chapter 10

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Ever body seem to be filling the room that did nolonger feel big as it was getting crowded. Maria was busy checking Aaron's vitals while Eric was eyeing me with a devils look, I couldn't tell what Daniel was thinking as his focus was on Lyra.

"Mom am doing just fine!" Aaro spoke to his mom as she was busy checking his wounds. Sia came close to looking at me as though she needed to tell me something.

Clara walked in and shocked us all with the words that came out her mouth.
"The oracle ran away and there's no magic protection here."

I couldn't help but think of Roger and how he would easy kill us now that we have been out in the open. It wasn't easy finding us with the magic protection spell sealing magic but now that it was removed I was certain he found us.

"Whats wrong ?" Aaron shook my hand pulling me away from my unhealthy thoughts "nothing. " I lied to him and looked away as he nodded.

"We need to find her, Daniel and Eric alert the guys that are watching the boarders to search for her." Alpha Gideon spoke as he stood up, "yes alpha" they said in union.

" I will them find her."Aaron got up but I stopped him "you need to rest and leave all that to Daniel and Eric. " He may look fully healed but we did not know how healed he was.

"Son please do as your mate say you still need to recover." He did not say much as he nodded at them." I don't mean to be rude but can everybody excuse me as I need to lay down for a bit."at that everyone got up and was ready to leave as did I but I wad pulled back to his side as he smiled at me.

"Except you." The thought of us being a room alone with him set my cheeks on fire as I felt blushed red.

"I thought you said you wanted to lay down. "I looked up at him he pulled me closer" I did but you didn't think I would sleep by myself now did you?"amusement filled his cheeks I got into bed next to him and we lay there silently feeling everything the bond did to us .

He turned me around and kissed my faced until he met my lips which he devoured and couldn't hold back as I released my own hunger and need for him, he started to unbutton my shirt but I stopped him.

"I need to tell you something."He immediately sat up " okay..." He looked at me waiting " In my coven whenever a which found her beloved she would hold a small ceremony to thank the moon Goddess for giving her happiness and some spells are said to wad away evil spirits."

"And you want that?" He looked at me and he stood up. "Yes I want that ceremony as I am witch and when am given away certain powers i will be able to unlock." He was staring at me as if he was getting mad with what I told him.

"I will not allow that to happen you can not do witchcraft here, this will cause chaos amongst the pack people all sort of magic is forbidden here." I got up too getting upset with his tone.

"Aaron you must think me to be a werewolf but am a witch and your people should get used to that I will do witchcraft because I will not leave my tradition and culture as it's part of me ." He pinned me on to the bed and I could see his beast pushing to come out and make me submit to him but he did not frightened me

"Dare me I will mark you here and take you now." I felt the truth of his words and I wouldn't dare say a word because if he did that I wouldn't get my ceremony I needed to wait for him to calm down. I looked away from him and he grabbed my face.

"Eve look at me" I dare not as I knew what would happen, "don't call me that!" He was teasing me.

He pulled my face and kissed me I tried to kiss him back but he pulled away. He got up put on his t-shirt. "I can't allow this ceremony you request it goes against our rules."

"What about my rules? This is not only about you Aaron."He wasn't even going to think about it was I wrong about him.

"As we speak some of my people don't agree with us now bringing this is just..." I did not give him a chance to finish as I spoke I without thinking and letting my anger consume my mind.

"Just disgusting right thats how they see me,If it wasn't for this bond you yourself wouldn't have spared a glance my way maybe you need to get yourself a wolf..." My heart felt heavy as though I was rejecting him ,the look he gave me was heart breaking as opened the door and left. He was denying me my rights but why did I feel so pained and guilty like I was in the wrong.?

I decided to go and take a cold shower to cool down, I washed my hair I need have my hair done and Lyra was the best at doing hair.

I came out of the shower and Maria was there standing holding two dresses I couldn't care about her and her judging looks as I wasn't in a mood.

"Pick one, you are to join us down stairs for dinner." I chose a white dress something plain that covered me completely but it did leave out my shoulders bare.

"Can I do your hair?" The thought of her pulling my hair out sunk me in.

"I'll pass thankyou. " She rolled her eyes at me and sat down confused I looked to her." Can you give me a sec as I need to change."

"There's nothing I haven't seen or haven't got so please go on." Huh who was she kidding I knew wolfs did not care about nakedness as they shift alot and sometimes against their will this resulted in tearing of clothes. I cared about my naked self and I didn't need her here.

"If you don't leave I will scream"she stood up and laughed "you are childish." Wow thankyou I smiled back as though she was funny bitch was getting on my nerves.

I finally finished getting dressed covered my shoulders with my long hair. I decided to spry some of his cologne on me. As I walked out the room I met Maria waiting for me, I followed up behind her.

We entered the room where everyone sat waiting as dishes of food were being placed on the tables ,they really had big tables here. Aaron walked in with his father and mother, he looked at me and I looked away thinking of our fight earlier on. Lyra and Clara were to me smiling they looked as though they were excited and Sia rushed to us giggling.
We walked to the table and sat down.

"I would like for you Eve to sit next to me." He pulled a seat next himself I stood up not wanting to draw attention to myself and sat next to him. He smiled at me and crocked my eyebrow in confusion did he forget about earlier on well I did not.

Daniel and Eric walked in the room
"We found her alpha." Daniel spoke so they found the old hag but what game was she playing that old hag had a trick up her sleeves and I simply did not trust her.

"Thats good news after we eat will go and see her please join us Aaron?" Alpha was requesting they all go and interrogate her, that simply meant she would be punished for her actions unless she had a good reason to why she ran but was there one?

"I will father." He agreed, his mother stood up with a glass of wine in her hand." I Luna Larissa would like us to welcome Evelina to our pack and respect her as she is our future Luna mate of my son." I smiled at her welcoming me and finally accepting me in her pack.

"Bless be." I heard everyone say it in the room." Now tomorrow I will be teaching you of our ways and how everything works here, you will start by helping us ladies in the kitchen. " She instructed I nodded, my grandmother gave up on giving me chores as I never achieved non as I was always lazing around but good luck to you Larissa.

WITCHE'S BEAST *(needs editing )Where stories live. Discover now