Chapter 12

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I opened my eyes and came face to face with sleeping Eve, she is truly beautiful even in her sleep. She wrapped her thigh over me and her body is pressed on mine. I really felt aroused my manhood was hard-pressed against her, I did not even get enough sleep as my beast wanted her, and we had her here with us. The need to mark her was driving me insane. Her body was begging so ready to bare my mark, I rubbed the part between her neck and shoulder she let out a moan and my beast let out a growl. He didn't like it how she teased and taunted us, the need was driving me insane. I respected her wishes and would let her have her ceremony since it meant a lot to her, but I could see how hard that was getting, even she could not control herself.

She opened her eyes meeting mine staring right at her, she smiled brush my face" morning aaro..." I kissed her, she put her hand on my chest” I need to brush my teeth.” I pulled her back to me, I held her for a few minutes before letting her go, she got up, rushing to the bathroom.

I got up to take a shower and prepare to meet the oracle. I hoped she would find the words to speak as my father would get her tortured to speak. We needed to know who she was working with and what they were plotting. She had betrayed her kind to stay in our pack to seal magic out of our lands, and now she was working with the enemy against us.My father trusted her, but she betrayed his trust by unveiling her true nature, and she knew too much about us and our pack. I fear Evelina does not betray me one day, as Eric warned me. I only understood a little when it came to witches, and I was learning bit by bit from my mate.

I came out of the bathroom I met my beautiful mate, she was busy doing her hair.” I have to meet Larissa as she had asked me to learn the ways of pack life” she was not happy about that, she turned to look at me.

“you don't have to go today, you know you can…"she did not even let me finish as spoke.”I will go with you.” I smiled, she liked being by our side, I guess.

We headed to the kitchen, where my family was seated having breakfast.
I greeted before sitting down. My mate sat down next to me, mother decided to put some bacon on my plate but Even pulled the plate away from her. The motion was shocking as everyone froze looking at her.

“I got it.” she spoke, my mother smiled and set the plate free of her hold. Eve confused me, but my beast was happy that she shared caring towards us. Eve started putting pancakes and sausages, the look on her face was amusing as it seemed as though she won an internal battle.

Lyra walked in looking a little pale, she sat down, the little which was spending a lot of time around Daniel and my mother did not approve of it. He warned Daniel about it but, of course, Danny did as he pleased, with the full moon getting closer, unmated werewolves would suffer the effects of it and I am sure Danny was shagging the little witch to relief himself of the heat he was suffering from. Daniel was sitting next to the witch, and it was his next action that caught everyone's attention, he took food from his plate and placed it on hers, this was a gesture of caring and providing for what was his 'mate'. Larissa stood up, fully upset, but Daniel's eyes locked onto the little witch.

“Daniel!” Larissa was furious at Danny and everyone looking shocked.

“ Daniel what do you think you are doing, you cannot just go about doing things.” Larissa was disgusted, but why? I understood that Daniel simply made a mistake, but why would mother be so furious and disgusted on that not knowing Daniel he never made a mistake and this wasn't. I fully started to understand the situation, but Evelina seemed to have too, as she spoke her next words, setting the entire room into chaos.

“His your mate.” this wasn't a question but a statement, Lyra looked so shocked that her truth was now exposed here.

“what nonse Evelina." Larissa getting even more irritated,”what is she saying, Daniel?” Eric asked if the room was getting noisy, everyone needed clarity.

“I think you should all relax a bit of to give them time to answer.” I spoke looking at Danny. He sat still collected, not even moved by the chaos.

“It's true” He brushed his hair with hid hand, Lyra was facing down as if ashamed, but this wasn't a shame. She should be proud.

“is this the new norm for us, I will never mate with a witch as I would kill, this curse is spreading here, and it was all brought by this witch!"  Eric spoke, pointing at my Eve who almost chocked with her saliva. “ That's not true, I cannot will the power to change fate but Goddess.” Evelyn defended herself, but Eric was fuming and unable to control his wolf who wanted nothing but my mate's blood, and he was shifting to his wolf, but my wolf snapped at him, joined by Daniel.

We both biting and taring into his skin, we had him down, my anger towards him was stronger than it should have as I meant to teach him a way to respect my mate, but my beast wanted him dead. Daniel tried to stop me, but my wolf snapped at him, tearing at his flesh, I saw red, and I lost control of my humanity as the beast side took full control.

“Aaron you are going to kill him, someone gets the alpha now!!!” my mother was screaming, but my beast had pushed me far away to reach him.

“Evelina, please stop him?” she was begging her, I was going for the kill move, but Evelina threw herself in front of Eric. “mercy… have mercy.”  she spoke in submission, my eyes cleared, and I was able to see them clear now my beast was at this moment showing mercy as he licked our mates cheek, she brushed his hair and I shifted back to my human form.

I looked at Daniel laying next to Eric who looked terribly injured and guilt ate my soul, parts of me covered with blood, my brother's blood whom I almost killed. I walked towards him and tried touching him, but he flinched in fear and my chest hurt like I was stabbed by a thousand daggers, Eve held my hand in hers.

“what happened here?” my father was too late," someone gets Maria here now.” I walked out as everyone moved away from me in fear, my heart sore, I was a true monster and I would kill anything if angered. I was a danger and a force not to be reckoned with.

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