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The night fell on us fast, to wait for Rodger was ridiculous as I had a feeling he might not show up. Eve was getting addicted to this new magic. She wasn't her usual self, she was constantly bitter and on the edge. I wanted it gone from her,. It was dangerous for. her; she spoke a language I did not recognize at times, especially in her sleep. There was a curse she would suffer if Rodger dies under her since her magic would be used and her not being able to carry pups my pups was nerve-wracking.
We made love every night, and I knew with her body ready to carry our pups any day should, but if she kills him, things would change. Lyra had assured me to help prevent Eve from killing Rodger and I appreciated the effort, this was going to be a fucked long night and I needed all of this over to get back home. This place was not bad as we created memories of Eve and me but it was still not home.

“are you okay brother?” Eric was concerned as I was silent lost in my thoughts.”am good just feels like his not coming.” was he that of a coward to run away from a fight he started?

“He will come Aaron this was personal Everlina took what he most wanted, the magic book.” It was Daniel who spoke, and he was correct. If he wanted that magic so much he would have to come get, and I would make sure to capture him. That bastard had it coming for all the things he had done to my mate. He deserved to die, but he was lucky that we could not kill him.

“Yeah, you are correct.” I spoke to both of my brothers before I heard a cry coming from the house. The three of shot up and got inside the house. Eve was losing control as she fed off Clara's magic, who laid on the floor ice-cold. Her skin looked pale, and her lips looked bluish, and I could tell her heartbeat was very low. “You are killing her, Everlina?" Sia cried out, not knowing what to do. I needed to get closer to her,”Aaron, please do something.” I got close enough, and I called to her, but she never responded, as if she was no longer in the room with us but stood there without her soul as she let the magic flow through her. Eric knocked her over from behind and that seemed to bring her back to her senses for a bit before she started drawing Eric's energy from him.

“Eve, stop this right now.” All she did was stare at me with a devilish smile playing on her lips. I was afraid of hurting her and she killing my brother, but Daniel shifted to his wolf, ready to attack my mate and I could not let him” Daniel stop you will get stuck like Eric we need to reverse this right now.” I looked at Agatha, who was cowering away.

“Annabelle create the binding circle. Once we do this, there's no going back, Aaron.” I gave them the go ahead nod as I needed to save Eric. The witches formed a circle around her and started saying spells that made my skin crawl,. This witchcraft thing was not my thing. Eve looked like it tore deep down her as she lost control of the magic and her small body held too much power right now, and she was lost like Agatha said.

"When you cross a fire with a witch what do you get?” the words fell out of Eve's mouth before setting Eric free, and he ran out of the house as his body shifted to his wolf form, Daniel bent over to hold his heart and I could see him shifting against his will while Lyra got distract and broke the circle as she rushed over to her mate. Eve fell to the ground. I picked her up in my arms as she passed out.”that riddle she said, what is it?” Agatha asked, looking confused about it and I needed to know if the magic was gone. But it was Cynthia who understood the riddle,” when witches cross fire a fire spell is created, so I think we need to do the fire spell to remove the magic from her.” but she was late as the clock struck twelve o'clock it was the witching hour and Rodger was here, and I could smell him this was going to end rough.

“I wish I here early to watch Everlina cannot control magic,. What a useless witch.” with that I shifted as anger and rage filled.

The witches held hands saying a spell and Even got up and joined them as Eric and Daniel stood beside me, and we were in our wolf form, ready to rid of a great evil. We worked together and leaping forward I took a bite of Rodger and joined by my brothers we tore at him as he screamed with pain and the spell the held prevented Rodger to use magic. We wanted him dead, but we did not kill him as we tied him down.
He laid there in pain, unable to move and choking on his blood.

WITCHE'S BEAST *(needs editing )Where stories live. Discover now