Chapter 34

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"You had enough time to inform me about this matter, Alpha Gideon, but you hid it like a coward now you come because of the trials that are put out for your son." Alexander, a member of the council spoke striking every whisper to stop and pay him attention.

Every person seated in this room was a member of the council or an Alpha, The room held the energy of Alphas, Luna and their potentials. To my surprise, there were witches here, they were part of this council too. They were secret members of the council.

"I apologize for the delay in coming here early to inform you all about my son and his mate, but she was kidnapped and hidden in Warrodah and I was assailed." The lady seated next to Larissa looked at Aaron, and I hated how she looked at him.

"It has been brought to my attention that you wasted no time in marking That witch, Aaron." The room broke into laughter and I looked away from him.

"Each and every one of you that are mated know how it feels to find your mate and I found mine, so why would I waste time on marking her."?Aaron got irritated and I could sense his discomfort. Lyra touched my thigh as she too was uncomfortable being here, and this place felt dangerous as it held powerful members of the council.

"Alpha Zion, you challenged Aaron, and he defeated you by Law you're no longer an Alpha, but he is, and your Pack belongs to him, but why are you disobeying the law by remaining Alpha in the pack."Zion looked to Aaron and Alexander wanted to get to us using the smallest errors Aaron did to bend the law.

The room awaited his response as it fell dead quiet and all eyes on him.

"He spared my life and his wolf showed clemency towards me, asked me to tell every werewolf that dared to challenge him that he would kill as he was the Alpha King and commander." this was not good, but those words felt like they came to Aaron's wolf and not him. Zion did not give an answer to the question, but he drew their attention to that statement made by Aaron.

"Everyone present here now understands why we should send Aaron to be trialed, as this would prove to us why if his truly the Alpha king he says he is." Henry spoke, and he was an Alpha, and he did not feel it was appropriate to submit to anyone.

"I will accept these trials under one condition."I stood up as Aaron wanted to accept these dangerous trials and this was not the plan, my heart was racing. He placed a hand on my shoulder and calmed me down.

"You are in no place to make conditions here, boy!!!" Alexander spoke with clear objection, but the insult in his statement did not go unnoticed.

"let him state his condition. He did be participating in a dangerous quest after all, and he might not return, so let him is grant him" The female besides Larissa spoke, I felt nervous with her words, and he would not return why would he want to do these trials?She pointed at him to go on and speak.

"I want Eve to remain with my family and pack unharmed, and even if I don't return, I need assurance that my mate would be safe." He was going to do these trials for me and our babies, I looked down as I suddenly felt emotional. Lyra squeezed my hand, but I held my tears as I would not cry here, not now.

"As long as your mate does not practice witchcraft or pose as a threat, we shall accept your conditions."Henry needed an assurance that I was not a threat to them, which I was not.

"I will not harm anyone with my powers, but what is a witch without doing witchcraft?" I was tired of not saying anything and letting them speak as they wish.

"How dared you speak here with permission."Alexander really hated my kind but did I really require permission to speak, how ridiculous was that?

"who should I ask for permission than, as I should rather let everyone speak of me as if am not present here." Aaron attempted to stop me from running my mouth but failed, Larissa gasped at my utterances.

"Enough!!! Aaron, you better handle your mate."One of the elders yelled.

My blood ran cold as Agatha was brought into the room, she stood in the center of the room. She looked at me and Aaron, this bitch was going to betray us. Her hands were chained and so were her feet, she was a danger, but she was weak at this moment and I did not want to know why. Why was she brought here?

"This is Agatha, she's an oracle, she belonged to Alpha Gideon's pack."Alexander spoke but Agatha was looking at Alpha Gideon, he looked unsettled as his eyes darted around the room and finally landed on me. He knew something we did not, and it was making him uncomfortable.

"what business do you have with this witch, Alexander?" Henry disliked Agatha being brought here, as this was a private matter for the council.

"for months, we hired her to investigate why so many of our female werewolves were unable to carry pups." Agatha was working with Alexander, and she simply placed her cards well as we did all the work for her by moving them in position.


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