Chapter 17

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I felt her fears, She wanted me to let her go to stop him from harming our people, I sacrificed her for my father's life. I was vulnerable, and I could not choose but I will and must find her. The map I set on the table was to find Rodger, when I do find him he would meet his creator because this time I would be ready for him.

“I need to draw some blood, we can track Lina.” Lyra spoke, and all three witches wanted to find her as they were worried about her. I gave my hand to Lyra to draw the blood as I was bound to Evelina my blood would lead me to her. She pricked my finger with a middle and a droplet of my blood fell on the map, she then started chanting a spell that made the blood move over the map to a place far east in 'Warrodah'.

Warrodah is a place that only witches were able to travel as werewolves couldn't enter there, and he took to that place, so I was unable to get her. This was bad, I started to pace around the room trying to think of a way that would work to enter this place.

Daniel placed a hand on my shoulder to calm me down.” we will find her brother, there must be a way.” I needed to think of another way of getting her out of there." we must find her.” the three witches seem to be having their conversation as they whispered to one another. They stopped and looked at me before speaking.

“We need to go back to our coven and find the sorcerer, he would be able to help enter warrodah.” Clara had come up with a possibility that this sorcerer would be our way but I'm a wolf, how I can ensure that he helped me?

“we leave tomorrow morning to find the sorcerer.” I had to find my mate, I would take any chance I had to bring her back. Eric walked into the room and stood next to Daniel. “ I would like to help.”

“aren't you happy for you always hated her for being my mate, if you so as find joy in this, please leave.” he approached me and glanced at Daniel before speaking.

“ Everlina save me back then when your wolf meant to kill me, all she's ever done is try to protect you and I saw more humanity in her then I had ever seen in a witch before not once had she abuse her magic powers to violate us event though we showed her hate.”
He was right, the image we had of witches were different from how they were.

“I know this is nice that we all understand that we mean no harm, but we should be speaking on how do we get the sorcerer to help us.” Sia spoke as if she had read my mind.

“I would like you to tell us a bit more about the sorcerer?” if I was going to ask him for help, I needed to know who he is.

“He will help us.” Lyra spoke with confident, confusing us all on why he would help us.

“how can you be certain?” Daniel beat me to it as he asked I so beg to ask.

“He owes her that much I can't tell you everything, maybe he'll be so kind to share as this is his story to tell.” he would be returning a favor but what for? Witches and secrets.

I could not sleep, eat and all my thoughts were to how Evelina was doing. I need to see my father and inform him of our journey. Furthermore, I needed to meet with Agatha if she had warned us none of this would have happened, I had to find out the truth and if she was working with Rodger.

The cell she was locked up in smelt of piss and rotten food, the foul smell hung heavy in the air making my wolf twist with disgust. This place was filthy, and I wonder why father was being so harsh on her.

“can you bring her out, I have to speak with her?” I asked one of the guards as he nodded and turn to release her from the cell.

“I have been waiting for you.” she looked dirty and squeamish.

“Great am here.” I didn't have time to waste, she had to cut to the chase.

“your fate has reversed you don't have enough time.” what was she talking about has she gone mad, how does one fate change.

“how do you mean Agatha?”
She looked at me rubbing her wrist as the skin had turned pinkish from the force of the chains around her wrist.

“Rodger has taken Evelina to Warrodah only the deepest and darkest magic is there his going to break the bond between you." my heart started racing my wolf getting angered, but I needed to remain calm to get the truth because she wasn'tto be trusted.

“how can I trust what you are saying is true?” she had fooled us before.

“because Oracles never lie, and I have nothing to gain in this.” I needed to find out why she let him in.

“you could have warned us that he was coming and Everlina would not have been taken I don't believe that shit you just spat out about not gaining anything because right now, I feel everything is working out in your favor and my instinct tells me so, and it has never been wrong.” my words had cut resent wound that she hid as she choked on her froth.

“If the bond is broken, Rodger becomes the next wolf king to rule over werewolves, and he will be fated to her. Your fate has changed you need to secure it, you were not supposed to have known about the prophecy and Everlina is being punished for using black magic." she had not denied it, but I will kill Rodger before succeeding his mission.

"Don't look for the socrere as I will help you enter Warrodah." she was definitely up to something.

"You so as try to fool me, I promise I will take your life and werewolves always keep a promise.”

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