hadn't realized how long it had been, and I missed my home. I held Eve's hand, ready for her to be free in my home where I could protect her with my pack.
“Nothing beats home.”Eric was also more relaxed now and Daniel was ready to shift and run if not for his mate who held him by her side.

“Omg you are really back!”Larissa rushed to to us and welcomed us home, joined by father, who looked happy to see us, but I could still see that something was troubling him.

The pack welcomed us respectfully and the winds hit right settling on us, my youngest brother Mason dragged Agatha to her holding compartment.
To my surprise, my uncle Alpha Gideon was here too, whatever it is that we were called was pretty serious and the family members were here.
“Uncle how have you been.”He smiled at us, looking at the witches and back to me.” am doing fine, I hear you wheel magic now." he teased me and I simply shrugged it off.

"Everlina!" An older lady called out to my mate and I had never seen her before here, she wasn't wolf either.
"mom??" we all turned in shock and I could see the resemblance. But why was she here?

WITCHE'S BEAST *(needs editing )Where stories live. Discover now