Chapter 39

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Aaron was despatched to some other realm to revel in a few hardships and that was his trial and if he survived he was to return as Alpha King, however his venture was disrupted by Rodger. This has led him to be stuck in that realm for six months. I had summoned the witches that sent him there to inform them and discover if they can return him to us.

“They are slumbering so peacefully.” Larissa helped with the babies for the past three days.

“Thanks Larissa, I recognize how a great deal you have being doing for me and I genuinely appreciate you being here as it hasn't been easy.” she continuously showed up to check up on my babies and some days I found her asleep in the nursery room.

“Don't do that Everlina, those are my grandchildren, and am thankful to you for gracing us with such wonderful babies.” a warm smiled tugged at the corners of her lips as she placed a hand on mine.

We walked out of the nursery room, and closed the door behind us.
“You need to sleep Everlina I know Aaron will return to us and as we speak, Gideon is revising a plan to get him back home.” after finding out about Rodger being there, I had sleepless night. I simply nodded my head, acknowledging Larissa's words.

“They are here” Clara got here to inform use, we went to meet the moonlight witches. Alpha Gideon had already escorted them to his office as we found them seated there. We all great them and sat down for the discussion.

“We called you all here because there is an pressing matter concerning Aaron.” Alpha Gideon spoke as he looked at the witches, they remained all calm as they looked at us.

“You have given birth.” one of the witches spoke too, and she was in fact changing the subject.

“yes I have but we…" she stopped me as she continued to speak.

“We already know why you summoned us here, but we can't intervene in that matter as it's all in the arms of the Moon.” why on earth would they come all this way if they weren't going to help us?

“Moonlight witches, I am pleading with you all to help my son as Rodger being there wasn't part of the plan.” Gideon was truly worried about Aaron too, and his words relayed his emotions.

“Alpha we respect you and your wishes what your son encounters in that realm it's all part of his destiny, but he was not supposed to make connections here, and it could jeopardize his mission.”Sia shifted uncomfortably in her sit, and I hoped she would not speak as I knew what she was thinking.

“fuck this, you witch act as if you got gold up your ass, we sat you down and fed you nicely but you're telling us you won't help us because it's in Aaron's destiny to be stuck in that realm with Rodger huh are you fucking kidding!” yep Sia was yelling at them and took away all the treats we prepared for them.

"Sia!" Gideon gave her a warning look, but he did not look one bit upset with her.

“it's feasible for one's destiny to extrade.” the witch spoke, and it became clear we were not going to get help.

“then assist us alternate it by bringing Aaron back to us.”It was Daniel who inquired. The switched seemed uneasy as we wanted them to help us.

“Am sorry, it would not work like that.”
This wasn't what we wished for, and these witches were without a doubt stubborn.

“Then why did you come here if not to help us?”I needed to know as they already knew why we called them here, so why come all the way to decline us.

“I used such a high spell to summon you, all but fucking wasted now."Sia whined.

“The babies you gave birth to.” I got really upset as they came to waste our time, as the babies are fine.

“My grandchildren will not be a topic here if you can't help us, than we have nothing else to talk about.”Alpha Gideon beat me to it as he has spoken the words I wanted.

“when the time comes you will need us but here's my contact details as I don't want any of you to use high magic as it might get wasted again.” she was making fun of sia, she placed a card with her contact details on the table.

They stood up and left, This was frustrating. I required another plan fast.
“now what?” Clara stood there, lost in her thoughts.

“I think we need to find a witch who can travel through realms.”Lyra fiddling with her hands.

I knew someone who did, but there was no way I would ask her. I just could not bring myself to.

“Do it for your mate, she will help you.”clara insisted Gideon and Daniel looked confused.

“it's Nora” I cleared their confusion of my mother being the only which known to us to travel through the realm.

“than what's the hold Everlina we require Nora right now.” so I was doing this and this was not going to be easy for me.
I missed my mate and doing this much would be better than doing nothing.

Mason came in carrying Aria and Asher, I smiled, seeing how close they are with Mason.”They are hungry.”I excused myself as I needed to go and feed my babies.

“It's not going to be easy Everlina, you can't do it all, be a mother and also travel through realms.” he had a point I had to take care of the babies, but I also need my mates. Mason looked at me for the first time and I stuck on a grin as his dimple on the left facet cheek gave him away. He is terribly cute.

“At least I have you here, you make it easy for me and Larissa, she's like the new mom here.”

WITCHE'S BEAST *(needs editing )Where stories live. Discover now