Chapter 18

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I was locked up in a room people came to bring food and would return without a word being said. I am hated here, the witches spat my way each time they came across me. I wasn't concerned about this place, so their judging faces did nothing to me and all I ever wanted was to be reunited with my mate. Furthermore, I missed his scent and the feeling of being near him.

The food here was horrible, I could taste the magic laced with everything in here and I hated how they overused magic for unnecessary things. The room is painted in light blue color, at least it wasn't as dark as Rodger.

" Hello sweetheart, hope you find this room comfortable. " I hated being called sweetheart, he simply made my blood crawl and would not speak to him. He studied me closely, and I simply looked away from him.

" I still care for you." he never once did care for me," you mean you used me." that's exactly what he did to me, controlling my magic, harming countless people for no reason.

"sweetheart how could you possibly say that."?I hated him and with that, I moved away from him.

"I am seeking the book of wisdom Kalinda's book of magic."that book was deeply hidden, but why would he want to find it?

"why?" He was pure evil, and should not find such a powerful book or all hell would break loose.

"I told you I want to reverse the bond you carry with you." that wasn't possible, right?

" That will never happen." I hoped Aaron would find me before he found that book.

"You have been talking back to me, you know I don't like that and if you push me, I will punish you." he walked away as he seemed to be furious. The door was locked with magic, I needed to try to break the spell that kept the door locked. I placed my hand on the door knob and focus on it and I could feel my magic feeding off the spell and the door cracked open and that was easy.

I let my hair down covering my face a bit as I walked fast, I kept my head down until I was completely out of the compound. I took a deep breath before looking around, and I was in a magical world of witches, Warrodah. A place that forbid werewolves, and he wouldn't be able to come here for me, so I had to go back to him.

My feet had started to fail me as I was tired of walking, and I couldn't risk resting here, I was still not too far from him. I came across a house in the woods, one that looked empty, I knocked on the door but nobody responded.
I pulled the door knob as I open the door and entered the house. As I sat down I saw a stack of books and decided to read, I fell asleep like that and there was Aaron standing looking at me.

He looked exhausted and worried, I simply ran into his arms.' I miss you, Aaron.' he kissed my forehead before burring me into his arms.

'I miss you too Eve, please wait for me as I am coming to get you.'

'You not be able to enter here, you are a wolf.' I told him.

'Trust me I will, and I will explain everything when we meet, I don't have enough time as you will wake up soon but remember this okay.' I nodded, and I would rather not wake up, he pulled me to him and kissed me, but I couldn't feel anything we both laughed as it was just weird and I woke up.

I washed my face and got ready to leave, I was unable to stay in one place more than a day, that was a trick I learned from my life on the run. I picked up a duffle bag and put some canned food I found in the house and a bottle of water.

The sun was scorching hot as it burnt me, it felt as though I had been cooked alive. I came across a group of female witches, I immediately look down and walking faster, but one of them caught on my hand and stopped me.

"who are you?" I kept quiet

"you look troubled, we can help you." I yanked my arm and moved away from them. Witches lied a lot and I would not be tricked by my kind.

"am okay thank you." with that I took a step away from them. But these witches kept bugging me and wasting my time, I needed to keep moving. The which grabbed me again as they all started to pin me to the ground, I twisted as I tried to move and break loose of their hold on me, but it was strong. I got their scent they were not witches but grim this sort of creatures is our kind and I happened to be their next meal for the day.

"throw her up in the bag before someone sees us."said one of them, I did not understand how they disguised themselves as witches. Grim's were scary creatures, and they had a terrible smell, but these disguised themselves with magic.

They pulled me up from the ground as I was about to beg them to release me, I held one of their hand and needles pricking my skin I felt like and the magic boundary was created. I fed off her magic that she had used to create her disguise, leaving her in her true form an ugly looking creature. She fell to the ground and the boundary was broken, her friend ran away leaving her behind, and I also walked away to feel no guilt, and she should be thankful she was still alive.

This was magic I had fed off was from a witch that was strong and pure, the witch they got it from was she still alive? It freshened me as I felt strong and ready for my journey.

WITCHE'S BEAST *(needs editing )Where stories live. Discover now