Chapter 36

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When you adore a person, they turn out to be part of who you are. I thought I had known Sia but she hid so much from me, I only knew a shadow of her pain, yet she knew me like the back of her hand. The werewolves had put her through hell and here I was bringing her to live with them, and everyday she must have lived her nightmares. What, I felt, was guilt and I had failed her and now apprehended by them and being forced to tell the truth to them for me, this was killing me inside.

She was terribly tortured and bruises laced her skin and she sat there laughing and crying all at once, and she had been broken too many times.

I, too, was not perfect, and I would rather die than to give up my own like this and this council was full of shit.

"Alexander you revealed the nature of some werewolves.” I struck a nerve as they all spoke, yelling at me, and I saw Aaron disliked what I said.

“you watch how you speak in here, Everlina." Simon spoke as he gave me a cold stare, but I knew how bitter the truth tasted and not a single person wanted it.

Aaron stood and walked to Sia he helped her to stand as he told the guard next to her to remove the chains.

"Aaron what are you doing?"it was Alexander who spoke as he got pretty upset by Aaron's actions, Larissa gave me a glance as though she wanted me to stop him, but I didn't dare.

“I am doing what is right here, and you all are going to sit there and act like you did not hear shit she just said."Aaron did not care anymore.

"who are you siding with right now ?"Aaron took out a hanky and gave Sia to wipe her face. Larissa wanted to get involved, but Gideon stopped her.

“I side with the truth and I stand by doing the right thing and right now, I see a witch wronged by our kind, you all sit there like you did not hear her.” Aaron stood by us, and I was truly blessed to be his and admired him.

“You dare speak…" Simon was rudely interrupted by Daniel, who joined us.

“Her family was brutally killed and she taken against her will, tortured and in self-defense she turned to her magic, and now it was punishing our kind for what they did to her.”Daniel had every wolf in the room growling.

“we stayed for months with her, she did nothing to harm us, and she fought for our cause in Warrodah, if we all can bury the hate we hold for one another and make peace between our kind and the witches than there would be no more curses and killing." Everyone was silent at Aaron's proclamations.

Simon wanted to speak, but Henry stopped him as looked at Gideon, and it seems they had a plan.

“These witches did not pose a threat to my pack but simply helped Everlina and we were unaware of the curse Sia carried, but if I may ask why did Alexander decided to recruit an oracle of my pack without my permission and have her a spy in my pack.” Gideon spoke as his brother Gale entered the room, and the two brothers were planning something. It was simple manners to have your arrival in another pack's land. Alexander's true intentions have been revealed here.

All eyes had been on Alexander, and he was panicking.” It's not like that, Gideon.” Alexander tried to explain himself, but it was like that and that's how we saw it.

“As we speak here, I have no idea how Agatha was brought here, as she was held in our holding cell for trying to harm my sons.” Agatha shifted uncomfortably, Alexander attempted to speak as he could not respond, I smiled as I saw him lose the battle he started.

“In all of this is, I saw how well werewolves can work with witches, as Alexander is an example of this." Gale smiled as his words carried the insult.

“Alexander you couldn't obey a simple rule in our code of conduct ." Henry spoke, while many members of the council agreed with him. Alexander sat down, defeated and embarrassed.

“Agatha you will be sent to Tiberus to be trialed for your crime." one of the witches spoke, Agatha fell on her feeding shaking her head no. She finally got what she deserved.

"Aaron we are the five moonlight witches of this council. To prove that you are indeed a true Alpha King, you will be sent to another realm for ten days where you must fight for survival. If you are a true Alpha king, you will return to us but if not, you will forever be lost.”
There was no way this was happening, He could not do this but Aaron accepted this trial, but he was a wolf and to embark on a journey that involves magic wasn't quite right.

“Everlina will remain with your pack unharmed, for now, Sia must return with us as we will have the spell reversed.” moonlight witches is a new to me, they were here making the ruling.

Alexander was stripped the rights to belong to the council as he failed them.
I had a day to be with Aaron as he had to embark on this journey. I was worried, and he was going to be alone.

“let me come with you, Aaron?” I knew he wouldn't let, but I simply tried my luck.

“it only ten days Eve and I will be back here, and I believe that I will return, and  I know the Moon Goddess doesn't make mistakes so trust in me, and please stay strong for us.” I needed to support him by allowing him to do this, but I still felt unsettled.

He held my belly as he kissed it and placed an ear to hear our babies.
“Don't trouble mommy now.” I laughed, and he stood up, kissed me, and we kissed each for a bit before he walked out, and the moonlight witches awaited for him. He walked up to his brother Mason and said something to him, but I couldn't hear what he said as they both looked at me and mason nodded.

He hugged me one last time before pulling away.”I love you Even, please have hope, I promise to be back.” I could feel myself tearing up, and this was going to be a lonely ten days.

“I love you.” I said it softly, and he heard in the distance as he stopped and looked back before carrying on.

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