chapter 11

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Everyone was talking, throwing jokes at each other, the atmosphere was nice and friendly.

“Are you still upset, Eve.”Aaron pulling my hand in his, I simply ignored him, and he hated it, and I liked it at this moment as it was upsetting him.

“You won't speak to me then?” He stopped eating and was now watching me, I simply ate my food, slowly chewing, not realizing that everyone had stopped eating and watching me.

“Father I would like to have a ceremony for Evelina?" I turned immediately and looking at him, he was looking at me but at his father.

“What kind of ceremony?” His father asked, but I answered.

“It's to thank the moon Goddess for giving me my soul mate, we do some spells to release the powers that come with being given over to your mate.”

“This is your home now Evelina as long as your spell don't cause harm to my people, you can have it.” I couldn't stop smiling like a kid who's got her first candy. I held Aaron's hand in mine.

“Promise it will cause no harm.” I was unable to stop smiling. I could hear Sia and Clara giggling, I will be able to actually do this. My grandmother would be proud my soul would fully belong to his and his to mine.

“When will you like to have your ceremony done?” Larissa asked me, and I felt her kindness was true to me.

“On the night of the full moon, that's three nights from now.” Aaron was staring at me, I could see how the bond was twisting his mind as I saw how he lusted over me. My face grew red as I thought of our heated moments.

“Aaron why don't you mark her this bond of yours is frustrating us all.” Daniel spoke and everyone started laughing.

“Before you even think about that, lets first go and see the oracle. “ He stood up and kissed the side of my cheek without a word, he left.

Larissa stood up as the room was getting empty by a minute, “Evelina, please stay here and clean up.” There were maids to do that, but she sent them away, was this the part I had to become a pack made I hated chores, but I gave my approval.

“Yes Luna. " With that, she walked away with a devilish smile playing on her lips. Clara shook her head in disapproval. “Why would you do all this, there are housemaids here for this."? She was indeed upset, but Lyra began removing all the dishes from the tables and Sia was helping.

"She's testing me, Clara, she wants to see if I would dare not do as asked. “ I had been here before, being tested to prove myself worthy, but now to whom?

She was going to see how I reacted to try to find a fault in me and manipulate it against me, many attempted but failed. I had been pulled, pressed and even close to cracking, but one thing I can never do is break. I was a witch and sensed people's emotions, but hers weren't true to me, there was a certain scent of doubt that hunged around her.

"I think Aaron has fallen with you!" I felt my face heating up at the mention of his name, Sia was giggling, and she wiped the table.” you can't even hide it, Lina.” Lyra laughed hard as she placed the dishes onto the contour.

“I don't think his in love it's just this mate bond it' really…" they would not understand how I felt, and I couldn't find the right words to express the feeling of the bond as it was too intimate.

“each time he enters the room you look at him as though he were naked, gosh Lina don't make us seem so weak.” Clara was really teasing me as they all laughed.

“so what is the deal with you and Daniel?” I asked Lyra something was going on between them, but I couldn't quite understand what it was and her look she was looking rather mad at the mention of his name.

“his rude I hate me.” lies she was confirming my suspicions as she was lying, Daniel was more than kind and welcoming to us. It's in nature to respect others, that's the emotions I picked up around him.

“she's probably shagging him.” Lyra was red, was Clara correct.” I wouldn't dare, Clara!” we all burst into laughter and decided to start finishing up here and head to bed.

I entered Aaron's room, I headed straight for the bed and dumped my body into the bed. Furthermore, I laid there watching the ceiling. I couldn't believe this, I was to be given on my ceremony to a werewolf. I hoped my ancestors will grant my ceremony as it had never been done between a wolf and a witch before.

Aaron walked in looking exhausted he took off his shoes and t-shirt we opened the bathroom door and went in to brush his teeth and wash up. This wouldn't be a good idea sleeping in one bed with him, it would be torture him displaying his body like that…he knew what he was doing. I simply needed to hold back until the ceremony was over, I hated how my body betrayed me every single time he was near me.

“ I can handle myself Eve no need to look so worried, okay…" should I trust him? Oh goddess he was totally naked now as I swallowed hard not knowing where to look or hide. Aaron was doing this deliberately he wanted me to give in to him.

“I usually sleep naked but seeing how flushed you are.” he smiled, pulling on his shorts he got on to the bed, stared at each other. The room grew hot as I felt my entire body on heat.

“did you get anything from the oracle?” breaking this heat between us, I decided to let my curiosity wonder to the old hag. There was a moment of silent from him, he seemed as though he was taking my scent in.

“she will not speak, but we feel that the has been communicating with someone from outside our land, and she might be the spy we are searching for.”  he was not a hundred percent sure, but somehow I felt he was right about.

“since she is not talking, what will you do?”he was not comfortable talking about her.

“There are other means to get her to talk, but that would be my last resort.” he cared about her, he wished her no harm and I could feel how devastated he was about the situation. He wrapped his arms around me, his head resting on the side of my neck. I felt warm in his arms, I wanted to stay like this forever.

“Good night Eve.” I smiled, my stomach felt filled with butterflies,”Goodnight Aaron.” I gasped as he kissed the soft part of my neck.


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