Chapter 22

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The night was beautiful. Aaron had taken me in every corner of this small room, not caring whether the others have heard us or not as we were wrapped up in our copulation. My body had bared the evidence of last night's action ,The love bites and my skin glowing. We completed each other in every way. It is morning, and we laid in bed naked gazing into each other's eyes,”I love you.” He didn't even need to tell me, as I felt loved by him.” I love you too.” I said back to him. He kissed my forehead and stood up.” Let's shower.” I blushed, this was going to be a long shower as I followed him to the bathroom.

We joined everyone for breakfast. I could not stop smiling as I was in a great mood. I sat next to Aaron, Annabelle place food on the table while Clara help with the dishes. Lyra looked at me and smiled. with that, I knew we were loud last. night my cheeks turned red with embarrassment. Agatha looked at Sia who pulled a plate away from her, there was something between them. Everyone ate as they spoke to one another, as the morning was beautiful.

“I hope everyone is ready and have all the items for a summoning spell, right?” Gabriel inquired of the about the items.”yes, they are all present with me.” Agatha spoke. She stared at Lyra and Daniel for a moment before looking back at me and I didn't like how she always looked at me as if I were the most interesting person in the room.

“ Alright then I guess we are all ready.” Gabriel pointed out.”I'm just curious to know what happens if this doesn't work because someone has moved the book, what's Plan B.” I knew there was a possibility that the book could have been moved, but I didn't think what we had to do next if that happens and Aaron was right to way the chance and see if a Plan B was in action.

“We will use Kalidah's bones to track the location of the book, but I fear that would be the long shot as Rodger could do the same.” Agatha knew it would take up to days for us to find the book using the bones, and this could deliver us to Rodger if he becomes in possession of the book before us.

"Let get going as we need that book nightfall." Aaron spoke, taking my hand and leading the way. We had to perform the spell in the woods, far away from the populace. Lyra whispered next to me”do you trust her?” she pointed with her head towards Agatha.”not even a little.” She nodded as we walked together" I need to tell you something.”she gave me this uncertainty of something look.”what is it?” I wondered what it is I had missed,”not here Lina." this was a secret I suppose I could tell Daniel was listening to us with his wolf hearing.

We arrived in the middle of nowhere and Annabelle decided that we do it here as it held a pure energy of nature.
Cynthia set out the items on the There was a bird for the offering, Annabelle slit its neck spreading the bird's blood to the while chanted the spells, she created a circle with the blood she called out to Kalidah to lend her power, to guide her and trust her with the book of magic. She said it in an ancient language that only witches understood. This whole ceremony had Aaron not feeling uncomfortable, so I stood next to him holding his hand. Agatha joined Annabelle as they both chanted the words of the magic, the circle lit up in flames, and suddenly, I felt my magic drawing the magic of the ground and I started to chant the spell and I could not control my body as I danced around the fire speaking a language of my ancestors.

“What's happening.” Aaron reached out to me.” don't touch her, she's the chosen one.” Clara spoke”chosen for what?” Eric asked, but everyone remained silent.

“I don't like this, stop her now!!.” Aaron was angry.”if you touch her, you will break the barrier between the dead and living, and we won't ever get that book.

I saw my grandmother, and she smiled at me, hugged me” You are becoming what you were born to be Everlina."

"What is that?” she pulled away from looking at the distance.”you will know when the time comes. Now I have to go.”
I was forgetting something important, the book of magic” where is the book of magic, grandma?”

"If you cross a fire with a witch, what do you get?”she disappeared liked that and Agatha stood in front of me, “it's a riddle.” everyone stood still looking at me. And Kalidah's book of magic was in my hands and her powers were with me now. They all felt it and it broke the link Rodger created to my magic setting me free from him.

WITCHE'S BEAST *(needs editing )Where stories live. Discover now