Chapter 27

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There was an urgent matter back in my Pack lands and father sent word to me here, and I was needed, but my mate also needed me here. Eve was really in a bad space with Clara in profound coma thing were rough, and I felt that she was hiding something from me, and I was bit skeptical about leaving her behind. The magic of warroda was keeping Clara alive, so we could not move her from here, Eve blamed herself and I felt those emotions like they were my own.
Daniel would have to stay here and keep them safe while I went back with Eric, Rodger was still locked up, and we required him to be sent to the demon prison where he will be trialed for his crimes. I hope they give him a death ruling as he tortured too many and even killed. I have come to learn many things about the witches world, which is similar to ours, they follow rules and were not allowed to use magic to harm others as magic would punish those who used dark witchcraft.

Eve was getting closer to Agatha, which I did not approve of, Agatha had darkness in her, I knew one day she would betray us like she did back then. It's as if Eve started trusting her and avoiding everything she cost us, and she still never told us who she is working with.”You need not worry brother, I will protect them.” Daniel spoke as though he read my thoughts.”I know you will.” I trusted Daniel and I knew him being here would help, but I required him to keep an eye on Agatha.
Lyra looked as though she had never slept, her eyes sunken and terribly tired. I could see the trail of tried tears on her cheeks, she was probably crying over Clara.”Lyra.” looked at me before looking at her mate. I could now sense they most likely had argued, and I did not want to know why as couples fought all the time.

“Aaron am okay and don't look at me with those judging eyes.” I put my hands up, I wasn't even judging her to how she came to that conclusion, but I could not argue with her.” I apologize if you saw this as…" Daniel wanted to say something but dropped it, seeing how upset and tired his mate was. He should take care of her as she was really stressed with Clara's condition, everything was sensitive, and I needed to find out more about Gabriel as I did not know how to feel about him.

I needed to meet with Eve before leaving, and she really seemed okay with me leaving and not being by her side, I felt a bit worried as this wasn't this wasn't how I thought she would react. Walking towards the room Clara was in, I heard some weird noises coming from the room, Daniel walked faster to catch up with me. As we opened the door, Clara and Even laid on the and a circle was created around binding them together, and they were doing the spell I had asked her not to do. Agatha's eyes widened as she looked at me, and I would kill her for doing this.

“Aaron don't touch them." Daniel stopped me, I could see my mate laying there all calm and her heart beating steady. Anne's place a potion in her mouth and swallowing it she started to shake painfully, and I approached her.”please do not disturb them as you could endanger their lives.” Agatha would go against my back and help with this spell I so forbid them to do.
“Endanger them you say, fuck Agatha you better pray nothing happens to my mate as you will not leave this room alive." my wolf wanted nothing but to tear her down and I cannot believe Eve, so this is what she was hiding.

“she is fine.” Agatha spoke, we were joined by the other three witches who also seemed very surprised. I knew too well about a spell that scared witches was something you should avoid, but Eve always wanted to risk her life and this was pissing me off. Anne said a few words in the witches language and was joined by Agatha as they repeated it and I assumed it was the spell. My mate stopped shaking as her heart beat was beating very slow, and it was frightening and the skin paled as though she was at the brink of death. Agatha broke a crow's neck and spread its blood on the floor. She drank alcohol and spat it on the floor, the air shifted differently as a loud cry escaped Clara's lips and the magic around Eve was transferred to her and Agatha carried on with the spell she slit her palm and drew blood, and she did the same to Eve and Clara I flinched in pained for my mate who seem to be deep in sleep. Anne circling them as she called upon the dead and living, Agatha also fell to the ground, shaking violently.”what's going on now?” I asked Lyra, “they are not dead, but they are not fully here anymore.” this was causing my wolf stress and I did not understand it.

Anne continued with the spell, and she circled them until she fell to the ground, Clara opened his eyes and looked at me before looking at Eve, but Lyra and Sia grabbed her and hugged her. They were truly happy as Agatha woke up looking very frightened, she spoke the words that I had hoped for not to say” we might have a problem with this spell.” my vision went red and the room fell silent as I heard voices like far out.

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